Did you know that a follow-up review isn't required?
I mention this because lots of people do them, but few put much in the way of new or additional useful information in their follow-ups.
Once you put the follow-up out there, useful or not, it becomes a part of your whole review and if you've not added to the usefulness of your existing review, people will vote with this in mind.
We can all go back and edit the body of our reviews to include information we may have forgotten and if you are reviewing a product that you've had for a year, including information on how you feel about the product today in the body of your review is appropriate.
Why bring this up? Because a follow-up review isn't going to automatically benefit you as a contributor just because you submitted it. The quality of information is judged just as your original review is and your ranking can go up or down, depending on the usefulness of the information included.
In my opinion, a follow-up review should be done when you have new information that was not available to you at the time you wrote the review. Say, for example, you write a review and a week later your toy breaks or a month later you find yourself using the toy every day when at first you didn't care for it.
I, for one, would like to see more useful information included in follow-ups and more thought given to what might be included. If the only thing you can think of to say in a follow-up is that you still hate a toy and tossed it out 2 months ago, immediately after completing the original review then don't do a follow-up.
What are some of your thoughts about what makes a useful follow-up review?
I mention this because lots of people do them, but few put much in the way of new or additional useful information in their follow-ups.
Once you put the follow-up out there, useful or not, it becomes a part of your whole review and if you've not added to the usefulness of your existing review, people will vote with this in mind.
We can all go back and edit the body of our reviews to include information we may have forgotten and if you are reviewing a product that you've had for a year, including information on how you feel about the product today in the body of your review is appropriate.
Why bring this up? Because a follow-up review isn't going to automatically benefit you as a contributor just because you submitted it. The quality of information is judged just as your original review is and your ranking can go up or down, depending on the usefulness of the information included.
In my opinion, a follow-up review should be done when you have new information that was not available to you at the time you wrote the review. Say, for example, you write a review and a week later your toy breaks or a month later you find yourself using the toy every day when at first you didn't care for it.
I, for one, would like to see more useful information included in follow-ups and more thought given to what might be included. If the only thing you can think of to say in a follow-up is that you still hate a toy and tossed it out 2 months ago, immediately after completing the original review then don't do a follow-up.
What are some of your thoughts about what makes a useful follow-up review?