Originally posted by
Carrie Ann
The idea of having to explain how I vote, explain my opinion, bothers me a lot. Voting is subjective. I don't think anyone should have to explain why they vote, be it for the presidential candidate of their choice or their opinion on a sex toy
The idea of having to explain how I vote, explain my opinion, bothers me a lot. Voting is subjective. I don't think anyone should have to explain why they vote, be it for the presidential candidate of their choice or their opinion on a sex toy review.
It's nice when people ask questions so you know what they didn't get from your review but I don't think it should be required.
Then again, after so many years, I rarely worry about down votes. A few just don't matter and a lot of customers, who don't participate in the forum or the review program, don't necessarily understand they're voting for the review, not the product.
It is what it is, I guess. I remember the days when you could vote multiple times and it didn't show who voted."Haters" would vote not useful at all on reviews every day just to drag your rating down.
A few less than perfect votes now seems mild in comparison.
Course, I'm just an opinionated old lady so feel free to ignore me
Thank you Carrie Ann, we always love to hear opinions from those who were around when things were really, really different.
If I could direct your attention to this post, please:
Changes to the Voting System. Your post is exactly the reason why we did this.
A downvote is anything below "somewhat useful". This thread is one thread out of hundreds that have been started in the last year and a half and at least the tenth that's been started in the last 60 days.
People can vote what they feel is appropriate and should never be expected to explain themselves.
This post will be closed to new comments. All future comments should be directed to the thread linked above. Thank you.