Assignment Anxiety - How Often Do You Refuse Assignments?

Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
I was so excited to get a new assignment - until I get to the page and find out it's for a 'flesh light' - something I have no interest in. Fair enough - but that means I have turned down my last two assignments and didn't care for the two I did accept.

I think there should be some kind of a profile. I have reviewed 22 high-end toys ranging mostly in the $75 to $300 range link. But for my assignments, I've been offered nothing but low-end beginner toys - all worth less than $20.

Shouldn't the assignment program be organized in a way that leverages the known strengths of the reviewer?

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Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
I was so excited to get a new assignment - until I get to the page and find out it's for a 'flesh light' - something I have no interest in. Fair enough - but that means I have turned down my last two assignments and didn't care for ... more
Hmmm... this sounds an awful lot like a question that you might want to email the Review Program Manager about.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
I was so excited to get a new assignment - until I get to the page and find out it's for a 'flesh light' - something I have no interest in. Fair enough - but that means I have turned down my last two assignments and didn't care for ... more
It might just be me, but in my experience in the world of product reviewing, you cannot just pick things that are going to be "high end." You are receiving a product at no cost to you, for you to, in turn, give your opinion as a sort of "payment" for the product. I have yet to come across another company as generous as Eden Fantasys (both in and out of the "adult" world). If you're receiving offers on things that you don't have interest in, then maybe you should adjust your preferences. There's a section for both product type and product materials. There's also a box you can free-form write some things.

That being said, I have turned down two assignments. Both for the same reason: they were molded after a model's genitalia. Something that before accepting or declining, My Mister and I sat down and discussed. I went ahead and adjusted my settings.

Personally, I think:
1) You cannot judge a toy on its price point. You might be pleasantly surprised.
2) The fact that you are given the opportunity to accept/decline is a very generous and considerate feature to Eden Fantasys. I know of many companies who do not offer as much freedom to choose/accept assignments. Some companies will just send you a product and say "Please review this or send this back... and pay for the return shipping yourself."

But, as Gary said, you should probably ask him for some details.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Definitely should email admin and discuss it privately with them.


Fleshlights? Are not low end, $20 items. They're one of the top toys out there in terms of popularity and pretty high end.

Also, you have a rank of 5.5. That means your assignment request limit is $50. When your rank rises, you'll be able to request items up to $75 but, honestly? You have to pay your dues just like everyone else.

I reviewed for over a year before I was in the upper bracket price wise.

YOU choose the assignments you request as monthly so what you review, within your price range and the availability options is up to you.

Things assigned by the Admin are generally manufacturer sponsored items or things we need to push out and are generally middle of the road kind of products. These are extra assignments and we're actually lucky to get them. Up until the last year or so it was one assignment, period, per month with no extras.

Sometimes, we just need to count our blessings. Most of our reviewers are... good. Quite good. ALL of them would love to be on some sort of list where they got fabulous, high end items every time they got an assignment.

In reality? It's done fairly. My last assignment? A 4 oz tube of water based lube. According to your idea of how the assignments "should" be organized, I'd ONLY be getting stuff that was over a couple hundred dollars. Afterall, I've reviewed the Eleven and half the Nobessence line. I've done like 110 high end item reviews. I totally deserve the good stuff, everyone else can do the lube. Right? That would be fair.


No? Oh. Damn.

Getting offered a Fleshlight is pretty rare, actually. Someone will be very glad you turned it down.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
I have not refused an assignment yet, as long as it fits my product/material preferences I will try anything. It is a free toy that is given to me for a honest review. I do not think Eden cares if I write a positive review or negative, they are looking for my opinion on it.

As far as price point, I do not care. I did a review on a $33.00 pocket ass that I enjoyed more than a $80.00 Fleshlight. So you just never know. Plus any product over $75 is assigned by an administrator, so to get the high end toys you may have to ask Gary. This information is provided here Pricing guidelines for choosing products
Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
The only thing I have turned down was a dildo harness because I have no way of using it. But I wish I did because it was awesome and I really wanted it. Other than that I don't care what they send me because I am open to trying new things!

I think it is safe to say that everyone deserves high end toys, but beggars can't be choosers. Like mentioned above, we are very lucky to even get the chance to receive so many extra products a month and I gladly will work my ass off to get good ones.

Part of the job is taking one for the team sometimes!
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
I was asked to review a mini sex-ball this week. I am still really intimidated to try it out, but I figured what could it hurt to give it a good try? It's not something I'd ever have tried on my own, but maybe I'll think it's the most amazing thing ever--who knows? Even if the toy turns out to be no better than an overinflated beach ball, what did I lose? An hour of my time? Two hours? Four hours, if you count how much time I spent blowing it up?

I don't see what the big deal is, EF doesn't have to offer me anything to review for free, so the fact that they DO offer me stuff to review is YAY awesome.

Besides that, a Fleshlight is a $70 toy, so they aren't low-balling you, there...
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Thanks to all for the quick feed back. It seems that my comments somehow conveyed that I am some how ungrateful. Nothing could be further from the truth. I buy products at a fair discount and don't begrudge EF at all.

Carrie Ann - I follow your reviews all the time and no doubt you do a great job. Honestly I have no desire to review hundreds of products - that's your thing and your very good at it. I prefer to review just a few high quality products - in line with my interests which are decidedly 'partner oriented'.

It just seems to me that the assignments that I have received bear no resemblance to my interests. Looks like I need to take another look at my profile - and send Gary a message.

Thank you again - I apologize for offending 'the team'.
Contributor: Not here Not here
Well, there is a "profile," of sorts. If you go into your Account and look under the settings category on the left, you'll find "My product type preferences" and "My product material preferences." There you can check off any product types/materials that you are interested in receiving, and you can also write in anything else that the admins may need to know. And as many have mentioned, the amount is determined by your ranking. Since you're a 5.5, you can get toys up to $50, unless assigned by an admin, which isn't exactly low-end, in my opinion. Plus, you pick your free assignment each month, as long as there aren't too many reviews already, or pending reviews, so you do have quite a say on it.

Perhaps you should be a bit more open-minded as well, because price isn't always indicative of quality. And, "push" assignments, or assignments that have been assigned to you by an admin, aren't the most common thing, so be grateful for them. If you set your product preferences properly, then you shouldn't have to worry about getting an assignment you won't like.

**I was typing this while you were responding, it appears, so pardon me if I came off as rude **
Contributor: Jenn (aka kissmykitty) Jenn (aka kissmykitty)
Damn... maybe that Fleshlight will come to someone who really wants it then!
Contributor: Penguin Penguin
You turned DOWN a fleshlight? That is rare to get not only bc of the price being high $80?, but cause it's popular so they don't need to give them...they sell themselves. You should've felt lucky, I know I did. I'd wanted to try one but got respectfully rejected a few weeks ago. I just got the FL assignment now and was happily shocked.
Maybe I got the one you turned down?...
But why complain about ANYTHING free?
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
Originally posted by Jenn (aka kissmykitty)
Damn... maybe that Fleshlight will come to someone who really wants it then!
LOL. While I understand that Gunsmoke wasn't being un-appreciative and was just trying to clarify how things were chosen, I'm also secretly hoping that the Fleshlight he didn't want is sent to...well, me Is that wrong?
Contributor: Phoenix713 Phoenix713
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Definitely should email admin and discuss it privately with them.


Fleshlights? Are not low end, $20 items. They're one of the top toys out there in terms of popularity and pretty high end.

Also, you have a rank of ... more
Excellent reply Carrie Ann. I wish I'D get a fleshlight!
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Definitely should email admin and discuss it privately with them.


Fleshlights? Are not low end, $20 items. They're one of the top toys out there in terms of popularity and pretty high end.

Also, you have a rank of ... more
It is my understanding that the "push" assignments or "extra" assignments aside from your monthly pick are also not offered to just anyone. You have to be a good reviewer (getting "useful" or "extremely useful" on the majority of your reviews) to even be on the list of people who will receive one of these Manufacturer Sponsored or "Push" assignments, which is one of the reasons that I'm not terribly picky about what I am offered. I just set my preferences to what I know I like/trust material-wise and what is decided upon in my marriage, as one of the reasons I chose to do this was to try new things with My Mister (so I don't want to put him off or I can't do this anymore!).
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Glad to oblige all those who want a flesh light - I have no interest so the system works, if you get it; enjoy!
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
I, also, am not offended. You are entitled to like what you like and to want what you want. I was trying to let you know about the preferences and about most company policies. I didn't think you were kicking the gift horse in the mouth, but I am in the blogosphere as well as on here, and I see the kinds of "requests" that are made to bloggers for products, so I know that not every company out there is as generous as Eden Fantasys. I don't think that you're ungrateful, just that you had questions.
Contributor: Airekah Airekah
I can understand where you may be getting discouraged. I hope things start getting better with your selections!
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
I almost never turn down assignments. I just turned down my first assignment the other day since it was a horror porn, and there's no way I'd give it a good review, so I'd rather reject than hurt EF like that.

However, as Carrie Ann said, most push assignments are usually low-price since push assignments are usually the stuff they *need* reviewed but no one volunteers for. Higher-priced stuff almost always gets requested. Having a fleshlight for a push assignment is very amazing.
Contributor: Alegria Alegria
The program is organized in a way that reviewers receive products that leverage their strength, but it's up to the reviewer to state their strengths in the form that lists preferences.

EF is too busy to look at every reviewer (considering there's hundreds of GOOD adv. reviewers) to see who might want to review something, so they send it out based on those preferences. I'm sure they're not offended in anyway if you turn down an assignment because you're not interested in it.I'm sure they'd prefer that than have a reviewer write about a product they hated from the moment they saw it.

That being said, I've declined two assignments; one was a cock ring that turned off my boyfriend, the other was a toy that involved freezing water and I lack a freezer.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
Thanks to all for the quick feed back. It seems that my comments somehow conveyed that I am some how ungrateful. Nothing could be further from the truth. I buy products at a fair discount and don't begrudge EF at all.

Carrie Ann - I follow ... more
Eh. I choose to do mostly high end stuff these days, too. My point was that, truly, a lot of reviewers do and have reviewed tons of it. None of us "only" get that stuff.

Your best bet is to request things you want for your monthly request - things that fall into your criteria of what you like and are interested in and are also within your price range - and just let Gary know you prefer not to get the push assignments since those are generally kind of run of the mill staples.

Eventually your rank will go up and your choices will also become more open but the system is what it is - for now, you're limited to a $50 price max.

Most of the reviewers with a higher rank, to be frank, got there - and obtained the ability to request more pricey stuff - by taking a few for the team and reviewing the lesser items, too.

You determine how fast your journey in rank goes, really.


I suggest picking something you want to review that is of a quality you deem acceptable within your price range and request it rather than waiting for push assignments. You may not be eligible for $100 products - none of us are, as the cap is $75 - but you do have some control.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Eh. I choose to do mostly high end stuff these days, too. My point was that, truly, a lot of reviewers do and have reviewed tons of it. None of us "only" get that stuff.

Your best bet is to request things you want for your monthly ... more
Carrie Ann - excellent suggestions. I haven't been requesting things - so I need to take a closer look at that avenue.
Contributor: Midway through Midway through
I've taken every assignment I've been offered so far, but none of them were anything I wasn't interested in. There is a product page that says things you're not interested in under the dashboard somewhere, I'm almost positive I filled one out.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
I recently turned down 2 assignments because for some reason I got sent 3 within two days and really didn't think I could review that many in such a short period of time.
Contributor: B8trDude B8trDude
You really turned down a Fleshlight? I just got my first masturbator, a Tenga Fliphole, a few months ago and now love them! (BTW, I'm an "old guy") I now have the STU Fleshlight, as well as the Lady Lager - both of which are incredible. While I've taken almost all assignments, I've only turned down prostate massagers only because I've had some medical problems "down there" and it wouldn't be wise for me to use them. I also took an assignment for a thong - which I would NEVER buy but still had fun writing the review. At the moment, I've got a couple of smaller items to review (I've been VERY busy so it's taking me some time to get to writing the reviews on them) and another Fleshlight is on it's way (maybe it's the one you didn't want to try). Sure, Fleshlights are kind of big but they'll make you and your penis very happy
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by B8trDude
You really turned down a Fleshlight? I just got my first masturbator, a Tenga Fliphole, a few months ago and now love them! (BTW, I'm an "old guy") I now have the STU Fleshlight, as well as the Lady Lager - both of which are incredible. ... more
Thanks for the info - glad they work for you. They just cant compare to one of my wife's BJs - even her hand-jobs are superb - and she never turns me down if I ask - so I'm good 'as is'.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
I was asked to review a mini sex-ball this week. I am still really intimidated to try it out, but I figured what could it hurt to give it a good try? It's not something I'd ever have tried on my own, but maybe I'll think it's the ... more
Jealous. I wanted to review that.

I would never turn an assignment down unless I did not think I would be able to complete it.
Contributor: nolongerhere nolongerhere
I once turned down a penis extension set because my husband had a hissy fit and refused to try it...He's singing a different tune now that I was assigned a fleshlight to review this week! I love that thing! I've been given some lower end items and a couple exciting higher end ones and I just find the fact that I get it for free is so fun! I think what Carrie Ann said about us all paying our dues is so true...I hope that you get some assignments that you really love soon!
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
I want to thank everyone for their input. I learned a lot.

By using the request method I've been offered and accepted a new assignment for Aria's Vibrating Bigboy link.

Look for the review soon!
Contributor: nolongerhere nolongerhere
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
I want to thank everyone for their input. I learned a lot.

By using the request method I've been offered and accepted a new assignment for Aria's Vibrating Bigboy link.

Look for the review soon! ... more
Ooooh, looks like fun! Happy buzzing!
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by nolongerhere
Ooooh, looks like fun! Happy buzzing!
RexyRN: I've got really mixed feelings about this one - that's why I requested it.

We're pretty much getting rid of all of our old jelly toys - mostly due to their odor - but there is no equivalent vibrating silicone dildo. For what ever reason the people who make the silicone dildos use a useless watch-battery driven vibrators. Great dildos - lousy vibes. My hope is that the AVB will not reek too much!

BTW - anytime I get a free-be I always order something to go with it - just to thanks to the EF team. In this case I ordered the 1.75" Agate cock-ring link. I've got silicone and metal ones and thought a stone product seems interesting. It'll be interesting to see if I can handle the 1.75" - all of my others are 2" - another review on the way!