Adult Video Reviews

Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
NOTE: Our video review guidelines are now completely updated and available for viewing on the Support and FAQ section.

Hey guys!

Time for another update on the video review program.

As you may have noticed in the last video review rumble, we're trying a new sort of video out. More specifically, adult videos.

We've been getting more of these submitted lately so I wanted to be sure everyone knows that this is an approved subcategory of video and something we're actually very excited about.

A couple of points that are probably important to all of you as community members and may answer some of the questions you may have:

1. These adult videos do not take the place of a video review. They are, like in house sneak peeks and manufacturer commercials, in a different category. So someone doing an adult video on a product does not mean it's "out of the running" for a standard video review. Standard videos can still be done on these products.

2. We've asked these people to do these videos so they are 100% welcome by us as a company. They're not being done to garner extra attention or without approval. We approve! We love them! They fill a niche that was not being filled on EdenFantasys and appeal to a different audience than a standard review might appeal to.

3. Anyone who wants to become involved can do this type of video. It is not a select group and we're not discriminating against anyone. We'd love to see you and you and you do them, too! Anyone who feels comfortable with it is absolutely welcome.

4. We realize not everyone is going to like the adult videos. To be frank, not everyone likes regular video reviews either. People find different things useful and inspiring, that's just a plain old fact. We want our selection of videos to be broad and to appeal to people on many levels, not just an informative one. (Remember, EdenTube, where the videos are hosted, is a site in and of itself with an audience that is not necessarily reading all the reviews here on the main site. It's out own mini YouTube!) Take a look at t.v. You see serious commercials, funny commercials, sexy commercials, all sorts of commercials. Not every commercial is created to be informative, many are created just to inspire people to take a look at a product. People are visual and having videos that are different than an informative, fact filled review is really appealing for a lot of people. We already have a wonderful, amazing review community full of people who really care about educating our customers and giving them the best information out there while they're shopping our site. We're not trying to replace that or take away from that. We're trying to add to it, to round out the EF experience, to add fun, sensuality, creativity, to bring pleasure to our customers. We sell pleasure, right?

5. We've taken a lot of care to be sure that everyone knows the videos are adult in nature and do contain nudity so those who disapprove of this type of video can avoid watching them. We don't want to force nudity on anyone but we are quite enjoying spicing things up a bit! Please be open minded and help us maintain a sex positive community - even if you don't like the adult videos, let's not make those who do, or those who do them, feel bad. If they're not your thing, just don't watch them!

6. Please keep in mind, as reviewers (because most of our active forum community is made up of you rockin' reviewers), that these videos are not meant to replace a review. Voting and rating should be based upon the text review, just as they should be with any review with video added. Not everyone can do videos so voting and rating should be based upon the standard text everyone can do. Rank is not effected by adding video to your review, no matter what sort of video it is. Rating and voting should not be effected, either.

7. We're always looking for ways to make more awesome the awesomesauce that is the Eden community. If you have ideas for creative content, different sorts of videos, shoot them our way! We LOVE the informative video reviews that have been being done for the past year. LOVE them. But we're always looking to add in fun, sexiness and creativity, as well! Our customers are all different so what appeals to us may not appeal to John Doe or Jane Smith, you know? Even if adult videos aren't your thing, keep in mind that creativity and fun are good! And that we welcome YOUR creative and fun ideas, too!

So! Having said all this, I hope there is some clarity when it comes to these adult videos and that some questions have been answered. If you have questions, please, please ask them! I'm happy to answer.

Also, if you're interested in video reviews in general the guidelines for doing them are here. Have a read and join in; adult, standard, whatever works for you!

My email is carrieann@edenfantasys .com so you can reach me there or feel free to ask here on the forum, either is fine.
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Contributor: Not here Not here
Thanks for making this post, Carrie Ann! It definitely cleared up any questions I had about the Adult Reviews. I'm so excited to do another one, they're tons of fun!

Any word on when the next Video Review Rumble will be?
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
NOTE: Our video review guidelines are now completely updated and available for viewing on the Support and FAQ section.Hey guys!Time for another update on the video review program. As you may have noticed in the last video review rumble, we're ... more
I was hoping for a post on this! Thanks for all the info. #1 was most important to me and I'm very glad to hear that information in particular. I just hope that they don't get more "nude" as time goes on. I say that because I can see - neg. consequences poss. happening. But what doesn't have the possibility of both sides right? I just hope that this new avenue doesn't draw a crowd that thinks eden is something it is not. I absolutely loved Rockin's video review and I hope to see more like it. It was a lot of fun to watch! I'm so glad it was allowed and she had the guts to do it! I also think it's great that there is a disclaimer...don't like it, you don't have to click play. I love the idea behind introducing these videos. I hope it has positive effects.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Yay, very awesomesauce
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I was hoping for a post on this! Thanks for all the info. #1 was most important to me and I'm very glad to hear that information in particular. I just hope that they don't get more "nude" as time goes on. I say that because I can ... more
I loved Rockin's video, too. (I quite literally cheered and hollared from my desk when I saw it, complete with arm pump and "WAY TO GO, ROCKIN!!!!) It was done as an actual review, however, and many of these are not. They are simply videos, not intended to be reviews. A visual feast but not a review. I really want to make sure people keep that in mind, keep a sex positive attitude and do not make anyone feel bad for being more nude or less informative, especially when we're asking for sensual, entertaining nudity and not information.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I wouldn't mind if people wanted to show more. It's entirely up to them, being willing adult participants in a program.

I like how these videos aren't just reviews and aren't full on commercials or demonstrations. They're fun vignettes.

I can't wait to see what else people put in their videos, nude or non-nude. Our community is just generally chock full of grooviness and positivity.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Originally posted by Not here
Thanks for making this post, Carrie Ann! It definitely cleared up any questions I had about the Adult Reviews. I'm so excited to do another one, they're tons of fun!

Any word on when the next Video Review Rumble will be?

Keep an eye out this week.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
I loved Rockin's video, too. (I quite literally cheered and hollared from my desk when I saw it, complete with arm pump and "WAY TO GO, ROCKIN!!!!) It was done as an actual review, however, and many of these are not. They are simply videos, ... more
LOL really? That's awesome. I didn't know that was different from what you are talking about. I get cha now. When these first came out I was really confused. It definitely helps knowing what is being asked, and not expected for these type.

I meant more like, insertion of toys, not more skin. Sensual, entertaining nudity sounds awesome. Are there currently rules on what isn't allowed?
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
We asked for these videos. WE WANT THESE VIDEOS. We want creativity, silliness, sexy stuff, and FUN! Nudity is fine - this is an adult website. So, showing realistic dildos and realistic pussies is fine in videos, but a person showing their real body is not? Whaaaat?

Carrie was very clear - these do not just "replace" video reviews.

I think being too controlling over how people express themselves is very negative. Everyone has their own idea of what they want to do - these videos are individual approaches to being playful. More nude, less nude -- whatever, it's up to each person. We have a place for any kind of content - inclusiveness is the point. Something for everyone.

If you don't like them, don't watch them.
Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
I loved Rockin's video, too. (I quite literally cheered and hollared from my desk when I saw it, complete with arm pump and "WAY TO GO, ROCKIN!!!!) It was done as an actual review, however, and many of these are not. They are simply videos, ... more
@Lauren and Carrie Ann - Y'all are making me blush over here. ^_^ Thanks for your support.

I am so glad you posted about this Carrie Ann. I feel much more informed about what I can do with a video, and might make some sexier ones, we'll see. Thanks for making this post, I love having a comprehensive list of guidelines to refer to. (god, could I sound nerdier?)
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
LOL really? That's awesome. I didn't know that was different from what you are talking about. I get cha now. When these first came out I was really confused. It definitely helps knowing what is being asked, and not expected for these type. ... more
Yes. For the most part, no penetration and no close up genital shots. Pretty much anything else is cool.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Victoria
We asked for these videos. WE WANT THESE VIDEOS. We want creativity, silliness, sexy stuff, and FUN! Nudity is fine - this is an adult website. So, showing realistic dildos and realistic pussies is fine in videos, but a person showing their real body ... more
The site does have those "leafs" on products with nudity though, so yea it is a bit of a contradiction. Not me, but some people find a huge difference between real bodies and realistic products.

I don't think anyone is confused in this thread though. I got what Carrie Ann said the first time. She was very clear. Thanks for that btw. You answered all my questions!

"I think being too controlling over how people express themselves is very negative. Everyone has their own idea of what they want to do." This goes for opinions too. I think that for the people who will read this, they shouldn't be afraid to express themselves either.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Yes. For the most part, no penetration and no close up genital shots. Pretty much anything else is cool.
Those sound like great rules. I would consider doing one for certain lingerie, but that's about it for me.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Thanks for post Carrie Ann. Answered a few of my questions.

I so enjoy seeing people of the community having so much fun with these video's, and why not? As it has been said, "This is a sex positive community"!

Keep up the good work Eden. Your hard work is appreciated!

My hat is off to those with the courage to do these video's, Not to sure if I could do something like that.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
The site does have those "leafs" on products with nudity though, so yea it is a bit of a contradiction. Not me, but some people find a huge difference between real bodies and realistic products.

I don't think anyone is confused ... more
Right - so let's not try to polarize people every chance we get, shall we?

The Eden Staff are the most informed and thus the best to answer questions, and the most able to make changes quickly when there is constructive feedback.

Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Victoria
Right - so let's not try to polarize people every chance we get, shall we?

The Eden Staff are the most informed and thus the best to answer questions, and the most able to make changes quickly when there is constructive feedback.

That's why I'm asking Carrie Ann the questions and giving constructive feedback. Your welcome!
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
BUMP! Want to make sure lots of y'all see this since there have been lots of questions!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Victoria
We asked for these videos. WE WANT THESE VIDEOS. We want creativity, silliness, sexy stuff, and FUN! Nudity is fine - this is an adult website. So, showing realistic dildos and realistic pussies is fine in videos, but a person showing their real body ... more
I like to watch the Adult reviews! (Amanda is gorgeous! And Rockin' has an amazing shape, as well as a great bf to help out!) I am still working up the nerve to do something like this. If I only had my "pre-baby making" body back.

I think these are a great addition to Eden.
Contributor: Heartthrob Heartthrob
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
NOTE: Our video review guidelines are now completely updated and available for viewing on the Support and FAQ section.Hey guys!Time for another update on the video review program. As you may have noticed in the last video review rumble, we're ... more
Thanks for the post. I can see where adult videos would be desirable to some and undesirable to others. I didn't know about these until the post. I looked some up and they are very different but fun. Great job.
Contributor: Envy Envy
I'm a bit confused. So this is like the equivalent of Bad Dragon's Toypics site? People using the items they got to review?

For those that don't know, Toypics is here: link
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Originally posted by Envy
I'm a bit confused. So this is like the equivalent of Bad Dragon's Toypics site? People using the items they got to review?

For those that don't know, Toypics is here: link
No. It's erotic, sensual, fun, creative videos that display the toy but not the toy in use.
Contributor: Envy Envy
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
No. It's erotic, sensual, fun, creative videos that display the toy but not the toy in use.
Ahhhhhhh, okay, thanks for clarifying, I was really confused. >.>;
Contributor: sophie2229 sophie2229
Originally posted by Victoria
We asked for these videos. WE WANT THESE VIDEOS. We want creativity, silliness, sexy stuff, and FUN! Nudity is fine - this is an adult website. So, showing realistic dildos and realistic pussies is fine in videos, but a person showing their real body ... more
While I agree that peoples' creativity and personality shouldn't be stifled, at the end of the day EF is a brand and the quality of the reviews and videos (and adult videos) is a reflection on EF.

What would you do if someone took it "too far?" In my opinion, there should be a line of tastefulness, not because we don't want to offend people, but because having these "ads" that are too explicit (negatively - in my opinion) change the image of EF.

I think that anyone who does an adult video should have to write a tentative (or very very basic) outline of what they plan to do and have it be approved by an administrator.

DISCLAIMER: Personally, I don't really care what other people do, and I'm not easily offended. Obviously I'm not planning on being a part of this program as I won't show my face/body in reviews. But I generally think it's important to have quality measures in place to maintain EF's reputation as a "non-sleazy" retailer.
Contributor: Sir Sir
I think that they're great, honestly, and I'm happy that Eden is becoming more adult in nature, but doing it in a classy way!
Contributor: sophie2229 sophie2229
Originally posted by Sir
I think that they're great, honestly, and I'm happy that Eden is becoming more adult in nature, but doing it in a classy way!
I guess Carrie Ann drew the line in her comment, but I do think my question is still valid
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Originally posted by sophie2229
I guess Carrie Ann drew the line in her comment, but I do think my question is still valid
We actually just unpublish anything that is over the top. We unpublish regular video, too, if the lighting is really bad or the sound quality off.
Contributor: sophie2229 sophie2229
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
We actually just unpublish anything that is over the top. We unpublish regular video, too, if the lighting is really bad or the sound quality off.
good to know!
Contributor: Serendipity Serendipity
glad to see this discussion. i love the concept of the video reviews, especially getting a good look at the actual size of the product (i know the sizes are in the product description but seeing them in someone's hand definitely helps) as well as hearing the toy in the video.

I stumbled across one of these adult videos and was slightly confused by it but enjoyed it nonetheless.

creative is always good.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Originally posted by Serendipity
glad to see this discussion. i love the concept of the video reviews, especially getting a good look at the actual size of the product (i know the sizes are in the product description but seeing them in someone's hand definitely helps) as well as ... more
Glad you enjoyed.
Contributor: Maiden Maiden
Originally posted by Victoria
We asked for these videos. WE WANT THESE VIDEOS. We want creativity, silliness, sexy stuff, and FUN! Nudity is fine - this is an adult website. So, showing realistic dildos and realistic pussies is fine in videos, but a person showing their real body ... more
I agree. We are all adults here. The human body is beautiful. I for one have wanted to see how certain things look on real bodies. Not just lingerie and pasties, but cock rings and cages too. Some of that stuff doesn't come with instructions and can be confusing. I don't know if EF would allow genitals in the review, even if some one was brave enough to show them, but I think it would help. My man did a review on a T style cock and ball strap and had a hard time describing how it goes on. I know when we got it, seeing some one put it on would have saved us MONTHS of trial and error to get it to work for us.