I was really shocked, surprised, and honored when Miss Ness requested a class with me. I have always followed her reviews, and thought that she was a very good writer. She wanted help polishing her reviews and to get someone elses opinion on what could be added to make her reviews better. Of course, it didn't take many reviews to get to where she wanted to be.
Here are the two reviews we worked on together:
Turned This Skeptic Into a Believer
JO Agape Personal Lube
Miss Nessa was an absolute pleasure to work with. She is just as easy going as I am, and together we made quite the team.
So Eden Community, come and join me in giving Miss Nessa our congratulations!
Here are the two reviews we worked on together:
Turned This Skeptic Into a Believer
JO Agape Personal Lube
Miss Nessa was an absolute pleasure to work with. She is just as easy going as I am, and together we made quite the team.
So Eden Community, come and join me in giving Miss Nessa our congratulations!