Reviewers - do you find yourself thinking too much about your review when using toys?

Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
I recently got a new toy that I'm working on for review this week. Since I've been doing reviews I've noticed the strangest thing. Where before I was clearly focused only on the experience now I'm trying to pay attention to little details when I'm using a toy. For example - if I apply pressure do the vibration levels go down, would I classify the vibrations as high or low pitched, how strong would I rate the vibrations in comparison to other toys, etc. The more focused I get on the details that I want to include in reviews the more it seems to distract me from the actual experience of the toy itself. It's becoming like a scientific process if that makes sense. Instead of just enjoying the ride I'm making little mental notes in my head the whole time. Maybe because I'm only a month into writing reviews or because my memory is awful.

Does this happen to anyone else? Have you found a way to balance remembering the details to write in a review later but still getting maximum pleasure during use?
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Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
When my husband and I first started this journey, we did the same thing. We discussed the toy thoroughly during the first, second, and third "testing" and found discovered by doing so it took the fun out of our experience.

After a month or so of doing that, we decided we were better off not reviewing every toy we purchased or all the ones we already owned. We also came to the conclusion, using the item for a full 3 weeks (sometimes more) helps me get out of the reviewer's mindset, so I can lay back and enjoy it. Most of the time when I don't rush the review process, we can come up with lots of fun ways to use the toy and add the suggestion to our review as well.

We purchase hundreds of items, but in the grand scheme, we only review a few of them.
Contributor: Eucaly Eucaly
Yes, I do this. I think the best cure is to have many sessions with the same toy, which also leads to a better review.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
Originally posted by Redboxbaby
When my husband and I first started this journey, we did the same thing. We discussed the toy thoroughly during the first, second, and third "testing" and found discovered by doing so it took the fun out of our experience.

After a ... more
Agreed. Being honest, I do still think about that stuff, but I think about it right when I get the toy - and test those kinds of things before I start using it. I will go through that list when the toy first arrives and make some notes. Then, when I'm using it I can focus on using it, because I already have the technical data noted. Think about technical aspects before you start using it, and then when you're using it you can focus on how it feels and it won't be so mechanical.

Not rushing the review process will also help - and I think it makes for a better review.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
Do you guys know the time limits on buyouts and assignments? On things I own or buy outright I usually use them for extended periods and the review mentality goes away after a few weeks (2-4 maybe?) like you guys mentioned. On assignments though I feel like there is a ticking clock so I can't seem to get past the review only block. I still use something quite a bit before sitting down to write something up but the more I write the more details I want to include in my reviews. It's like a cycle!
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I get my pen and paper out when it arrives and take note of all the basic things size, color, weight, packaging, if it came with any instructions, what kind of batteries it takes. Then when I'm using it I think of how it feels. I guess it could be distracting, but I don't look at it that way.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Yes I find myself thinking about how I am going to write it. Really it is distracting.
Contributor: js250 js250
I have definitely done that, but I did figure out a way for me to turn it off and enjoy the product. This might or might not work for you, but here goes:

When the item was received in the mail, I went over it thoroughly, checking out textures, etc. but I made sure I was in a completely non-sexual mood first which allowed me to be somewhat clinical. I wrote my observations down. I also made myself a deal that the first few days to week using the item was for ME - not reviews, Edens or anything or anyone else. (Selfish, huh? It worked, though.) After the first initial curiosity, etc. was over, it was a familiar item and I could play with it and not over think the details. Good luck!!
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I tend to use the toy and then reflect on the experience in great detail in my mind shortly after, and jot down notes afterwards. Often I'll use the toy (depending on what it is) several ways to get a good idea of whether I like it or what its functions are and what they do for me.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
Good ideas, guys. Thanks!

When I first get things I look them over in a non-sexual way as well. I take all my pictures and jot down notes on first impressions, packaging, etc. I just can't seem to get out of note taking mode lately during use.
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
Originally posted by - Kira -
Do you guys know the time limits on buyouts and assignments? On things I own or buy outright I usually use them for extended periods and the review mentality goes away after a few weeks (2-4 maybe?) like you guys mentioned. On assignments though I ... more
The general rule is 3 weeks for all assignments (buy-outs, or pushes). At week 6, you will get a reminder email about it. I have to be honest, I have had a few items take me well over 4 weeks to feel comfortable writing the review. If you think it will take longer than the deadline you should let JR know.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Because I'm natively a super-scientific person, this pretty much happens to me whenever I focus on anything. (Sometimes it's a frustrating thing, but it's often good!*)

I pretty much am able to take my head out of sex easily if I want to, though, luckily, so I sort of (as others have said) the first two times just make myself enjoy myself, and not start to analyze everything til the third + time. Then I'll have answered 'questions I was curious about before I bought it', and will lay out a pretty good mental pattern of how the review will go.

And, honestly---once I've broken it apart and written the review, it's all mine again. I completely enjoy it---with the added benefit of knowing my toys so intimately (thanks to having analyzed them) that I know which one will really suit me on a given day.

*Have you seen Feynman's "Ode On a Flower"? link (youtube, one minute 27 sec)
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
Honestly, this is my thought-process with anything new anyway. Once I get to know something, then I can relax into it.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
I thought it was three weeks but I wasn't sure. I usually do them in two but I'm thinking maybe I should take the full three.

I guess because I have my deadline clicking I'm thinking I don't have time to give myself a few "me" times before going into the more scientific use. Once I'm finished I click out of it but until the review is done I'm totally obsessed!

I have noticed the added benefit of knowing what will suit me on what days from knowing more intimate details on different pitches and feelings and things like that. I'll be in a mood and be able to say today's a day for X. Added perk.

I like that video. Things can be beautiful in a scientific way.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
I usually just pay attention to the toy the first time I use it. But then I use it again, and think of things I could add to a review or whatever.
Contributor: LQ LQ
Haha. Glad it's not just me. I only have 1 review up, and I'm working on a 2nd, and I already find myself over-thinking. It's just my nature & an occupational hazard. I know myself & I'll end up making the whole thing "work" instead of fun, so... I stocked up on some porn. (I'm on medication that makes my sex-drive come & go, and have no one in my life at the moment making me think happy thoughts, so... figure it doesn't hurt to have "emergency" motivation.")

I've decided I'm allowed to work on writing the non-experiential stuff whenever - Collecting the size, materials, etc. & writing down stray thoughts. But no playing with the toys unless I really want to play with the toys! Right now I'm a baby reviewer, so I'm not under any time pressure, but I was worrying about that.

Glad to hear that the deadline for reviews is weeks instead of days. I was thinking in terms of previous review experience where I had 2 reviews in the works, an article to write, & 5 things to edit... yesterday. It helps me feel more relaxed about it knowing there's not that much time pressure.
Contributor: lilly555 lilly555
This happens to me, recently I was reviewing something I've had for almost a year and my mind just went blank as to why I like it so much. I had to put use and pay attention to the detail in order to know what I would write, it's different than just enjoying the experience but it got the job done.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
I'm so glad others go through this too. Yesterday I almost pulled out a notebook during sex to write down what I thought about something. I bet my husband would have been pissed!!
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
In the beginning I would be concentrating on taking mental notes while using a toy I had to write a review on.
But now I have learnt to relax and just enjoy the toy and bring up those memories later when I'm reviewing it. I just seem to automatically store the important review info now without it disturbing my fun.