So, I'm sure this has been asked before, but I hadn't seen it lately, and maybe I need to bring this up in the Committee Meeting, but is there a way that we could possibly restrict people from being "voted" into advanced unless they go through the mentor program? Or at least make it so they have to have at least a 5 to be considered for the advanced reviewer?
I know when I signed up I had NO clue as to what I was doing, and if I was told in order to become an advanced reviewer you must go through the mentor program first or have at least a 5 rating, I totally would have LOVED it! I did horrible on my first reviews and didn't know I could go back in and edit them until it was too late. Finally I found the mentor program and learned more about what to do, and how to get around in here. I just think it would help the new reviewers coming in and increase the community.
Or heck, possibly an email when they sign up saying something about how the mentor program could help you learn the community and how to write great reviews and such.
And just one more thing, if they join the mentor program, maybe could there be a restriction on being voted to an advanced reviewer while in class?? Just some ideas I was thinking about and I am SOOOO SORRY if this has been mentioned already!
I know when I signed up I had NO clue as to what I was doing, and if I was told in order to become an advanced reviewer you must go through the mentor program first or have at least a 5 rating, I totally would have LOVED it! I did horrible on my first reviews and didn't know I could go back in and edit them until it was too late. Finally I found the mentor program and learned more about what to do, and how to get around in here. I just think it would help the new reviewers coming in and increase the community.
Or heck, possibly an email when they sign up saying something about how the mentor program could help you learn the community and how to write great reviews and such.
And just one more thing, if they join the mentor program, maybe could there be a restriction on being voted to an advanced reviewer while in class?? Just some ideas I was thinking about and I am SOOOO SORRY if this has been mentioned already!