Often when I'm shopping, I want to see real photos of the product. Sometimes there are some on the product page, but usually, I have to go clicking through the reviews, hoping to find one with photos in it.
If you use Eden's built in hosting, then the photo automatically appears on the product page. If you use your own hosting (photobucket, flickr, etc) then it doesn't.
I suggested here that Eden offer points for uploading photos, but there is a lot of concern that it would lead to photo spam. Since I want the photos more than the points, my other idea is to just ask reviewers nicely. Even if you prefer to use your own hosting, would it be too much trouble to upload a photo or two to Eden as well? It is such a help!
If you use Eden's built in hosting, then the photo automatically appears on the product page. If you use your own hosting (photobucket, flickr, etc) then it doesn't.
I suggested here that Eden offer points for uploading photos, but there is a lot of concern that it would lead to photo spam. Since I want the photos more than the points, my other idea is to just ask reviewers nicely. Even if you prefer to use your own hosting, would it be too much trouble to upload a photo or two to Eden as well? It is such a help!