This might help for those who never noticed.
Copied from the ? box by the editor rating area:
Votes for the editor should be based on the spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation in a review. These votes help Eden determine if an editor is consistent in their proofreading and good enough to be in the Proofreading Program. If you found no errors while reading, the editor did an 'excellent' job. If you found one error or a few areas that were questionable, but overall the review was well read, the editor did a 'good' job. If you found two or more obvious errors, the editor did a 'poor' job
So by that a missed comma or spelled word would be "good". That all makes sense to me. Their job is to edit, so voting excellent when there are a couple mistakes doesn't help anyone.
I do vote on editors about half the time, but there is not much incentive really. I already am pretty sure I have had retaliatory votes from voting on an editors work as poor, because it's obvious when 1 or 2 people have voted, who voted what (ie: voting my review 'Not useful at all' when it has nothing but EU votes in response to an editing vote). But when a review is full of mistakes, that is what you are supposed to do! I've found myself voting good a few times, when I should be voting poor, because I don't want the backlash.
I don't think names should appear on editing voting, so people can be more honest. I have people on my follow list that are nice, well meaning people, but they lack grammar skills and I feel bad voting them down when it's necessary, so I sometimes vote good instead of poor or abstain altogether, so they don't think I have some vendetta against them.