Can a review be too long or descriptive?

Contributor: Cookie Monster Mike Cookie Monster Mike
I am asking for myself more so because I am currently in the process of writing a very long review for a new product. The product line has limited info on it and I want to give a lot of useful information on everything about this product. By a lot, I mean the "use" section alone is as long as an average size standard review format review. The product I am reviewing is a bath/body item with lots of awesome ingredients and it is a great product overall.

So, all in all, do you think a review can be too long and/or too descriptive? What do you feel sets it over the line and becomes too much? Or am I just being paranoid and just go ahead with it? lol

Comments are welcome!
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Yes a review can be too long/descriptive!
Spilock , Katelyn , Ansley , Jul!a , Beck , Gunsmoke , NurseKitty , Coralbell , toxie m , ~LaUr3n~ , Pixel , Sammi , darthkitt3n , Adriana Ravenlust , ViVix , Positwist , Destri , solitudinarian , <3BF , Petite Valentine , Femme Mystique , Kitka , Cora Jane , Trysexual , kitty1949 , Experiment , indiechick , Lavendar , Llahsram , spiced , Kirill1171 , SydVicious , Gluesnffr , fizzygato , SneakersAndPearls , Strider , Gleb , Rokmai , Gary , SexyStuff , charmedtomeetyou , Aishiteru , SecretKinksters , married with children
44  (37%)
No! The more info the better!
Chirple , Rossie , Ghost , Ilovelingerie , Badass , karay123 , Silverdrop , Airen Wolf , Modern^Spank^Anthem , DirtyAngel7 , KrissyNovacaine , ththpup , FlashFuchsia , Lildrummrgurl7
14  (12%)
Just depends on the product! (Yes and No)
- Kira - , Kindred , SMichelle , PassionQT , mm098 , BobbiJay , Ryuson , Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama , MamaDivine , DeliciousSurprise , indiglo , EnChAnTiNg , Kdlips , wetone123 , Howells , aliceinthehole , ksparkles16 , OhMy! , LoveDove , Nazaress , ellejay , GONE! , GirlOnGirl , biancajames , Woman China , unfulfilled , Melissa Smith , FemmeFlo , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , PassionateLover2 , wildorchid , padmeamidala , palindromic , sexxxkitten , ghent529 , sexykiss , ghalik , Mirachaya , Stinkytofu10 , LLmama , JackRaiden , Vaginas , PropertyOfPotter , TheirPet , Bleu , Martiniman , Ayumi , *Camoprincess* , nikki0668 , JennSenn , Silverwinds , melissa1973 , Allison.Wilder , VeganChick (is Gone) , gwenevieve , Rawr4483 , No-nita
57  (48%)
The infamous "Other" option (please explain)
Lucky21 , El-Jaro , SexyRayne , Incendiaire , Eden062112
5  (4%)
Total votes: 120
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Contributor: Chirple Chirple
I said no, with the idea that likely multiple reviews will be written.

That way, the person reading them can find a review that suits their tastes and needs.

I think it's good to have a variety of review styles available for people.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
The more information the better, as long as they're useful!
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
I usually write very detailed, long reviews. I try to include as much info as possible. There's some things that don't need a small novel though. For example - I don't need a book on stockings. I still want a decent length review, but not as long as one on a vibrator would be. I know I did one on a lip balm that was fairly short since there's just only so much to be said.

For a bath product a useful review should include ingredient info. If that's what's taking so much space I wouldn't worry. What I would concern myself about is if the reason the Use section is so long is something like explaining exactly how to use a body wash or something. "Get in shower. Apply wash to poof or rag. Rub poof or rag until lather forms. Apply wash to body." Something like that is just dragging out the review. Most people know how to use a body wash, you know? Now something not as common as a body wash I can see explaining how to use the product quicky just in case.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
I'm notorious for writing fairly lengthy reviews myself. In general, I think you can't have too much detail/information. Having said that, if it's a novel on a simple toy, I probably won't bother to read it. There still needs to be a balance between what's useful information and what's overkill.
Contributor: Spilock Spilock
I think a review can be too long and descriptive, but I also believe that that is true with anything. People have short attention spans, even for something they're interested in. What I generally try to do is hit all of the highpoints that I need to in a relatively short format with a paragraph or two per section. One rather tough but entertaining exercise in simplicity is to try and format your review similar to the extended format, but while using the entry form for the basic format. It has a finite character limit and can remarkably trim down your reviews.
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
I think you can never have enough details, but there can be too much "fluff" that just makes it longer.
Contributor: Badass Badass
If they want to say it about the product, I'm gonna read it. Reviews can never be too long.
Contributor: Katelyn Katelyn
Yeah some reviews get a bit repetitive. I have also noticed a few reviewers including upwards of 5 photos in a review. WOAH that is way to much and I feel that instead of substituting photots for words reviewers should make their review outstanding before they even put in pictures.
Great topic Mike : )
Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
I don't think I've ever seen a review where I was like, "Whoa, that is just too much information." If you're worried about it being overkill, I'd suggest making sure the info is broken down into topics so that if someone is uninterested in ingredients (for example), they can just skip that part and start reading again at whichever point they do find interesting.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
The only time I feel like a review is too long is when a contributor starts repeating things they've already said in a different section, then I feel like it's filler and not really required.

When I write reviews, there's a little voice inside my head that says "try to use as few words as possible to get your point across", in order to do that I often have to use stronger words to paint the picture.

If it's just that there's a lot of information, then there's a lot of information. My Bedroom Kandi review is going to be a novella, there's soo much stuff to tell!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I voted yes because I feel like any review can be too long or too short. To me, something is too long when my eyes glaze over and I can't really make myself read it anymore. A review is too short when it meets just the bare minimum and I'm left asking questions. I've seen reviews meet just the bare minimum and be pretty helpful, and I've seen long reviews be so full of fluff I just couldn't read them and if I can't make myself finish reading your review it doesn't matter how much helpful information you put in there, it's not helpful to me.
Contributor: Cookie Monster Mike Cookie Monster Mike
Ooo lots of helpful replies thanks

Okay well so far the use section is long, because this is a newer line of product and information on the internet is hard to acquire on it. So in my use section, I have a small amount of info about the company, but quickly move onto things involving the different purposes of the product. Because it can be used by itself, or in conjunction with multiple other products in a 5 step ritual.

Then there is a brief rundown of the ritual, the 6 different scents/aphrodisiacs, explaining the difference between a body polish and a scrub, again this really isn't taking up all that much space. But a lot of info then follows about different ways to use the polish solo/with a partner. Some safety concerns and then very briefly a mention of ingredients that can be found later in the review.

I mean, I have read over it, and still see some things I can take out or change. But overall I feel that most if not all the information is relevant, but as someone mentioned "people have short attention spans" I don't want to bore anyone to death. I do plan on however trying to keep the other parts of the review relatively short. There's only so much detail to put in about the texture and aroma anyways lol.
Contributor: Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
As someone who has seen a sneak peek of some of this review - I will state that I don't think it is too long. Of course I'm about to reread it after having gotten up late - so if my eyes glaze over - I'll be sure to let you know.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
Originally posted by Cookie Monster Mike
Ooo lots of helpful replies thanks

Okay well so far the use section is long, because this is a newer line of product and information on the internet is hard to acquire on it. So in my use section, I have a small amount of info about the ... more
You could try to use bullet points to give more information with fewer words in some sections. For example, you could go into detail about 2-3 main uses and then list other ways in fewer words to give readers the idea without all the details. I'm not at all suggesting that what you have written is too long since I have not seen it.
Contributor: karay123 karay123
I don't think so. But maybe add some subheads so it's easier to read.
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
I think that as long as the info is helpful and deemed neccessary, then sure, the more the better!

I have purchased a few items that I had read or watched video reviews on and I was still disappointed with the product. Maybe something was said that was a little off truth or maybe they described something that was not the same as I would have. I think that you have to read several reviews before you can truly get a feel for what the product is all about. I love reading a review though, that has TONS of information so I don't have to look elsewhere for answers to my questions.
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
I think reviews can be too long, but it's rare. I have read a few where I couldn't make it through the whole thing because it was just way too long. I would much rather have a review be shorter and cover all the information I'm looking for in a concise way.
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
I'll be the notorious other. As a rule, I don't think that there is such a thing as too long a of a review. Frankly, if people don't want to read EVERYTHING in the review don't! The great part about the review system is that if you are interested in a certain product you can go back read and re-read the reviews over again. I'm a pathological product researcher, and I have to say, that when I am thinking about getting things, they tend not to be on a impulse, but on very meticulously thought out. That being said, sometimes reviews can be too short. Other times they can go on and on with seemingly no point, and those are some of the hardest to read. I'm glad to have lots of descriptions, pictures and be able to filter out what I want. Because I'll tell you, there is almost always one or two products that I've researched and said, I can't find out how well these work in actuality or will it work for me and/or my partner.
Contributor: Kdlips Kdlips
Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
I think it depends on the product. Being overly descriptive is better than rambling.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
I think a review can be too long. My suggestion is, if you know your review is already growing longer than many may want to read, trim out any info that is already given on the product page.

Also, place "how to" info in the experience section. That way people can get the info if they want it but those who are looking for a more brief description don't have to weed through too much extra.

Also keep in mind if it is a descriptive review it will be the description on the product page and should be concise so as not to confuse shoppers.

Just my couple of cents, of course.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
It depends for me too.

I try not to include any info that's on the product page. I figured that if someone is going to buy the product I'm reviewing, they'll have to go to that page to buy it.
Contributor: LoveDove LoveDove
I don't have any problems with longer reviews - often times, I prefer them. I'd rather have a really long review that tells me everything I could possibly need/want to know about a toy than one that doesn't tell me enough.
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
Reviews can definitely be too long. I think the review should strive for quality over quantity, and it should keep in mind who it's for - the customer.
Contributor: Cookie Monster Mike Cookie Monster Mike
You guys all freaking rock! lol this is helping a lot and I have been working with TexasMama as well on this. Basically, what I have put in the review so far, isn't so much that it is repetitive mumbo jumbo that is pointless, but the information just needed some guidance I think. Breaking it up more, categorizing it more efficiently so it flows better and not overwhelming.

Plus all the help from you guys responses has been incredibly helpful. Plus, I was able to contact someone in the company for the product line to get even more helpful info for the review. So from all 3 sources, TexasMama, responses here, and product company this is helping to make the review informative and detailed without being a cluster of random talking that shifts direction all the time. Obviously I knew when making this post there are always different scenarios in a review and many reasons why it can or cannot be long enough. So again thanks everyone

*By the way, this is not a review for the descriptive review program but just a free assignment sponsored by Edenfantasys
Contributor: Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
After having seen just the beginning so far of Mike's review - let me say this. If it's too long - it worked - cause it sold me on the scent and I purchased FIVE products in the line today. I've never used the JO stuff either...
Contributor: ellejay ellejay
I suppose someone could be too descriptive, but I'd always prefer that over the less descriptive reviews!
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
I said it depends on the product. This is mostly true, though it's more about the information than the length that "depends". If it's useful information, there can never be enough. I wrote a ton on a pair of stockings recently and I actually had to delete some information. All of it was useful, in my opinion. It was longer than I usually see for lingerie.
Contributor: Cookie Monster Mike Cookie Monster Mike
Originally posted by Nazaress
I said it depends on the product. This is mostly true, though it's more about the information than the length that "depends". If it's useful information, there can never be enough. I wrote a ton on a pair of stockings recently and I ... more
I just did this, I had to rework part of the review, because I was able to get some info direct from the company. This in turn allowed me to correct some mistakes I did not know about, and actually condense my review down a bit.

Originally I had it all planned out in my mind about the aroma/taste description, but in time I realized, I can condense 4 sentences into one and still get all the information out. I have been excited and extremely motivated to do this review, it will be my 20th for one, also I finally found a product that is going to work for me (body scrub/polish) along with a scent that actually smells like it is supposed to.

So I am really excited for this review, I hope it turns out good. Like I said, I am getting tons of suggestions and help from TexasMama, she is more so, guiding certain things into making the review flow better. This is generally my flaw in writing, I get side tracked, or drift off into different subjects then back to another, rather than keeping everything together. It's usually my mind thinking ahead of all these great ideas and I want to put it in before I forget.