2010 Holiday Coupon for all Contributors

Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by Kestrel
I checked and there was an email from 12/4 in my spam folder. It was a regular looking Eden Newsletter - "It's Couples' Time", with a 15% off coupon. Is that the one?
No, that is not the holiday coupon.
Contributor: Gary Gary

- The coupon emails went out yesterday, you all should have received your Holiday Coupon by now.

- A lot of people found their coupon in there spam folder (myself included). Please make sure that you add the EF address to your contact and mark the email as not being spam to avoid this happening in the future.

- For those of you who did not receive a coupon, first check your spam folder. If you cannot find it... then email JR at almon@edenfantas ys.com and let him know that you did not get a coupon and he will resend you your coupon.

- The discount varies according to contributor rank.
Contributor: Raggedy Andie Raggedy Andie
I received mine just fine. Thank you so very much!
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
Originally posted by Gary

- The coupon emails went out yesterday, you all should have received your Holiday Coupon by now.

- A lot of people found their coupon in there spam folder (myself included). Please make sure that you add the EF address to your ... more
Which email address did this coupon come from? I get the newsletters and alerts fine, but if there's a different address I'll add that as well

*leaves the light on for my lost coupon*
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
Thank you! Merry Christmas to me! (oh, and you too!)
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
Which email address did this coupon come from? I get the newsletters and alerts fine, but if there's a different address I'll add that as well

*leaves the light on for my lost coupon*
It should be the same as the newsletters. And like I just mentioned... if you cant find it, email JR. Everyone gets a coupon!
Contributor: Misfit Momma Misfit Momma
I didn't get one either, not even in spam...
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
Originally posted by Gary
It should be the same as the newsletters. And like I just mentioned... if you cant find it, email JR. Everyone gets a coupon!
I did; I just wanted to make sure that there wasn't another email address that might've gotten blocked or something, because I know I get the newsletters.

Thank you, Gary!
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Now I'm all baffled and confused at what I should be buying! I want it all! And I think I'm actually going to be using all my Edenpoints this time too!
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
Thank You! That was a much-needed discount. I used every GC I had too. I love you guys! Merry Xmas to me. Hubby can use his own coupon now (mine was for more anyhow!)
Contributor: onehotmomma onehotmomma
ahhh I didn't get mine, even in my spam, but I emailed JR, so hopefully soon. I just don't know what to buy!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Gary

- The coupon emails went out yesterday, you all should have received your Holiday Coupon by now.

- A lot of people found their coupon in there spam folder (myself included). Please make sure that you add the EF address to your ... more
Also, let me know your contributor rank too please!

Thank you!
Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
Originally posted by Gary

- The coupon emails went out yesterday, you all should have received your Holiday Coupon by now.

- A lot of people found their coupon in there spam folder (myself included). Please make sure that you add the EF address to your ... more
Emailed JR! I have all the eden email accounts in my contacts, but I haven't even seen mine is spam. I may have missed it, or deleted it before I knew it was there... lol

@ Eden!
Contributor: Lucidity Lucidity
You guys are the best! Thankyouthankyou!
Also, thanks for telling me to fish this out of my spam folder >.<
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Gary

- The coupon emails went out yesterday, you all should have received your Holiday Coupon by now.

- A lot of people found their coupon in there spam folder (myself included). Please make sure that you add the EF address to your ... more
HHHMmmm I definitely have eden in my address book but didn't receive one. Emailing...
Contributor: Sir Sir
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
HHHMmmm I definitely have eden in my address book but didn't receive one. Emailing...
Yeah, I didn't get one either. What email do we send it to?
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
I didn't get mine either. E-mailing... come home little lost coupon code.

Edit: I got it now thank you JR.
Contributor: Sir Sir
How do we know how much our coupon is for?

Edit: Nevermind, got it!!!
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
I love all of the "Edits"
Contributor: VanillaFreeSex VanillaFreeSex
Thanks bunches, will be sure to check my inbox.
Contributor: clp clp
Glad this thread was bumped up. I was waiting to make my purchase until I got this coupon, and only started investigating today.
I'll email you in a moment, JR.

Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Cool! I wish I had known. I spent around $200.00 last week.

I didn't get the coupon either, though. Nothing in my SPAM folder.
Contributor: Envy Envy
I didn't get the coupon either. Is it too late to send the e-mail and ask?
Contributor: Kestrel Kestrel
Thanks! Just placed my order. Next up: figuring out a storage solution. Seriously. Things are getting out of hand.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I'm glad I could help out!

If you haven't gotten a coupon yet, you can email me with your contributor ranking and I'll get it to you.

Anyone get something they'd been looking forward to? Anyone get the Eleven or Liberator? Get a mess of rabbit vibes?
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Gary
It should be the same as the newsletters. And like I just mentioned... if you cant find it, email JR. Everyone gets a coupon!
I wonder if the folks who has not received it are not signed up for newsletters?
Contributor: Sir Sir
Thank you so much for the coupon, guys! This was really helpful for me, I really appreciate it!
Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
Thank you for the Coupon, and a special Thanks to Mr. JR! Thank you messaging me ON a Saturday, your day off to get me the code. That was incredible gracious!

I didn't even get mine in a spam box Thanks again JR
Contributor: Pandahb Pandahb
Originally posted by Gary
It should be the same as the newsletters. And like I just mentioned... if you cant find it, email JR. Everyone gets a coupon!
Emailed, I'm not sure why I didn't receive it. I look through at least 5 eden updates a day.
Contributor: bradav bradav

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