Welcome to our #July Review Rumble, where great reviews are nominated, the community learns about new and interesting products, and Contributors are rewarded.
As always, it was REALLY tough narrowing it down because many reviews were simply outstanding!
Please read each entry and vote for the review(s) you like best.
- You cannot vote for yourself
- You can vote for up to 3 reviews
The writer of the most liked review will get $15, the second runner up will get $10 and the third runner up will get $5, all to be spent toward a brand new toy!
As always, it was REALLY tough narrowing it down because many reviews were simply outstanding!
Please read each entry and vote for the review(s) you like best.
- You cannot vote for yourself
- You can vote for up to 3 reviews
The writer of the most liked review will get $15, the second runner up will get $10 and the third runner up will get $5, all to be spent toward a brand new toy!