I had intended to use the standard format, but accidentally clicked the extended, wrote up the whole review before I even noticed, and now see no way of editing this. =( Is there a way to change this?
Changing the review format?
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You can copy and paste all the sections you've done into a word document, then clear the form on Eden. If I empty a form entirely, I've found that I can go back to my assignment cart and select the type of review again. Then you should still have all of your info you've written in the word document. Fingers crossed!
Ooh, I'll try that out. Thank you!!
Sadly, deleting everything from the form didn't work for me. =( Bummer I can't figure this out.
If you've saved the review (any part of it) in one format, you can't switch formats, unfortunately. MaryExy's advice is good, but only if you haven't saved anything yet.
Oh crap. Gotcha. Thank you for letting me know. I'll try not to make that mistake again. =/
Ever try writing the review entirely in Word and then copy/pasting it into a template?
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