Single can mean different things. I'm single. and wouldn't even consider getting back out there right now. Then I picture people who are single, and looking for the right one, or single and enjoying playing the field.
define your sense of single
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All the above. The term doesn't define secondary status for me; it just means not in a steady relationship.

Right now I'm single, and casually looking. I'm keeping my eyes open, but actively searching for a boyfriend has always ended badly for me. Desperation isn't attractive.
they say you find the one when you stop looking, dunno if i agree
Originally posted by
Right now I'm single, and casually looking. I'm keeping my eyes open, but actively searching for a boyfriend has always ended badly for me. Desperation isn't attractive.
i am not only not looking, i am looking away, lol. not even open to it
To me, single is just not involved with another person. You could be looking, not looking, etc, just not currently in a relationship.
I found my partner when I wasn't looking. I wasn't even interested in dating, neither was he, actually. We were both very, very happy single people. So yes, sometimes you find the one when you aren't looking, but sometimes you find them when you are looking - so just do what feels right to you. It does take time to heal after a breakup, so go ahead and spend some quality time on yourself right now, and enjoy being single. It can be a lot of fun!
I found my partner when I wasn't looking. I wasn't even interested in dating, neither was he, actually. We were both very, very happy single people. So yes, sometimes you find the one when you aren't looking, but sometimes you find them when you are looking - so just do what feels right to you. It does take time to heal after a breakup, so go ahead and spend some quality time on yourself right now, and enjoy being single. It can be a lot of fun!
There needs to be an Other option as single is what you make it. Some are single and not looking, some are, some swing, etc. To me single just means you're not tied down to another, you have no SO, nothing. So you can have a FWB but still be single.
To me, even casually dating would still mean I'm single.
That only changes once the guy makes it clear he wants a serious relationship. Other wise I'm free to do as I please cause I'm not attached!
That only changes once the guy makes it clear he wants a serious relationship. Other wise I'm free to do as I please cause I'm not attached!
All of the above. You are just not committed to anyone
Single comes in different conditions depending on why you're single, bad break up, lost interest, w/e
Originally posted by
Single can mean different things. I'm single. and wouldn't even consider getting back out there right now. Then I picture people who are single, and looking for the right one, or single and enjoying playing the field.
To me, single means not involved with another person no matter if you're available or if you're not looking for anything.
not in a relationship
All of the above. Until you can say, "This is my girl/boyfriend" then I say you're single.
This, yes. :x
Originally posted by
All the above. The term doesn't define secondary status for me; it just means not in a steady relationship.
I'm single I'm not looking but if it happends it happends
I'd say all of them but the "casually dating someone", unless both people are seeing other people too.
Again, with labels, you ascribe them to yourself.
Again, with labels, you ascribe them to yourself.
Playing the field, but if the right one comes along, I'm not scared to settle down!
Originally posted by
Single can mean different things. I'm single. and wouldn't even consider getting back out there right now. Then I picture people who are single, and looking for the right one, or single and enjoying playing the field.
Originally posted by
Single can mean different things. I'm single. and wouldn't even consider getting back out there right now. Then I picture people who are single, and looking for the right one, or single and enjoying playing the field.
Not dating and not looking, occasionally f*****g, it works for now..
Not in a fully committed relationship. Or some sort agreed upon personally connected equivalent.
i'd probably define it as looking, but it could be any of those really
Not dating at all, and possibly looking.
I don't know what to call my little oddball self. I was recently reunited with a guy friend I hadn't seen in four years, and while we both acknowledge and act upon our feelings for each other, I'm having to keep my end of the relationship open since I'm in the process of moving. Plus, I want to live a little!
In short, I'm quasi-dating and considering myself single because we do not have the means by which to have a closed relationship at the moment (which would be my preference).
In short, I'm quasi-dating and considering myself single because we do not have the means by which to have a closed relationship at the moment (which would be my preference).
and now I'd like to add the option:
single, not actively looking, but open to the possibility
single, not actively looking, but open to the possibility
I'm single but not looking. But when I think of myself as single it's more when I wish I was with someone! XD Otherwise I'm just me.
I'm single and tired of looking, which is why I'm not anymore.
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