What grammar mistakes do you make the most often?

Contributor: Antipova Antipova
We're all creatures of habit... which means a lot of us repeat our mistakes. What grammar slip-ups do you know you're susceptible to? Are you trying to work on them?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I get trapped by its/it's or your/you're.
I misspell things.
CoffeeCup , slynch , Gracie , ap-the-aper , JennSenn , ARPKasso , Mrs.Tee , Strider
I misspell only a few things---usually the same problem word or words.
sassyNsensual , spunkmonkey , Nazaress , js250 , DeliciousSurprise , Lilith Bealove , OhMy! , Beck , caligaliber , ellejay , SJ88 , Jaimes , Feisty , Lildrummrgurl7 , phoenixfire
I let my sentences run on without noticing.
Nora , P'Gell , Gracie , Beck , melissa1973 , caligaliber , Stinkytofu10 , SJ88 , Andrey2052 , KinkyNicki92 , joiedejouets , phoenixfire , *Camoprincess* , padmeamidala , table38792 , Strider , Gleb
I have punctuation problems (try as I might, my open-parentheses always get lonely! (or other punctuation problems).
Antipova , spunkmonkey , JessCee , MamaDivine , GONE! , slynch , Nora , BiJess , Beck , curious kitten , melissa1973 , caligaliber , SJ88 , underHim , JennSenn , spiced , Lildrummrgurl7 , travelnurse , phoenixfire , *Camoprincess* , table38792 , Strider
I mix up homophones (discreet/discrete).
Ryuson , CoffeeCup , Lilith Bealove , Tork48309 , Beck , Strider
I verb language weird.
Antipova , Rossie , El-Jaro , cheesewizz , SJ88 , amazon , JennSenn , Strider
LinToxic , unfulfilled , P'Gell , Gracie , ap-the-aper , TheSinDoll , Woman China , Beck , MistressDandelion , ViVix , sixfootsexxx , JennSenn , mp3me , Voir , Trysexual , Geogeo , AzealiaB , Apirka , *Camoprincess* , ImaGodiva
Total votes: 96 (63 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
Homophones kill me!
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
I get so frustrated when I look over a post I made and see that I forgot to close a parenthetical! I do it ALL THE TIME... I literally don't think I've ever published a review that I didn't reread the next day and say "oh wait, I missed a )"

Does this happen to anybody else? I don't really notice other people's posts having the same hanging parenthesis mistake that practically all of mine do.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
I'm pretty good with spelling and grammar. I think my only problem is that there are a few words that I occasionally spell wrong and it's always the same words. For example, I'll usually put two c's in "necessary" accidentally or I'll leave out a letter in words like the e before the a in "interchangeable". My own secret problem is that I'll occasionally write words that look like, sound like, rhyme with, or are similar to the word that I actually want. For example, as I was writing this and wrote "words", I actually wrote "weird". It's some form of dyslexia, I think. I'm not sure. But it's something I've had for a long time. I've gotten used to proofreading everything I say, though, so it's rare that these ever slip through. That is, unless I'm IMing or something similar, because I never notice when I write the words wrong and I don't proofread IMs unless it's for a chat for class or something else important. I graduated college a while ago, though, so it hasn't really been an issue anymore.
Contributor: js250 js250
I always write adn & put my r in front of the p, (rpoducts). I catch most of them, but not always. Oh I forgot about fo for of.
Contributor: Lummox Lummox
Originally posted by Antipova
I get so frustrated when I look over a post I made and see that I forgot to close a parenthetical! I do it ALL THE TIME... I literally don't think I've ever published a review that I didn't reread the next day and say "oh wait, I ... more
Just like a lot of people who used to write a program code I developed a nice habit to type two parentheses at once. Then I move the cursor one symbol back, type whatever should be inside the parentheses and finally move the cursor one symbol ahead. Sounds a little complicated, but it nullifies a chance to miss a closing parenthesis.
Contributor: JessCee JessCee
I'm not the best of friends with punctuation. I definitely overuse commas instead of making a new sentence. Sometimes I make a new sentence when they could have been joined with a comma. Overall, I feel like my writing can be awkward if I don't really take time and try to work at it.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I like using long sentences with tons of commas and other people generally hate it.
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
"Vacuum" should have two c's to match the pair of u's.

Contributor: LinToxic LinToxic
Misspelling things that have a double letter actually kill me. Thank goodness I have spell check!
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I'm a her/it switcher all the time. I can start off by calling a toy a her and then I call it an it later on.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Originally posted by Lummox
Just like a lot of people who used to write a program code I developed a nice habit to type two parentheses at once. Then I move the cursor one symbol back, type whatever should be inside the parentheses and finally move the cursor one symbol ahead. ... more
.... I might have to implement this tip. Thank you!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I'm the Run On Queen! (Sadly, I speak like this, too.)

I also can't spell friend and words with ie or ei for anything. Thank Heavens for Spellcheck.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Lummox
Just like a lot of people who used to write a program code I developed a nice habit to type two parentheses at once. Then I move the cursor one symbol back, type whatever should be inside the parentheses and finally move the cursor one symbol ahead. ... more
That's a good idea! I tend to not close parentheses, too.

The only code I ever programmed was Fortan in college. (Or was it Fortran 2 or 3 or 4?) I was bad at it, and once caused a loop that used 14 hours of mainframe time. And about 800 pieces of tractor computer paper. The guy at the printer showed it to me and it was about 3 feet thick! I am NOT a computer programmer by any stretch of the imagination.
Contributor: Lilith Bealove Lilith Bealove
My biggest one is then and than.
Contributor: Gracie Gracie
I mix up bring and take. It drove my parents crazy! My grammar pet peeve is when people use the incorrect pronouns. "Me and him went to the movies." Instead of "He and I went..."
Contributor: ap-the-aper ap-the-aper
I have spelling problems in general--my English teacher once told me that I was one of the best writers he'd ever seen with some of the worst spelling. Sometimes, in order to remember the way it's spelt, I'll mispronounce words in my head: "business" as "busy-ness" and "probably" as "pro-bab-ly". When writing by hand, I occasionally omit words or combine words together, so that "at the" becomes "athe". When I was learning German in earnest, the letter 'c' found its way into a lot of "sh" words where it didn't belong: "shoulder" become "schoulder". Much of the time, when recounting an event I've experienced, I tend to switch back and forth between past tense and present tense.
Contributor: funluvinmama funluvinmama
I have to say that all of the above mentioned gets me. I tend to make a lot of mistakes. Most times I am good at catching my mistake and fixing it but sometimes I don't.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
My downfall is effect and affect. Also, the semicolon.
There, I admitted it.

Don't judge me.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
...you mean "Which grammar mistakes..."

totally messing with you!
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
I write in Chinglish. And it makes perfect sense to anyone who has ever worked or dealt with Chinese English learners, but it screws with people's heads who read what I write. And I cannot even begin to explain that one.

Then there is the whole French/English thing. The ie or ei in words. Or the re or the er on suffixes. And then there is (the proper) English vs American English (yes, I am quite the snob), z or s? Or the u vs no u?

GRRR!!! I should just stop thinking of it I'm getting a headache!!!
Contributor: Beck Beck
I catch my own, but only after I can't edit them anymore! I have also noticed that my grammar is different from others. I have thought about looking it up to see if I am correct, but I have not. I just write the way I think I was taught.
Contributor: ellejay ellejay
I know I misspell certain words, but I can't think of them now!
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Too many ideas (clauses) crammed together without a definite period. A.k.a. run-on sentences.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
Originally posted by El-Jaro
...you mean "Which grammar mistakes..."

totally messing with you!
I wish we could "Like" posts on EdenFantasys. Lol. You're so funny, JR!
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
I am ridiculously comma-happy. I write the way I would deliver a speech or speak the lines on stage, and I put in commas to emphasize a pause. I also try to make too many points in one sentence. Or, as those in the writing business call it, a super annoying run-on sentence.
Contributor: MistressDandelion MistressDandelion
I'll translate french expressions to english and it makes no sense in your language. Or I tend to spell "weird" - "wierd".
Contributor: underHim underHim
I forget my apostrophes alot.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Antipova
We're all creatures of habit... which means a lot of us repeat our mistakes. What grammar slip-ups do you know you're susceptible to? Are you trying to work on them?
Sometimes I make up words. lol.
Contributor: amazon amazon
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