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I've been debating this for a long time - should I review my BDSM items? I feel like it would be an ineffective review considering that I can't test them fully considering that my partner lives in a different state. Does anyone have any
I've been debating this for a long time - should I review my BDSM items? I feel like it would be an ineffective review considering that I can't test them fully considering that my partner lives in a different state. Does anyone have any experience with this particular problem? If so, what did you do? Did you review them? How did you manage to test them for an effective review?
Thanks for any replies or help. :3
Sometimes I can't test out my items on someone else, but I make sure to do my best at testing them myself. Got a cane? Whack yourself with it! Then you can write about how it works from both sides of it. Cuffs? Put them on. Are they comfortable? Sturdy? Do you feel like they'd hold up to use well? It helps to have a friend help you out with these things. It doesn't always have to be in a totally sexual context.
You can read a lot of my reviews on BDSM stuff where I haven't had a partner. They're more objective than personal and people give them high ratings. If you want you can message me if you have any questions about that.