Hello, everyone! Here be thy public schedule of Rumble hosts. There are still a few slots open. After the May 31st slot is booked, the open call will end.
The open call will be an annual event so that everyone has a chance to participate. Thank you!
Check for your name below and mark it on your calendar. You will receive one reminder email the Monday before the Friday you are scheduled to host. Links should be formatted and returned before 9 AM Friday morning to allow me to format it and host it. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send an email to stormy@edenfantasys.co m
03/08/13 - ghalik
03/15/13 - Peggi
03/22/13 - Zombirella
03/29/13 - Melan!e
04/05/13 - DeliciousSurprise
04/12/13 - SMichelle
04/19/13 - oldman
04/26/13 - TheSinDoll
05/03/13 - NCH
05/10/13 - nanamondoute
05/17/13 - unfulfilled
05/24/13 - meitman
05/31/13 - Ms. N