Alright folks, I'd like to ask for assistance if you don't mind. I have written a few reviews and have submitted for an upgrade, (which I cam currently biting my nails over! ) but, nonetheless, would like feedback for the reviews I have written. Are they thorough enough, objective enough, well written, etc? Any feedback is appreciated, I'm a very approachable person and I won't rip your head off for constructive criticism.
Also, thank you for being such an open, accepting group of people. From what I have seen so far as I've crawled through the forums and pored over reviews, the people here are very friendly and helpful. I have gleaned quite a bit of knowledge here (as well as found more things to blow my money on than I can count! LOL)
Thank you in advance for any feedback you give!
Also, thank you for being such an open, accepting group of people. From what I have seen so far as I've crawled through the forums and pored over reviews, the people here are very friendly and helpful. I have gleaned quite a bit of knowledge here (as well as found more things to blow my money on than I can count! LOL)
Thank you in advance for any feedback you give!