How many pictures are too many?

Contributor: Silverwinds Silverwinds
I hate reading a review with no pictures - I like seeing the details on the toy, not just reading about them. Because of this, I've included pictures in all of my reviews(all measly 3!). My last review had 12(!) pictures in it. My question for you is: How many is too many?
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21  (54%)
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Contributor: spiced spiced
I started to pick a number, but really I have to go with the dreaded "other".

Some items don't need any pictures at all, other items benefit from quite a few. I think each picture should serve some purpose, should show something that hasn't already been shown. As long a the picture is adding some value, I don't mind.
Contributor: surreptitious surreptitious
Originally posted by spiced
I started to pick a number, but really I have to go with the dreaded "other".

Some items don't need any pictures at all, other items benefit from quite a few. I think each picture should serve some purpose, should show something ... more
I definitely agree with this. When I'm reading lingerie reviews, I can happily see twenty plus pictures of some pieces, and each and every one of them is helpful. I have a hard time finding lingerie reviews without pictures to be extremely useful (which is not to say that it doesn't happen, just that I'm a very visual person and lingerie often looks much different in real life than in the stock photo), whereas some toys, candles or accessories honestly don't need that much visual explanation at all.

Provided that picture differ in what they show, as spiced said, there can never be too many for me. There's no set limit - some things simply don't need more than five or six pictures while some others could not cover all of the detail of a piece without fifteen or sixteen or twenty-five.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I love photos in reviews! It's one of my favorite aspects of the reviews I read. Nice, clear photos really help me decide if the product will work for me (though well written reviews with only text are just as useful!). I think showing different angles, details, etc. is important. As long as the photos are done clearly and are displayed nicely, I don't think you can have too many.
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
I love seeing good photos in a review. But if you're putting in 3 pictures that show the exact same thing, it's too much. Each picture should be a good, quality picture that shows a different aspect of the toy/lingerie/lube/etc.
Contributor: Lioncub Lioncub
I think it depends on the item and how descriptive the product is. I don't put pictures in mine but that is because I don't have a camera that takes good pictures. I think there can be an over abundance and that they are not helpful at all if they are blurry or from a distance.
Contributor: Vanille Vanille
Originally posted by Silverwinds
I hate reading a review with no pictures - I like seeing the details on the toy, not just reading about them. Because of this, I've included pictures in all of my reviews(all measly 3!). My last review had 12(!) pictures in it. My question for ... more
It really depends on the product. I tend to go picture-happy with lingerie or if a toy has a crazy feature that needs to be highlighted. Otherwise, I keep it to 3-4 pictures max.
Contributor: TJax TJax
Depends on the item of course. Most toys can probably get away with 2-4 unless there are defects / extra crazy features.

Lingerie I prefer lots of pics as there are likely to be several materials / patterns / features included that you can't necessarily get a good idea of it from one angle / distance / zoom setting / type of lighting.
Contributor: ChubbyNerd ChubbyNerd
I don't think you can have too many photos as long as they're good, clear photos and they aren't the same thing over and over.
Contributor: chicmichiw chicmichiw
I agree! I like seeing details, since it's a faster way to process information. Plus, seeing a toy 'in context' is so much better than seeing a stock photo, which really doesn't tell you that much. I always try to include a lot of different photos, with different angles, comparisons, etc.
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
Really depends on the type of picture and quality of them. Sometimes more is less.
Contributor: married with children married with children
unless the picture can add something to the review that the product picture and the written review could not cover, any pictures are too much. I have seen too many reviews with pictures that add nothing.
Contributor: jennifur77 jennifur77
I don't think there's a set number. After all, some will need more photos than others. The one I read every review hoping for a photo was the Clone a Willy. None showed the final product. I can understand why there wasn't a complete photo of the final product, but a photo of PART of it would have been nice. For instance, some seemed to say the vibe went close to the edge of the product and I would have liked to see where you could actually SEE it through the product if possible.

So there are times that no photos are fine, other times more would be great. (I loved the ones for Clone a Willy with LOTS of photos since that's something that you create yourself.)
Contributor: Msmueller Msmueller
I'm thinking 20 pics should probably cover just about every angle you would need ... I like to have lots of pics available to view but I think anything over 20 might be overwhelming.
Contributor: Dixiemomma Dixiemomma
unless there is many many parts to the toy or some specific reason you have a ton of pics, it can usually be covered in 3-4 good pics of the product.... i love to see the item and how it looks when it arrives (many times the product page is lacking big time and these pics are a great way to judge the item) but more than a handful o pics is just ridiculous and strikes me as filler for a review thats just too short
Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
Probably over 10.
Contributor: Pete's Princess Pete's Princess
Depends on the item you are reviewing and if the picture enhances the review. Some things like lingerie, you may want to include more picture if the item is very detailed. I have often made purchasing decisions based on pictures. The same pictures as are already posted are not helpful. One reviewer posting pictures of the disposable box is enough.
Contributor: snowminx snowminx
I would say it would depend on how complex the toy is and how you are taking the pictures. If it's just the toy in 5 different angles it's not needed. If it's showing different parts of the toy, package, maybe putting it in water to see the strength then more is fine. Normally 7 or up would be a bit much for me.
Contributor: Gluesnffr Gluesnffr
It really depends on the item. For example, if a toy has different accessories, that review may require more images.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I think there should be more paragraphs of text than photos. But that's just me.
Contributor: eri86 eri86
One a paragraph is really all you need. But my issue is when people post blurry, out of focus images.
Contributor: Ryanne Ryanne
I like reading reviews with pics grouping them together in a collage helps. I know my cousin uses collages a lot in her reviews an it give all the angles you would need without having several individual pics. I have seen others who use collages as well which also helps organize them as well
Contributor: Allison.Wilder Allison.Wilder
I think as long as the pictures are demonstrating what you're talking about, there is no such thing as too many.
Contributor: SaucyxGirl SaucyxGirl
I would say as many as it takes to give an accurate picture(no pun intended) of the item. Sometimes it only takes 2 or 3 for other items may take as many 10 or more.
Contributor: llellsee llellsee
I usually find 4-5 pics covers everything essential but I can see how some items require more and how it can be hard to cut out pics that could help someone.

But generally, having more than 6 seems like alot to me.
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
Depends on the product, many the products warrants is the correct answer.
Contributor: Sincerely yours, N Sincerely yours, N
I think that it depends on the product and on the pictures. I love comparisons, but having one picture comparison for each common product you feel like comparing the toy to seems like much. However, pictures really do help, and it's sometimes the strangest picture in a review (or least significant looking one) which makes or breaks my decision to get a specific toy.
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
if a review is well written, pictures aren't really necessary, in my opinion.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
I use a ton of pictures in my reviews, but I also take days to write them. I try to cover all bases and take pictures of everything I describe.