She was so quick to respond to people. I enjoyed reading her posts and responses. :/ Hugs to you Stormy!
#Announcement - Goodbye Stormy
If you're reading this, I want you to know that you have always been a friendly, funny, smart, helpful, and reassuring voice on the forums since you started here. I've enjoyed the few times we got to chat a bit, and I'll miss seeing you around all the time! Wishing you all the best in whatever you choose to do next.
If you're reading this, I want you to know that you have always been a friendly, funny, smart, helpful, and reassuring voice on the forums since you started here. I've enjoyed the few times we got to chat a bit, and I'll miss seeing you around all the time! Wishing you all the best in whatever you choose to do next.
I'm sorry to see you go, Stormy. You will be misse. Be well and good luck in your next adventure.
This is sad to hear; Stormy has been fixture here for as long as I've been a member.
Wishing you all the best in the future.
Wishing you all the best in the future.
That sucks. She was always very helpful Good luck, in whatever you do Stormy.
Best wishes! You were always helpful and VERY QUICK to respond! Thanks!
Will she still be around the community?
I seriously thought this post had a different meaning since it was so sudden! Happy it wasn't the worse.
I seriously thought this post had a different meaning since it was so sudden! Happy it wasn't the worse.

Wow--now I am done crying for a friend, I can write...

Stormy--I am sorry you felt you had to leave, that for whatever reasons be it the fallout from people over the points change or other reasons. You will be deeply missed by those of us who got to know you through your admin. duties and through messaging!!! I will miss you terribly and hope you will continue to keep in touch! Huge Hugs!!!

Sorry to see her go. I didn't see any personal attacks on her and hope there weren't any and that she's got her own reasons for leaving.
Best of luck Stormy and yes, you'll be missed.
Best of luck Stormy and yes, you'll be missed.
I'm not even sure what happened, but I'm so very sorry to see you go, Stormy. You will be greatly missed by us as should be obvious to you by this thread. You were an amazing member. Good luck to you and all of your future endeavors.
Hey everyone, thank you for the outpouring of love and support. When I can read this thread and not cry like a two year old, I'll respond more in depth. I will continue to contribute to Edenfantasys, I will simply no longer serve in an administrative capacity. I am going to take a few days and get the head right, but you'll see me around soon enough.
I hope so! I'd hate to think you were gone for good! You are a valued member of the Eden community!
Originally posted by
Hey everyone, thank you for the outpouring of love and support. When I can read this thread and not cry like a two year old, I'll respond more in depth. I will continue to contribute to Edenfantasys, I will simply no longer serve in an
Hey everyone, thank you for the outpouring of love and support. When I can read this thread and not cry like a two year old, I'll respond more in depth. I will continue to contribute to Edenfantasys, I will simply no longer serve in an administrative capacity. I am going to take a few days and get the head right, but you'll see me around soon enough.
That's so sad!!! She will be sorely missed!!
Oh, I hope that wasn't the case! Such a shame, no one should have made her feel the need to resign because they're selfish on getting points...I mean, I was a tiny bit disappointed with a few of the changes, but they made a lot of sense! Such a shame...I wish her luck, wherever she goes!
Originally posted by
Chilipepper, Stormy resigned. My best understanding is that the quite horrendous reaction to the point changes (I'm sure there are other factors as well) caused a lot of negative stuff being thrown at Stormy.
I think it is ridiculous that ... more
I think it is ridiculous that ... more
Chilipepper, Stormy resigned. My best understanding is that the quite horrendous reaction to the point changes (I'm sure there are other factors as well) caused a lot of negative stuff being thrown at Stormy.
I think it is ridiculous that it came to someone resigning from a job they were GREAT at, but I suppose in an internet community where a LOT of people expect everything to be perfect at all times stuff happens occasionally. less
I think it is ridiculous that it came to someone resigning from a job they were GREAT at, but I suppose in an internet community where a LOT of people expect everything to be perfect at all times stuff happens occasionally. less
Yea! She's not leaving forever!
I was quite surprised to learn this from Stormy herself when I messaged her about something. It was very sudden and it super sucks that she resigned but I do understand her reason/s.
Originally posted by
Hello Everyone, Stormy has decided to move on, and will no longer be working for EdenFantasys. She is a great person, and I had a great time this past year working with her. Along with all of you, we have been through quite a bit since she began last
Hello Everyone, Stormy has decided to move on, and will no longer be working for EdenFantasys. She is a great person, and I had a great time this past year working with her. Along with all of you, we have been through quite a bit since she began last March. I am very sad to see her go, but I wish her the very best. If you have any questions please contact me directly: gary@edenfantasys.comFor the time being, many of the community activities and weekly engagements will be put on hold. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Stormy, we will all miss you but we do hope you find something better to fill your time!
That's too bad, Stormy was cool and very active around here. EF is going through some changes and change is hard on people and sometimes they blow up. Stormy needs a good mini vacation. For me a couple nights out with friends getting wasted and my problems don't feel so bad anymore.
Glad you will be sticking around. Go clear your head and get you some you time.
Originally posted by
Hey everyone, thank you for the outpouring of love and support. When I can read this thread and not cry like a two year old, I'll respond more in depth. I will continue to contribute to Edenfantasys, I will simply no longer serve in an
Hey everyone, thank you for the outpouring of love and support. When I can read this thread and not cry like a two year old, I'll respond more in depth. I will continue to contribute to Edenfantasys, I will simply no longer serve in an administrative capacity. I am going to take a few days and get the head right, but you'll see me around soon enough.
Stormy, you're an amazing person and I am sad to see you go. You've been very helpful and I have been glad to see you around Eden Fantasys. I hope that wherever you go next, you will be happy and successful
So glad to hear that we'll still be seeing you around a bit. You take care of yourself, and do whatever you need to do.
Originally posted by
Hey everyone, thank you for the outpouring of love and support. When I can read this thread and not cry like a two year old, I'll respond more in depth. I will continue to contribute to Edenfantasys, I will simply no longer serve in an
Hey everyone, thank you for the outpouring of love and support. When I can read this thread and not cry like a two year old, I'll respond more in depth. I will continue to contribute to Edenfantasys, I will simply no longer serve in an administrative capacity. I am going to take a few days and get the head right, but you'll see me around soon enough.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear that you resigned, but I'm relieved to know you'll be staying within the community. Take a little time for yourself and come back whenever you're ready. I look forward to seeing you on the forums. I think you can tell by the many posts here, that a lot of people here appreciate you and love having you here!
Bye Stormy! I hope your life after Eden is amazing.
I'm so glad you'll still be around!
Originally posted by
Hey everyone, thank you for the outpouring of love and support. When I can read this thread and not cry like a two year old, I'll respond more in depth. I will continue to contribute to Edenfantasys, I will simply no longer serve in an
Hey everyone, thank you for the outpouring of love and support. When I can read this thread and not cry like a two year old, I'll respond more in depth. I will continue to contribute to Edenfantasys, I will simply no longer serve in an administrative capacity. I am going to take a few days and get the head right, but you'll see me around soon enough.
Thank you for all your help as an admin
Stormy has always been such a fundamental component of EdenFantasys since the day I joined. She does a brilliant job and will be very difficult to replace.
no, wait, you can't leave!!! what will I do w/o you??? what will all of us do??? you can't go, you just can't!
Originally posted by
Hey everyone, thank you for the outpouring of love and support. When I can read this thread and not cry like a two year old, I'll respond more in depth. I will continue to contribute to Edenfantasys, I will simply no longer serve in an
Hey everyone, thank you for the outpouring of love and support. When I can read this thread and not cry like a two year old, I'll respond more in depth. I will continue to contribute to Edenfantasys, I will simply no longer serve in an administrative capacity. I am going to take a few days and get the head right, but you'll see me around soon enough.
Originally posted by
Hey everyone, thank you for the outpouring of love and support. When I can read this thread and not cry like a two year old, I'll respond more in depth. I will continue to contribute to Edenfantasys, I will simply no longer serve in an
Hey everyone, thank you for the outpouring of love and support. When I can read this thread and not cry like a two year old, I'll respond more in depth. I will continue to contribute to Edenfantasys, I will simply no longer serve in an administrative capacity. I am going to take a few days and get the head right, but you'll see me around soon enough.
That's so sad to hear that you aren't going to be an admin anymore! You did an amazing job! You were always so helpful and kind and, and always responded so quickly! I loved that you made everyone feel welcome. I feel like you were kinda the Mom of the forums. I'm really glad to hear that you will still be a part of the community though. Whatever the reason was for your resigning, you gotta do what's best for you!!! Much love and kind feelings being sent your way ~* ~*~* ~*~~ <- (those are good vibration waves )
So sad! Especially if it had anything to do with the point changes! That was no one's fault, and she shouldn't have had to take the brunt of it.
Sorry to see you go Stormy. You are the best and we will all miss you
The point changes were a tough swallow but I always found that fact that Eden gives so much away to any old Tom Dick or Hairy that signs up to be pretty amazing anyway and there are other ways to earn points (like by writing for Sexis wink wink) so I think it's totally heinous that a group of people would lash out at an admin enough to cause her resignation. At the same time "Good for you Stormy that you have strong enough boundaries to do what's right for you and take care of you!!!!" Abuse is not something that any of us should EVER have to accept. Best wishes for your new endeavors!