Have your reviews improved since you first started?

Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
There was a thread a while back about the evolution of reviews on Eden as a whole. That had me thinking about our personal evolution as reviewers.

Have you changed with the times or are your reviews the same as they were when you started? If they've changed - have they changed for better or worse? What have you done since you started reviewing to improve your reviews, if anything? Has this been because of pressure from the community or your own tastes?

Do you feel like your reviews are always a work in progress or that they are as good as they can get? What do you think you could change right now to improve your reviews a little more?

Feel free to comment with anything else I may have missed!
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
My reviews are the same as they were when I started.
My reviews are worse than when I started.
My reviews are better than when I started.
- Kira - , Silverdrop , js250 , Beck , biancajames , Buttercup Green , OroNomi , mistressg , Jul!a , OhMy! , Ms. Spice , kawigrl , PassionateLover2 , Starkiller87 , indiglo , DeliciousSurprise , inmytoybox , Antipova , Deidrenicole , BBW Talks Toys , Mihoshi4301 , Kitka , Kindred , Ryuson , Sunshineamine , Rossie , aliceinthehole , namelesschaos , Cookie Monster Mike , married with children , HannahPanda , (k)InkyIvy , Holly Hox , geliebt , winterseve , Cora Jane , SexyStuff , Lildrummrgurl7 , ksparkles16 , TheSinDoll , SMichelle , ToyGeek , Girly Juice , RomanticGoth , bayosgirl , xOhxSoxScandalousx , lilly555 , Mwar , Mikemanz , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , mama2007 , kitty1949 , travelnurse , GONE! , Etoile237 , Do emu , Trysexual , Lady of the Lab , Kirill1171 , deltalima , Martiniman , AliMc , llellsee , melissa1973 , ScarletFox , charmedtomeetyou , AwesomeAmanda , XxFallenAngelxX , phoenixfire , Mrs.Tee , eri86 , spiced , pokefan15 , padmeamidala , quackbuster , sunkissedJess , Vanille , Kitten has left the site , gwenevieve , SydneyScreams
I think my reviews are the best they could possibly be.
I think my reviews could always improve.
- Kira - , Silverdrop , js250 , Beck , Buttercup Green , OroNomi , mistressg , Jul!a , OhMy! , Ms. Spice , kawigrl , PassionateLover2 , Undead , Starkiller87 , Kissy , indiglo , DeliciousSurprise , inmytoybox , Antipova , BBW Talks Toys , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Mihoshi4301 , Kitka , Kindred , Ryuson , Sunshineamine , Rossie , aliceinthehole , switzerland , namelesschaos , Cookie Monster Mike , married with children , (k)InkyIvy , Stinkytofu10 , Holly Hox , geliebt , bradav , srval69 , winterseve , Cora Jane , SexyStuff , Lildrummrgurl7 , ksparkles16 , TheSinDoll , SMichelle , ToyGeek , hot lil momma , Girly Juice , RomanticGoth , bayosgirl , lilly555 , Mwar , Mikemanz , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , mama2007 , kitty1949 , mrs.mckrakn , travelnurse , GONE! , Do emu , Lady of the Lab , deltalima , AliMc , llellsee , melissa1973 , ScarletFox , charmedtomeetyou , Andrey2052 , AwesomeAmanda , XxFallenAngelxX , phoenixfire , Mrs.Tee , eri86 , Strider , spiced , pokefan15 , quackbuster , sunkissedJess , Vanille , Kitten has left the site , Rawr4483 , SydneyScreams
js250 , edeneve
Total votes: 165 (93 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
For me, I feel like I'm always improving. I like to read through the reviews that get nominated for the Rumble especially because I feel that's how the community says what it wants in a review. I also pay attention to comments on reviews asking for information and forum posts about what information is wanted. I then try to include that in my reviews.

When I first started, I didn't include pictures. Now I do. When I first started doing pictures, I didn't scale them down correctly. After going through the mentor program this was pointed out to me. Now I scale them better and have also gotten better at taking more important photos and just better pictures in general. I'm now doing collages in light of recent forum posts about the fact that not everyone is as interested in the pictures as I was lead to believe from the comments on my reviews.

I also think my reviews have gotten more detailed. I think this is due to being asked questions when I first started and had written a few really awful reviews. A few older members were nice enough to take the time to ask questions and got me to think about what I was missing. Now I try to answer every possible question when I write.

I do think I can always improve and am always happy to hear suggestions on things that could help with reviews. While I wasn't happy with the drama that surrounded the great picture debate, I do think adding the collages in has helped my reviews a lot. Another member also suggested typing out measurements instead of writing them so I've been doing that lately which I think looks much better. It's been time consuming to do these things, but my reviews are coming out looking a lot more polished because of it. So I'm happy overall with the result.

I hope to always continue to find ways to improve my reviews as I evolve and the community evolves. I know that as time goes on, the community will expect different things from the contributors. I always want to write the most useful reviews possible, so I try to keep up with what the community wants to know.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
I voted 'my reviews are the same' and 'my reviews have improved' as a way of splitting the difference and saying I've improved a little. I've only written 20 reviews, so there really hasn't been much time for significant improvement. Being mentored by Hot n Sexy Texas Mama has helped, and just generally reading so many reviews by others has helped as well. But I don't think my improvement has been huge. Maybe after another 20 reviews I'd say it has.

I do think I can improve, and of course I hope to. It's just a matter of having the time and focus to devote to it.

Good thread topic. I hope it gets a lot of good discussion.
Contributor: js250 js250
Thanks for picking up where my discussion seemed to fade!! I hope we get a great compilation from your discussion.

I have definitely noticed an improvement in my reviews and do continue to work to improve them. I am one of those people that continually changes my writing styles and tries to keep bettering my reviews. I would include more pics of the lingerie items, however picture hosting is a problem for me, I have had pictures removed from a couple of hosting sites for whatever reason. I am trying to figure the issue out but have noticed lower review rankings with no pics.

I really use the forum a lot to get an idea of what others expect from reviews, new ideas for my reviews and other opinions on what makes a great review. I also make notes of the things I really like about other people's reviews and try to incorporate everything together. I do notice when I have a change in writing style my followers tend to comment on some of the changes, so I must be doing something right!!

Personally, reviews are continual work in progress. You never want to bore your followers with the same stuff, different review. You want to get the information out there for future purchasers and most importantly, have fun doing it!!
Contributor: Beck Beck
I am right there with you Stainedclear. I always feel like my reviews can improve, but they are way better than when I first started out. Mine were pretty bad at first.

I noticed that I was in a pattern not to long ago and I did not want to continue doing that pattern so I am trying not to write every review like that, since it might sound redundant.
Contributor: biancajames biancajames
Originally posted by - Kira -
There was a thread a while back about the evolution of reviews on Eden as a whole. That had me thinking about our personal evolution as reviewers.

Have you changed with the times or are your reviews the same as they were when you started? ... more
One thing that frustrated me is that I try to be as detailed as possible with my reviews but occasionally someone while say "you should include more info" but don't specify what. Vague feedback is not super helpful. And some products I'll have more to say about than others.
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
My reviews have certainly improved since my first review, gaining knowledge on materials and ingredients has certainly played a big part in that.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
As the review program evolves, I try to evolve with it. I don't think my first reviews were all that bad, although I do think that my reviews have gotten better with time. With my lingerie reviews, I include more helpful information than when I first started. I include more pictures now than I used to. I try to include ingredient information where I can.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
Mine were too much on the opinionated side, so I'm hoping they're not as biased anymore. So yes, I think they are much better, but they could definitely use improvement.
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
mine are better
Contributor: Undead Undead
Originally posted by - Kira -
There was a thread a while back about the evolution of reviews on Eden as a whole. That had me thinking about our personal evolution as reviewers.

Have you changed with the times or are your reviews the same as they were when you started? ... more
I think there is always room for improvement.
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
I am always learning. I really believe my Mentor has made a great impact on me for the writing style expected here at EF. I think everyone should try and tap the knowledge-base of any mentor to improve our writing skills. In the future, I will always consider asking a mentor to step in and offer their input so that I don't drift off course. It is like flying, every two years, you are required to take a 'check ride' to make sure my flying skills are still on track together with my medical check.
Contributor: biancajames biancajames
Originally posted by Ms. Spice
Mine were too much on the opinionated side, so I'm hoping they're not as biased anymore. So yes, I think they are much better, but they could definitely use improvement.
What's wrong with being opinionated?
Contributor: Kissy Kissy
I am working on how to write a good review. I see some flaws in my reviews, maybe making too many generals... I have a lot to work on!
Contributor: inmytoybox inmytoybox
My reviews have gotten better, but there is always room for improvement.
Contributor: Deidrenicole Deidrenicole
My reviews have definitely improved since the first one because i take the time to read the top reviews on the product see what they included and answer any questions people had that were left out. I think my reviews could still use some improvment though but hey ive only been on here a couple months so I still need to put in more time
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by biancajames
What's wrong with being opinionated?
Personally, I try to be as objective as possible about a product, while tossing in some subjective thoughts as well. I tend to write all my reviews as though I'm writing a descriptive review so that everyone can find something beneficial from the review.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Kissy
I am working on how to write a good review. I see some flaws in my reviews, maybe making too many generals... I have a lot to work on!
Do you have a mentor?
Contributor: Mihoshi4301 Mihoshi4301
I think my reviews are definitely getting better, but I know that I can always improve them even more
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
Mine have BY FAR improved! A lot of it is just reading other EU reviews and seeing what they included, and then a lot is having more experience. At first I rated some toys "1 bee" that should have been "2 bees" because I hadn't had many toys, also!
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
Mine have totally improved. I keep trying to put in all the necessary info with a bit of personality without leaving anyone with questions. I try to make each one better too. Having my awesome mentor, Shellz31 has helped immensely.
Contributor: biancajames biancajames
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
Personally, I try to be as objective as possible about a product, while tossing in some subjective thoughts as well. I tend to write all my reviews as though I'm writing a descriptive review so that everyone can find something beneficial from the ... more
I guess I feel that I can get a lot of general info from the product page, and read the reviews for the subjectivity. It's nice to get a balanced perspective!
Contributor: switzerland switzerland
i definitely think mine are gonna get better the more that i do. practice makes perfect. also, the mentor program was the best decision i made ever!
Contributor: Cookie Monster Mike Cookie Monster Mike
Generally I feel I write okay reviews. I always feel there is room to improve, I am a perfectionist so there for I will most likely never have a review I will be 100% happy with. Many of my more recent reviews I have been fairly proud of. Considering before I started my review I had never done any writing like this before or reviewed products of any kind.

I'm trying to find a way to make my reviews go way above and beyond and give a huge wow and oooo ahhhhh factor to at least a couple people. I need a boost in confidence i guess.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
My mentors have really helped me learn to look for things in my reviews that I wouldn't normally think about. They've helped me turn a review rather into just a piece of prose to inform, but something entertaining to look at and read so that even if someone isn't planning to buy something, they're interested in looking at how it works and how I and others use it.
Contributor: (k)InkyIvy (k)InkyIvy
When I first joined EF and started writing reviews, I had no idea what I was doing. My reviews ended up being more about my personal thoughts and experience than about the product itself.
I feel like I've improved quite a bit, but I'm always open to suggestions.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Always room for improvement!
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
I know I can always improve, but I definitely have improved! Especially since my first review, which was arguably pretty bad!
Contributor: Cora Jane Cora Jane
I feel like my reviews have improved, or at least they've become easier to write. I struggled a lot at first with trying to provide every detail people demanded leaving a pretty boring review in the end that I was never very happy with. Now I'm starting to find my "voice" and I can sit down and write good reviews pretty quickly. Even though my ratings haven't improved much, I think my latest reviews are a lot better than my first ones.
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
My reviews definitely score better now. I kind of liked the brief, more personal experience-based ones of yesteryear though.