I've noticed some particularly lengthy reviews on site lately and it got me to thinking. Do you read all the way through a 1500-2000 word review? Is there such a thing as too long, too much information?
Is it really useful to the customer to have every possible detail about a product that you can think of or are they really just drowning in irrelevant information?
I've seen very concise, useful reviews, chock full of information still only have maybe 500 words.
What do you guys think, is more better? Or do we need to be more selective about what information we include?
Is it really useful to the customer to have every possible detail about a product that you can think of or are they really just drowning in irrelevant information?
I've seen very concise, useful reviews, chock full of information still only have maybe 500 words.
What do you guys think, is more better? Or do we need to be more selective about what information we include?