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I tell my students when they start the class that I expect to keep in touch on a regular basis. If I don't hear from a student for 2 weeks I will send a message asking for an update. If I don't hear for another week I will send a message
I tell my students when they start the class that I expect to keep in touch on a regular basis. If I don't hear from a student for 2 weeks I will send a message asking for an update. If I don't hear for another week I will send a message asking them to please contact me, and let me know if there are any issues. If I don't hear for a week after that, I cancel the class. I think a month is more than enough time to expect someone to message me back. If there are some kind of special circumstances, they can always rejoin my class if they would like to.
I do the same. My message to these students consisted of:
1. I rarely give push assignments. (Of course she said she had nothing to review because she already reviewed everything she had, so I made an exception).
2. I expect the review to be written within 30 days and if there are family, health, etc. issues than I am very understanding. Just let me know. I wont go and cancel a class just because. I have a major illness so I understand.
And then I tell them about the rest of the requirements depending on what type of class they are looking for. Sometimes I require 2 reviews, sometimes I require 4 reviews. It depends what they want to get out of the class.
I think I'm definitely not going to offer push assignments until the 3rd or last review - if that.