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I liked the idea of them originally when I joined the site, and I think I keep WANTING to like the idea of them but I have seen WAY to many that are nude women or a couple having sex and the toy is NEVER shown or talked about or discussed. People
I liked the idea of them originally when I joined the site, and I think I keep WANTING to like the idea of them but I have seen WAY to many that are nude women or a couple having sex and the toy is NEVER shown or talked about or discussed. People are getting Paid to prance around naked and perform soft core porn but NOT review the toy. I guess that's more my problem with ti
I'm sorry, again, that you don't like them. But please remember we wouldn't pay for something we didn't want.
Once again, while they are not informational -- they are not intended to be informational. They are intended to be a sensual, erotic view of the toy and it's use. The intention isn't to discuss the product. The intention is to show the product in a sexy way.
We have text reviews, description reviews, blog reviews, video reviews, product guides, material guides and an active forum where toys are discussed quite regularly. Not all of our customers want to discuss toys. Some of them just want a little erotic inspiration and a product that looks appealing.
Nothing at all wrong with that. And there is nothing wrong with the people doing these videos getting paid to do them.
Those people who do them put a LOT of work into editing, lighting and quality. Far more than goes into many regular video reviews. It takes courage to put yourself out there that way.
Please also try to remember that even though they aren't your thing it is your fellow community members who are creating them and I'm sure feelings have been hurt by the implication that they have no worth and shouldn't be a paid effort. They are every bit as valuable as ANY OTHER effort any of you put out.
I understand that everyone has and is entitled to an opinion but, please, try to be kind when voicing those opinions.