Big welcomes are in order for Emma (Girl With Fire) and Monty who have joined the Eden Staff!
Emma has been around for a long time as a reviewer and active member of the community. She was recruited to our SMAT team to help with social media, and started helping Gary with Porn Club. Because she was so awesome with the social media stuffs, we hired her on as our Social Media Coordinator for Eden Cafe. This means she manages the content of the Eden Cafe Twitter account and is the face of the Eden Community Facebook Page.
Monty handles a lot of the relations work for our Affiliate Program and Eden Personal Stores program. He gets new affiliates involved in our programs and helps people find what affiliate tools would work well for them. Monty also works with Kris on proposals and other affiliate-related projects. His affiliate marketing experience is invaluable in team meetings for helping develop new program ideas and directions, and we're really glad to have him on board!
So make sure that you give lots of big hugs and welcomes to Emma and Monty!!!

So make sure that you give lots of big hugs and welcomes to Emma and Monty!!!