Bad Boy vs. Nice Guy

Contributor: link82 link82 04/30/2011

Just wondering how many other straight women have a hard time liking the "nice guys," as hard as we try!

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Contributor: link82 link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Coralbell , Chilipepper , tickle me pink , sixfootsex , ZenaidaMacroura , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , darthkitt3n , PiratePrincess , sasweetheart89 , 724-6924 , indiglo , Mary-Anne-Xun , K101 , AgnesTrevejo , The Curious Couple , kelaaa33wish , Inwitari , Lakmé , Jaimes , CoffeeCup , ellejay , melianofvalinor9 , DCorrelle , potstickers , Envy , jay28 , zracer , Ghost , systematicweasel , Kkay , MeliPixie , Ivy Wilde , hyacinthgirl , beachluv51800 , Nissa Nissa , cheetahpita , allinonekid , HannahPanda , klyte , aimtoplease , her angelness , dks210 , ksparkles16 , purple579 , mpfm , Missmarc , kittenfacery , sexxxkitten , little miss kinky , unfulfilled , pasdechat , SMichelle , Sam I Am , Sauceboss , LovesAPoet , Stinkytofu10 , wdanas , Kinsey , Peggi , Rawr4483 , NawlinsDawlin , Lavendar , SecretKinksters , FallFire , panthercat23 , glasskitten , amazon , brevado , Lioncub , MrsHouseWife , True Pleasures , karenm , llellsee , tunacan75 , ginnyluvspotter , rosythorn , oneeyedoctopus , melliegirl , femmeantichrist , Mightymegarod , interestingstuff
81  (28%)
toxie m , SamsDelight , It's a Hooker! , Dyma , uu , hornypoet69 , Virgulino , lolsos , Joie de Cherresse , wetone123 , LavenderSkies , sarki , CAKES , Adriana Ravenlust , js250 , Ms. Spice , ns143ts , dezzydezire , Sex'и'Violence , Ansley , daveysgirl , padmeamidala , eroticmutt , Bignuf , EdenJP , Terri69 , Bex1331 , Freckles , TdotY , Geogeo , xilliannax , booboo111926 , Dixiemomma , deltalima , tami , evie.amor , joiedejouets , spiced , xOhxSoxScandalousx , JinxPinx , Madame de Pompadour
41  (14%)
AOutrajus , Glenna1974 , Willis2011 , yoham45 , Judas Iscars , Cream in the Cupcake , P'Gell , cherryredhead88 , deletedacct , v23 , Sinfully , shySEXXaddict , InNeedOfABuzzzz , PussyPurr , Theaadrian , inmytoybox , Allison.Wilder , beautifulbombshellVI , hotcherry , BiJess , Passionate Mandi , SadoMas , VanillaFreeSex , lilyflower
24  (8%)
Ash1141 , CaliGirl , beth317
3  (1%)
liilii080 , MaryExy , Miss Zombie , Ratito , mb , Lolla Munz , Lady Marmelade , pinkcupcakes , babypinecone , sheree1 , cujo467 , Nothere , sexygoddess , shentel , Anjulie , Kdlips , GravyCakes , BabyL0ve , Shellz31 , The Mother of a SiNner , SiNn , TameTemptress , ColorMeCute , thebest , lovemuscle n cookie , zeebot , MJ1337 , emiliaa , SilverIsis , eggiweg , dhig , Eva Schwaltz , ThoughtsAblaze , JessCee , Diabolical Kitty , Lucky21 , ToyBoy , -BillD , kellyg , Ms. Paprika , Stagger13 , jacki , biancajames , Kitka , Greenleaf , chantal coopette , Sohotdinosaur , chantalgiardina , hall5885 , MamaDivine , GONE! , sweetpea12 , Azule , MissCandyland , animepanda89 , tortilla , Danneh , laflauta , SneakersAndPearls , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , legna , deadpoet , spicyjjang , gorgeous , XxFallenAngelxX , Aisling , Do emu , zaftigzoo , AK Bunny , subwayrailings , libra777 , sweet&lush , AliMc , MidnightStorm , atryonix , IvyFayette , InnocentIchigo , breakfastonpluto , sillylilkitten , hillys , Shortietomboy235 , LoganAshlee. , snowminx , SourAppleMartini , battleaxe , CinnamonNights , Student , friendswithfangs , Miaever , earthmama , TexasBrat , *Ashley* , benjiwithaz , lovleytales , Ms.Terious , epiphanyjayne
96  (33%)
dv8 , sexyintexas , Rossie , Taylor , Howells , ToyGurl , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , curmudgeoncat , CarmenGore262 , Linga , Sunshineamine , ily , Breas , Menarae , ashaxmarie , CreamySweet , AndroAngel , poetprincess , Jon S , eeep , mistressg , Daemonin , voenne , Ms. N , hro789 , theavocadopit , AlianneCimorene , PropertyOfPotter , dirtythoughts:) , skeeterlynn , anonkitty , edeneve , Neotigress , prttynink , Supervixen , Falsepast , Bri9 , thesexiebunnie , mjtheprincess , BlooJay , Real or memorex , xfairyxtalex , CS2012 , amorfati , werewolf , Good3fellow , Evoluchun
47  (16%)
Total votes: 292
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Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
I've never really been into the textbook bad boy. I've liked men who were bad for me or to me. I've liked men who were unavailable to me. But, I wised up and now I am happy with a nice, compatible, somewhat nerdy guy who likes me for me. It's much easier the way I do things now.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
I have a weakness for bad boys, although my current boyfriend has managed to break the mold. Every time I start to get the wander-eye because he's being too nice, I just tell him to crank it up a notch in bed. A good paddling on my behind peaks my interest again real quick
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Bad boys would never go for me. And, frankly, they make my skin crawl, so there's never been a problem.

I think the problem most women have with being unable to fall for 'nice guys' is that 'nice guys' don't ooze virility like 'bad boys' do. I know LOTS of nice guys, but I just don't feel a spark for most of them because they exude an air of sexual disinterest. And they even come off as having bland personalities at times. 'Nice' really does not have to mean 'boring'.

My Master is pretty much a 'nice guy' - outwardly he's quiet, reserved, polite, well-mannered, stable, unobtrusive, sweet smile, etc. But he's also a Dom and a very demanding Master (as well as being a geek like me). Passing him on the street I wouldn't have looked twice (in fact, I over-looked his profile often when going through the dating site we met at), but once he contacted me his user-named (knotty_or_nice) clicked in my head and I finally realized that this 'nice guy' had an unknown side to him that no one would ever know unless they were part of it.

I guess my point is that you sometimes have to take a chance to find out if there's something the nice guy offers that appeals to you. He may not look like a porn star or treat you like crap or have a mass of illegitimate children or get in jail or whatever else that's exciting ... but you'll always know where you stand with the nice guy and you'll be treated with Respect.
Contributor: Willis2011 Willis2011
Wish I could find a nice guy!
Contributor: tickle me pink tickle me pink
I'll always go for the nice guys. Bad boys are fine to admire from afar, but I know that they wouldn't treat me the way I want to be treated.
Contributor: w-o-name w-o-name
I am not really into bad boys but not super nice ones either...I need to find someone in between!
Contributor: SamsDelight SamsDelight
Oh it took me a long time to get it right. I dated bad boy after bad boy. Always thinking they would change at some point. When the first real true guy came into the picture I went on one date and dumped him the next day. Fast forward seven years later. He is my husband and I am so glad he gave me a second chance.
Contributor: SexyLilPixi SexyLilPixi
I think I'm equally into both. Now the bad nice guy is the gold!! Lol
Contributor: Lady Marmelade Lady Marmelade
Maybe I'm the bad girl.
Contributor: Vaccinium Vaccinium
From a guy's perspective....

When I was dating, I had a really hard time getting and keeping girlfriends because I *was* the nice guy. I was the sweet, sensitive, romantic guy that so many women say they want, but when it comes down to it, really don't. It took getting hurt really badly by a woman I was dating to finally see that I was going about it all wrong and learned how to be an asshole to women. You know what? It worked. I was able to lure them in with being a dick, and then most of them started seeing the good that lay beneath. That's the way I got my wife. I've now managed to shed most of that dickish behavior because I no longer need it.

I know I'll be telling my son, who is also sweet and sensitive like his daddy, that he needs to hide that if he wants to have much success in the dating world. I hate to do it, but I've seen it firsthand with myself and secondhand with so many other guys.
Contributor: hornypoet69 hornypoet69
I have been attracted to both nice guys and bad guys. I think my perfect man is a rebel, and a "bad boy" on the outside, but is actually very caring on the inside. But then I'm still pretty new to this dating thing, so ask me again in 10 years.
Contributor: A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
I like to picture and present myself as a bad girl, but in reality I'm a good girl and also fall for nice guys.
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
I have a weakness for the bad boys. My first husband was a nice guy and it didn't work out. He just wasn't enough for me.
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
Im not really into the bad boy thing but for some reason every single one has been a "bad boy".
Contributor: link82 link82
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Bad boys would never go for me. And, frankly, they make my skin crawl, so there's never been a problem.

I think the problem most women have with being unable to fall for 'nice guys' is that 'nice guys' don't ... more
Thank you so much for that - very enlightening!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
OOOOO, I have a thing for Bad Boys. Real Bad Boys, not the Hollywood type.

My Man was a terror when he was younger. He's a rugged, nasty, (sexually) tough calloused man who says what he is thinking, without....thinking. He'll often break things while attempting to "fix" them, because he's so aggressive. Too much stuff in a drawer to close it? Don't move stuff around or clean the drawer, BANG on it until it closes. In fact his motto seems to be "If it doesn't fit, bang on it." (However, he has learned when to be somewhat gentle. I never would have even tried anal sex with him if he hadn't learned that there is a time for gentleness and taking one's time. As I said, they mature somewhat. But, don't expect radical change from a Bad Boy.)

I've always been attracted to Bad Boys. Of course, women like me really shouldn't complain when our Bad Boys don't change when we finally snag them. Once a crude rude sex machine, always a crude rude sex machine. Don't expect Hallmark sentiments from a Bad Boy, or expect him to suddenly stop his ways, whether that be drinking, smoking, getting high or even cheating, if he did it before you dated him. Luckily, My Man is not a cheater, and I knew that before we got terribly serious. But, don't marry a Bad Boy and then complain that he drinks too much at parties or flirts with girls or goes out with the Boys and comes home worse for wear, or says what's on his mind.

You marry or engage in a long term relationship with a tough guy, be prepared for the fact that he will stay that way. You can't change people, so don't fall for a tough guy and then expect Alan Alda after you take you vows or move in together. His personality is what you fell for in the first place, he isn't going to change to suit anybody.

My Man is a GOOD MAN, but a Bad Boy. I made sure he was able and willing to support a family, that he was not abusive to me, that he was willing and able to work hard and that he was happy to not only make me happy in bed, but sometimes even share the occasional emotion with me. Yeah, I've seen him cry, but I've never gotten a card when it wasn't a holiday (and he grumbles about that.) He does occasionally buy me flowers "for no reason" and cook dinner, but he yells a lot and stomps around like a spoiled two year old if he gets angry. He is also brutally honest. For some reason, a few days ago, we were talking about how our voices sound. I told him his deep voice was a turn on. (He said he hates the way his voice sounds recorded.) I asked him (Hell I ASKED) what my voice sounded like to him and he said, "P'Gell, it's really kind of irritating and nasally. Often, it drive me crazy, especially if you're upset." WTF? Don't ever ask a Bad Boy a question, unless you really want to know what is on his mind. I do prefer an HONEST Bad Boy to a manipulative one. I never would have married a manipulative man. Sweet, bad or anything.

Ladies if you love a Bad Boy, be prepared to assess him for "good man" tendencies but realize he will always be "bad" in one way or an other.

DON'T try to change him. You knew what you were getting yourself into.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I never really went for the bad boys when I was dating. Sure, I might have drooled over a few of them every now and then, but I never had any intention of doing anything more than silently drooling. I always went for the guy that seemed nice and could have long conversations with me, and I didn't have that many boyfriends.

I probably could have dated bad boys, I've been told I have/had that "bad girl" image, but the problem is that I don't have the personality to go along with it. I get a guilty conscience over doing anything wrong.
Contributor: sexyintexas sexyintexas
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
My guy is a biker in an mc but he is the sweetest ever at home so I get the best of both worlds.
Contributor: Mary-Anne-Xun Mary-Anne-Xun
Nice guy, always.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I've been with bad boys, but in the end, I married my nice guy.
Contributor: sasweetheart89 sasweetheart89
I don't think nice guys finish last- they're who I go for!
Contributor: MrRainybowbow MrRainybowbow
The guys i ushally thought were sweet turn out to be lieing good for nothing assholes. The guy im with is a total bad boy but hes the sweetest man i've been with. He'd do anything for me
Contributor: 724-6924 724-6924
I always think guys who say "nice guys finish last" may be forgetting to add "with certain girls." because there are A LOT of us out here who /love/ nice, sweet, kind, and gentle guys.
Contributor: Mary-Anne-Xun Mary-Anne-Xun
Originally posted by A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
I like to picture and present myself as a bad girl, but in reality I'm a good girl and also fall for nice guys.
Same here!
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I prefer someone who treats me with respect, dignity, kindness, compassion and all that good stuff. I do not care for assholes, and don't understand why some women go for that kind of thing, and end up putting up with so much crap. It's a shame.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
Always go for bad boys
Contributor: sexygoddess sexygoddess
I cant really pick. I pick the inbetween
Contributor: sarki sarki
The bad boys are sexy
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
My first guy was sort of a bad boy, low life, no future type of guy and that sort of attracted me but after a while the instability in his life scared the hell out of me and I went for the good guy!
Contributor: SexyLilPixi SexyLilPixi
I love my perfectly balanced sweetheart bad boy.
Contributor: K101 K101
I have had both. My partner is very sweet and nice, but not to the point of being a doormat like one of my exs were. There's a fine line between nice and 'run all over me-nice' I have it right in the perfect spot with mine. He's very nice to me and will do anything for me and usually is really happy to focus on making me happy, but he doesn't let people run him over which is a respectable quality. He's not really the "bad boy" but he's not innocent either. lol
Contributor: Anjulie Anjulie
I always go somewhere in the middle.
Contributor: Kdlips Kdlips
I've never really had one extreme or the either - not too nice but not too bad either.
Contributor: Howells Howells
What about alpha males? The third category which is not present.
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
When I was in high school, the "alpha males" and "bad boys" were my type. The boys with motorcycles, black leather jackets, bad attitudes, big muscles, football stars, etc. I met my fiance after a break up with a gangster, and he was the complete opposite. All around good guy. Never been happier.
Contributor: ddd masturbator(bye all!) ddd masturbator(bye all!)
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
The two guys that I have been in a relationship with were both nice guys. Each was overly in love with me before I decided how I really felt. Sexually, though, they would have surprised people! haha
Contributor: Inwitari Inwitari
I always go for the nice guy and he HAS to be the type that really treats women respectfully-especiall y his own family. Bad boys are annoying and immature. If I wanted that I would have kids.
Contributor: The Mother of a SiNner The Mother of a SiNner
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
my hubby wa s asemi bad boy turned good
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Bad boys would never go for me. And, frankly, they make my skin crawl, so there's never been a problem.

I think the problem most women have with being unable to fall for 'nice guys' is that 'nice guys' don't ... more
I literally say the same thing about "nice" and "boring." Heh.
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
a very healthy mixture of both leaning alil more toward the bad boy at times but hey hes an awesome man so its all thatmatters
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
I got the nice guy. He calls his mom once a week. Calls my mom once a month. Treats me like I'm his superhero. The bad boy comes out in our martial arts. Put a knife in that man's hands and you can mop me up off the floor.
Contributor: CoffeeCup CoffeeCup
I go for the nice guy. I've always gone for the nice guy. The first three boyfriends I ever had, had never had a girlfriend before because they were always "the friend".
Contributor: curmudgeoncat curmudgeoncat
I had only ever been in relationships with "bad boys", but the one I'm in now is my first with a "good guy". It's refreshing, but sometimes I have my doubts in regards to attachment. Mostly, it's from insecurities from previous experiences. D:
Contributor: melianofvalinor9 melianofvalinor9
My fiance is a nice guy but he was a bad boy so I get the good things from both. He's just perfect.
Contributor: js250 js250
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I got the bad guy. It takes some work, but it was worth it in my case.
Contributor: v23 v23
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
Completly agree!
Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
I always seem to go for the bad boys, but I wish I could fall for a nice guy cause here I am left alone again by the "bad boys"
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
I prefer nice guys. I need to feel like I'm friends with a person before I gain any strong attraction, and I just don't become friendly with jerks. Plus, I'd like to know that he isn't going to get himself in trouble.
Contributor: CarmenGore262 CarmenGore262
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
How can I say this...Ok I always fall for the nice guys but sex is best with the bad boys.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
i meant to vote for other, lol. i've never really grouped men into bad boys and nice guys; everyone has a little bit of both . i like a man who doesn't feel the need to adhere to cultural norms but also is a sweetie. i hope this was helpful....
Contributor: dezzydezire dezzydezire
Before marriage i always went for the bad boys. theyre great for a fun ride but the first good boy i went for i decided to keep him. something to be said for a good guy.
Contributor: systematicweasel systematicweasel
I always fall for the nice guys lol
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
I'm not straight, i'm bisexual. I have only liked 'nice guys'. The minute one of them started treating me like shit I ditched the shit out of them. Unfortunately I had a problem leaving bad girls for a while, but I got out of that quick.
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
Nice guys exclusively.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Bad boys all the way! Hubs and I like to ride and he's a member of a local chapter, but we haven't done a sanctioned ride in a long time. He has a "fuck 'em all" attitude about a lot of things and his favorite saying is "nobody cares". I like that he doesn't worry about obtaining a specific standing in society and really doesn't care what anyone thinks about our relationship. We have a ton of fun together and to me that is all that matters.
Contributor: Dear Ruby Dear Ruby
Kind of into bad boys, but I went with other because I'm into a specific type of bad boy - I always seem to fall for the skeletons-in-the-close t type of bad boy. And no, it's not working. Like my best friend said after I ended my last relationship - all those psycho bad boys with their twisted charm just turn into crazy old men eventually.

In my experience, guys that label themselves as nice guys generally aren't. They are just lame. A lot of those bad boys are actually really, really nice, just misunderstood.
Contributor: daveysgirl daveysgirl
bad gets my attention, i get bored with nice!
Contributor: Eva Schwaltz Eva Schwaltz
I fall for nice guys. Guys who are dicks I won't bother wasting my time on.
Contributor: MeliPixie MeliPixie
Nice guys please! ^_^
Contributor: Linga Linga
I like nice guys who are bad boys in bed
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
Originally posted by Linga
I like nice guys who are bad boys in bed
Awesome lingaloo for sure. I used to go for bad boys and now I've got a nice boy that's sassier than hell in the bedroom.
Contributor: Ivy Wilde Ivy Wilde
Originally posted by Vaccinium
From a guy's perspective....

When I was dating, I had a really hard time getting and keeping girlfriends because I *was* the nice guy. I was the sweet, sensitive, romantic guy that so many women say they want, but when it comes ... more
I am sorry that you had such bad experiences with women. You must have dated some royal bitches. But not all women are like that. I and all of my female friends fell in love with and married "nice guys". I wouldn't put up with a man who was an asshole to me and neither would any of my friends. I know. We talk about these sorts of things. My absolutely gorgeous, intelligent and talented sister-in-law(who is just too nice and too much fun to hate because she's beautiful) just got engaged to a very nice guy. She had previously dated an asshole, but broke it off because of the way he treated her. My one remaining single female friend is holding out for a guy who will treat her as wonderfully as she deserves to be treated. There are lots of women who are attracted to and fall in love with "nice guys".

Though I suppose if you are attracted to the type of women who are attracted to assholes, I guess you have to be an asshole in order to get them. I've never understood why so many men are attracted to women who are bitches.
Contributor: shySEXXaddict shySEXXaddict
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I am a "good" girl and somehow always fall for the bad boys..not on purpose though.Thats why in the end I always get!I think I attract them...because they always come across as being good then I find out theres a different side to them.
Contributor: Breas Breas
a bit of both. Usually the bad guys and end up in bad relationships. now im with a good guy and in a great relationship !
Contributor: Howells Howells
Other side of the story, but I always went for nice girls. Bad girls, the blond, blue eyed, big boobs rich babes are rarely meant to last. A more quiet brunette or brunette mixed with blonde with a normal family without crazy tendencies is far more better. Sunglasses tell a LOT about a girl!
Contributor: Diabolical Kitty Diabolical Kitty
I've usually ended up with the bad guys, but this time I have a wonderful MtF who is nice and perfect for me.
Contributor: Menarae Menarae
I much prefer nice guys with a little streak of naughty. Kind of the male version of the naughty librarian...all buttoned up, maybe a little bookish on the outside, polite...but get him in the privacy of the bedroom, and he lets it all bust out.

I often have to deal with dickish guys at work, and I can't stand to be around most of them for the ten minutes they're in the store laughing at the dildos and masturbators. I wouldn't be able to make it through a date with one, let alone have an actual relationship. I dated a nice guy who was nice all the way around (to the point where he wouldn't touch me) and I dated a guy who treated me like a fucktoy. I'd much rather have someone in between.
Contributor: ashaxmarie ashaxmarie
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
i've dated both nice guys and bad boys
Contributor: ToyBoy ToyBoy
I like them to be a bit of both
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
I prefer men who are nice, though I've been fooled the last two times by thinking a guy was nice when he was actually a lying bastard. I prefer guys like me: bookish, nerdy, with a sweet side and a desire to please other people, but not a complete doormat.

Bad boys bore me. I've never met one who was the slightest bit interesting to me intellectually, and that's the major component of attraction for me.
Contributor: CreamySweet CreamySweet
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I married a "nice guy" but I always found the badboy types to fuck. Still do for the most part... all my boytoy friends are cleancut badboys.
Contributor: beachluv51800 beachluv51800
I married a nice guy, but the majority of my past relationships were with bad boys.
Contributor: socalsusieq socalsusieq
I tend to fall for the bad guys
Contributor: AndroAngel AndroAngel
I'm not with a "nice guy" or a "bad boy" I'm with an honest man, who happens to be an individual who can't be neatly shuffled into a stereotype. He wasn't super nice to me, but he wasn't a dick, either, and we ended up learning to like and respect each other, then we fell in love. We respect each others feelings, communicate openly and honestly, and he treats me like a human being, not a princess or a whore. I'm desirable to him, and he lets me know it, but he doesn't treat me like I'm just some hole to stick it in. He loves me, and he lets me know it, but he doesn't let me walk all over him. So... A person, not a "nice guy" or a "bad boy".
Contributor: poetprincess poetprincess
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I have always dated a nice guy but had the bad boy on the side, yeah i know its wrong but he was oh so yummy and fun but we both knew nothing would come from it. they guy im with now is a really nice guy and i am proud to say i told my bad boy no from day one with my nice guy and its been almost four years. not that my bad boy dont try to pop in the picture. its fun when he tries to text me and tease me but I dont ever let it go anywhere..
Contributor: Ms. Paprika Ms. Paprika
While bad boys may initially get my attention, it's the nice, or at least nicer guys that I'll stay with.
Contributor: eroticmutt eroticmutt
Yes I am the classic girl who always falls for bad boys. Shaved heads, combat boots, usually smokers, etc. I realize that the most edgy and interesting people (which initially attract me) are not often people who would actually be good in a long term relationship. A lot of the time they have bad habits, bad manners, or even bad attitudes.
Contributor: Theaadrian Theaadrian
For some reason my definition of "bad boy" is "pretentious and douchey". Unfortunately I'm just really attracted to overly confidant guys who aren't really the most caring or even the nicest. I wish I could be more attracted to the nice guys of the world, and I feel like the media and the world that we live in has shaped me into someone who can't see nice guys as fuckable. But maybe there is some biological/evolutionar y explanation, and I can just chalk it up to science...
Contributor: eeep eeep
I always go for the nice guy, unfortunately they often turn out to be jerks in the end. I'm honestly not sure there actually is a guy who is totally one or the other though.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
I personally love nice boys.
Contributor: biancajames biancajames
I have a bad habit of picking nice seeming guys who turn out to be can be hard to tell in the beginning of seeing someone...
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I dated many BAD BOYS. Thank God I ended up friends with the NICE GUY and he was stubborn enough to stick around and make ME his wife!!!!
I feel bad for the one girl he dated that actually broke up with him because he was (she actually said this), "TOO NICE". She wanted "edgy"...not "him always saying how beautiful she was, and how he was so lucky to be with her"...etc. "made her nuts"..she said.

Well, I got the NICE guy, and SHE got her edgy, bad boys that she SO wanted. One beat the crap out of her, till he ran off with all her money. Her next one was not only abusive but an alcoholic as well, and the third one...well, after she had a car wreck and she found he had THREE different woman he was screwing IN HER BED, during her month in the e got EXACTLY what SHE was looking for I guess.

When it comes to Nice Guys and Bad Boys, I guess you better be careful what you are looking just MAY get it.
Contributor: Daemonin Daemonin
I picked "Other" because I've fallen for a whole range of characters and ended up with the bad-boy-gone-good. Don't know what category that'd be under. He was bad when I met him, and now he's been working on changing himself for the better. Works for me Still has a few "bad" tendencies, though.
Contributor: voenne voenne
Never been out with a real "bad boy". I always fall for emotionally unavailable, commitment phobic guys, or assholes that drive me crazy and I have no clue why it attracts me. Have dated really "nice guys" as well, but never was able to fall for any of them and it didn't go anywhere.
Contributor: Ms. N Ms. N
I like shy boys
Contributor: inmytoybox inmytoybox
A little bit of both
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
I'm not a straight woman. I've never really had a thing for bad or nice guys, but I like a little of both.
Contributor: dks210 dks210
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I voted for nice guys. I'm not talking about wimpy doormats, but the confident, caring, honest, emotionally stable men. Like my boyfriend. :]
Contributor: Greenleaf Greenleaf
I seem to attract guys with a hard look and a squishy teddybear inside. I don't particularly mind though.
Contributor: AHubbyof2SexualMinds AHubbyof2SexualMinds
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I'm a nice guy and glad to say I finished first, at least in the wife department.
Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
Nice guys!
Contributor: chantalgiardina chantalgiardina
never really had one or the other.
Contributor: Terri69 Terri69
I love, Love, LOVE the bad boys!!! Always have, always will! They make me so hot!! Bad boys need love too!
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I think when I was little, I was more into the Bad Boy type. Now I like the nice, sweet guy type.
Contributor: kittenfacery kittenfacery
my boy is lovely, but with a streak of wanting to tie me up in ropes and watch me struggle

it's awesome
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I've never had one extreme really. They usually lie in the middle of that spectrum
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I love nice guys that treat me with respect.
Contributor: Freckles Freckles
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I love me some bad boy. I've dated the "nice guy" but right now that is not what I'm interested in. I ended up feeling like he had more emotions then I do, I felt like I was the man in the relationship!
Contributor: Azule Azule
Usually it's a pretty balanced mix because that's kind of how I am and I've learned to be wary of either extreme.
Contributor: TdotY TdotY
I always fall for the bad boys and that seems to be my problem
Contributor: pasdechat pasdechat
I've never understood the stereotype about women liking "bad boys." I mean, I know that everyone is different, but speaking from personal experience, it's not just that bad boys don't do anything for me--they actually turn me OFF. A lot. I'm sure that my taste has been heavily influenced by seeing the sorts of relationships some of the women around me have gotten into (friends, and even the horrible way my father treated my mother), but I just don't understand how anyone who has actually known a "bad" guy well could actually be drawn to him, as a type (setting aside abusive situations where women stay in unhealthy relationships because of insecurity, fear, etc).
Contributor: Allison.Wilder Allison.Wilder
I hate that I always go for the bad boys.
Contributor: Sauceboss Sauceboss
i like nice guys.
Contributor: AlianneCimorene AlianneCimorene
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I'd go for a nice guy over a bad boy, every time. The problem with "nice guys" is that often you see people who call themselves "nice" (both guys and girls), but who are actually not nice at all because they expect things. These are the same guys who constantly whine about the "friendzone" , not realizing that when ever they claim that, they reduce women they are talking about into objects that will dispense love, or sex, or a long-term relationship in exchange for the "niceness" of the guy. Real nice guys genuinely care about the women they like, don't expect anything out those women,and don't do this. These guys are the ones that have healthy, long term, happy relationships that aren't broken up by messy passive-aggressive tendencies. So don't loose hope, dude, just keep being awesome and the awesome women will come.
Contributor: Danneh Danneh
Most self-described nice guys- are anything but. They're just guys that act nice and then feel like they're owed something in return. They pout and get angry and act like assholes when they don't get what they want. Most of the guys I've been with are open with the fact that they're assholes- except... very few people would actually call them assholes. I prefer it that way. People who don't coddle but aren't out for a reputation either.
Contributor: dirtythoughts:) dirtythoughts:)
I used to always fall for the bad boys, like "tear your heart out and stomp on it after so ling" type of bad boy. I eventually learned my lesson.
When I first started dating my boyfriend now of 2 years, i thought he was a slight bad boy. I later found out that was an act. He's goofy, nerdy, sweet and an all around nice guy . We make a great pair .
Contributor: laflauta laflauta
I've never gone for bad boys and they've never cared too much about me, but I have had enough experience with nice guys to know that they are just not my thing. The problem with nice guys is that they put me on a pedestal and I am the only thing that matters to them. There is such a thing as being too nice. I can't stand it when I feel like a guy has no goals in life other than pleasing me. I want someone who will tell me no from time to time and let me know when I'm being unreasonable. I voted for the happy medium because those are the guys who have a backbone but still care about me.
Contributor: hotcherry hotcherry
I go for the bad boys, but I wish I could fall for the nice guys!
Contributor: legna legna
I have always went for both. Just depending on what about them caught my attention.
Contributor: LovesAPoet LovesAPoet
I'm too "pantsy" to be with a bad boy (meaning I prefer to "wear the pants" in a relationship). So sadly being with a bad boy would probably be a constant power struggle. Although bad boys are attractive to me, I don't think I'd ever seriously date one for that reason.
Contributor: Tork48309 Tork48309
Good poll, I always wonder why women fall for the bad guy. I mean what woman wouldn't want respect, friendship, equality, and understanding. This just doesn't make sense!
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I always aim for the nice guys, used to always turn out to be bad boys, but then I somehow got lucky and actually found me a good guy
Contributor: Lavendar Lavendar
Love the nice guys, they always show you respect!
Contributor: CaliGirl CaliGirl
My man looks like a complete bad boy with all his tats. But lucky for me, he is the biggest sweetheart I could have ever asked for. Guess I have the best of both worlds!
Contributor: SadoMas SadoMas
I go for the bad boys, but I wish I could fall for the nice guys!
Contributor: skeeterlynn skeeterlynn
I chose other because I think I go for the nice guys, but turns out usually I was wrong.
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
My man is a mixture of both but in a good way.
Contributor: Aisling Aisling
I think it depends on how you define "nice guy" and "bad boy" - is it personality? Looks? Hobbies? Behavior? Everybody seems to have a different definition of what constitutes one or the other. Personally, I've met plenty of so called bad boys that weren't all that bad and lots of self-proclaimed nice guys that were resentful and passive-aggressive or just jerks.

For the most part I think men (and people in general) are a mixture of both good/nice and bad qualities. Dividing them into two separate and distinct categories as if there's only two types of men out there doesn't really do much good.
Contributor: anonkitty anonkitty
Give me a dominant/kinky good guy who talks like a bad boy. ;] I actually do end up going for good guys- but feel like they can use a bit of an edge.
Contributor: panthercat23 panthercat23
I enjoy the good guys though I have found that many of the good guys are kinky fucks in bed, so win-win.
Contributor: Do emu Do emu
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I'm with someone who is the best of both worlds. Okay, so maybe he leans more towards "bad boy" but how are we supposed to categorize those who don't fit the stereotype perfectly?
Contributor: Dixiemomma Dixiemomma
i ALWAYS fell for the bad boys.... but i lucked out and now have a guy that totally looks like a bad boy, but is a such big hearted nerd hehe Love that man!!
Contributor: squire squire
Nice guys finish last because they put their partner's orgasms first!

There is a difference between being a nice guy and having no confidence to stand for anything. I think that is a distinction that is lost on people when they are younger.
Contributor: Neotigress Neotigress
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I go for the aspie Mr. Spock type.
Contributor: prttynink prttynink
My guy is just the right amount of both, and it's wonderful
Contributor: glasskitten glasskitten
I like nice guys, buy genuinely nice guys. Not the "I'm going to help you with this project, or help you carry your things to class in the hopes of sleeping with you later" type of 'nice guys'. Although I've never been with that type of guy, too many of my friends have reported these sort of these happening...
Contributor: AK Bunny AK Bunny
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I'll go for the nice guy every time- the bad boys usually annoy me or just straight make me mad. But it has to be nice guy with a sense of humor and some confidence. There is a difference between being polite and not pushing versus shy and unconfident.
Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
Neither--let me explain.
"Nice guys" are usually too sensitive and unsure of themselves, in my experience. I like guys who are respectful and thoughtful, but I don't want a sweet, romantic teddy bear. I just don't find that attractive at all. I want a man who acts like a man, and who treats me as his equal, and not like I'm some princess who he must worship. In the bedroom, I want him to be dominant and confident. I don't want a softie because, I'm not a softie. I've also found these types of guys to be clingy. Soooo not attractive.

I don't like "bad boys" though, either. They are typically douchebags, and I have no interest in stroking their massive egos and setting myself up for certain heartache. Nobody is worth it, in my opinion.

I like men who are interesting, independent, affectionate without being overbearing about it, dominant while respectful of my independence, strength and abilities, confident enough to not feel the need to make a big show of it, and secure enough to just be...himself.

It's true though that not a lot of women will fall for the nice guy. We could just as easily have you as a friend. I want someone who I can challenge and who will challenge me. I don't mean I want arguments, fighting, being made to feel insecure,'s possible to achieve harmony with the right person who is neither extreme--in fact, it's much easier to achieve harmony when your guy is neither of the extremes.

That's my take on it.
Contributor: brevado brevado
Don't need the bad boy drama
Contributor: subwayrailings subwayrailings
what even defines nice or bad ? i've dated assholes who could be described as 'nice guys'
Contributor: libra777 libra777
I have met men that are so structured and routine,mostly unwilling to take charge of anything and that all drives me crazy sometimes. Never dated a real "badboy" Just guys that look that way or wish they were. In the end i find most men the same slightly leaning one way or the other. For me it boils down to respect and their sense of adventure. They could call them selves what ever they want lol
Contributor: VanillaFreeSex VanillaFreeSex
it's actually something i'm trying to figure out. how to stay away from bad boys and instead opt for a good man.
Contributor: tami tami
oh purrrrr I love me a bad boy....however hubby is a nice guy
Contributor: sweet&lush sweet&lush
When I was younger I went for the bad boys but now since I have matured and want to settled down I only go for the nice guys. However, I do believe that all men have a little of both deep within them.
Contributor: MidnightStorm MidnightStorm
I don't really go for "bad" or "guys" but I never go for boring guys.
Contributor: Lioncub Lioncub
Prefer nice guys
Contributor: atryonix atryonix
Good or bad I always fall for the wrong guy.
Contributor: MrsHouseWife MrsHouseWife
I have dated, bad boys and nice guys. I did the best thing and married a nice guy that makes me feel naughty
Contributor: tortilla tortilla
I like em both
Contributor: thesexiebunnie thesexiebunnie
I have liked all types of men throughout my years. Can't say I go for one more than the next.
Contributor: justart justart
Nice guys usually end up dealing with the baggage left by the rest. It took me a while to figure this out, but in the end (like with most things) it's about finding the right balance. You take the desirable parts of both. Confident, assertive, a bit aloof, but treat her with respect and at times show a bit of vulnerability. I may have a drawer full of khakis but there's a pretty impressive paddle collection hidden underneath
Contributor: IvyFayette IvyFayette
The guys I tend to fall for seem so nice at first but after awhile I see how 'bad' they usually are. I'm still hoping to find a happy medium.
Contributor: llellsee llellsee
Nice guys for me! I like an easy drama-free life
Contributor: joiedejouets joiedejouets
I like bad boys with a sweet center.
Contributor: mjtheprincess mjtheprincess
I lovvvvvvved the bad boys. I dated all jerks. And what do you know, I date a nice guy, I get engaged, and now all that's lefty is happily ever after!
Contributor: hillys hillys
I date the nice guys, who are bad boyfriends, and then when I'm single I crush on some bad boys.... Talk about going back and forth
Contributor: xOhxSoxScandalousx xOhxSoxScandalousx
I tend to fall for bad boys
Contributor: Real or memorex Real or memorex
I think it's a bullshit dichotomy. "Nice guys" aren't always particularly nice, and transgressive, dirty fun guys can be respectful good partners. I like guys with a wild streak because I also have one, but I wouldn't get involve with someone who didn't treat me with respect.
Contributor: snowminx snowminx
I try to go after good guys but most of mine actually seem like not so good people in the end when I see their true colors lol
Contributor: xfairyxtalex xfairyxtalex
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I used to always think I fell for the bad guys until I met the guy I am with now.
Contributor: CS2012 CS2012
My ex-husband was a nice guy. My ex-boyfriend is bad guy at first he seemed nice but he turned out to be bad news. I find I like nice guys better than the bad ones.
Contributor: dancingduo dancingduo
I trust this poll about as far as I can throw the internet.
Contributor: rosythorn rosythorn
I`ve never understood this whole bad boy thing, if it is broke leave it alone! so many of my friends date dirt bags and I am like girl, you need to drop that!
Contributor: amorfati amorfati
I prefer a nice guy who looks like a bad boy. That's how my man is.
Contributor: oneeyedoctopus oneeyedoctopus
I like guys who make me feel comfortable.
Contributor: melliegirl melliegirl
I want a nice guy that can stand up to me every so often (i don't want a doormat)
Contributor: femmeantichrist femmeantichrist
I used to be into the rough rugged punk boys. i thought they were rebellious and exciting, turns out that most of them were just unmotivated and brought me down with them. Recently i've started going for the nerdy sweet guys, and i honestly have so much more fun with a guy whose as into me as i am in him. And if you think that nice guys would be shy in the sack you'd be WRONG. I've had shy sweet nerdy guys rip off my clothes and fuck like no bad boy ever has. i think its all the anger and other emotions they repress. its so sexy to see a really gentle guy dominate in bed, especially because i feel like i can truly trust them. Nice guys finish last, because they already got me off.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
Even though many many people who know me seem to consider me to be the "Bad Boy", I've always considered myself to "be" a nice guy... LOL
Contributor: Lucifer the Cat Lucifer the Cat
Never trust a man who refers to himself as a "nice guy."
Contributor: battleaxe battleaxe
A nice (good) guy that is independent and secure. The geekier, the better!
Contributor: Tork48309 Tork48309
Originally posted by battleaxe
A nice (good) guy that is independent and secure. The geekier, the better!
Thanks for sharing DancingCanary, you give me hope! I think that goes the same for Nice Geeky girls as well.
Contributor: CinnamonNights CinnamonNights
I go for good guys of course, though I never really had a super bad guy. I have still had terrible ex boyfriends, but my current committed boyfriend is the wonderful relationship I've been looking for. c:

Admittedly as Lucifer the Cat says, people who call themselves "Nice guys" can be a bit untrustworthy nowadays.
Contributor: werewolf werewolf
I think it comes down to confidence really - so-called "bad boys" usually are quite confident and are more of an alpha-male type (I know this is a generalisation...). A lot of dudes who are "nice guys" are not as confident - confidence is the turn-on here.
Contributor: CS2012 CS2012
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I prefer nice guys.
Contributor: benjiwithaz benjiwithaz
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
I think the idea that there are types of boys is problematic because if you like one or the other you might not be viewing that person holistically, or they might be acting in a certain way to fulfill a role. I think that a well-rounded person will not be a nice guy or a bad boy but someone who has a good balance. I guess personally, I like a really nice dude who is willing to do some bad stuff- makes him all the hotter... especially in bed
Contributor: Dani Gurl & Travis 69 Dani Gurl & Travis 69
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
you have no idea... but don't give up
Contributor: Evoluchun Evoluchun
Originally posted by link82
They say "nice guys finish last" and that has definitely been true in my case. I have tried to like the sweet, good ones, but it never works. Any other ladies feel the same?
i used to be a sucker for bad boys and all they are the fastest to turn me on my heart got tired of the games so now the nice guys really do have my attention when it comes to marriage material