I've always been curious about it - haven't EVER thought about doing it myself.... yet. I wanted to know if anyone's had experiences with it? It seems like it's getting more notice out there, even on tv. Have you watched Swingtown?
Featured by EdenFantasys
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Collection of related topics on Sex slings:
Forum Categories for Threesomes, Swingers, and etc?
Looking through all of the links in the forums there doesn't seem to be one directed towards swingers, or couples adding in multiplies. Why is that?..
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Forum Categories for Threesomes, Swingers, and etc?
Looking through all of the links in the forums there doesn't seem to be one directed towards swingers, or couples adding in multiplies. Why is that?..
Pillows on your bed
How many pillows do you have on your bed. How many of them do you actually use.
which would be best for the bigger women? My friend is looking for a swing but is worried one like mine will not hold her.
How do you feel about friends with benefits?
are they
Are swings fun???
I LOVE Swingtown, it's fabulous- besides beautiful people there's a phenomenal plot. Both my husband and I enjoy it. As far as swinging, we don't. We're very committed to one another (not saying that swingers aren't because I know quite a few with rock solid relationships) but I'm not a woman that would gladly give my partner away to be devoured by another woman. The extent I've ever been involved within the swinging community was just having sex with my partner in front of other couples. My vice has lead to us looking into the Hedonism resorts.
Originally posted by
I've always been curious about it - haven't EVER thought about doing it myself.... yet. I wanted to know if anyone's had experiences with it? It seems like it's getting more notice out there, even on tv. Have you watched Swingtown?
Essin Em wrote a GREAT article on her experience at a club, you should check out her blog if you haven't done so already and scour through her posts for it.
I haven't seen Swingtown. Yes. I've had experience. I've written about it in different places. Bottom line- the sex can be fantastic (or boring) and the emotions... Well that's a reason alone not to get into it.
Originally posted by
I've always been curious about it - haven't EVER thought about doing it myself.... yet. I wanted to know if anyone's had experiences with it? It seems like it's getting more notice out there, even on tv. Have you watched Swingtown?
I don't regret a single moment. Of course, I'm not sure that I ever completely would have had a choice. It was a path my life went down at one point.
My husband and I married at the ages of 19 and 21, respectively. He had a lot of sexual experience; I did not. For years he begged me to try out being with another man. I went through a phase where it was a big part of my life, but it can burn you out quickly if you're not careful. I would also advise anyone not to do it unless he/she is completely stable in his/her relationship, and really, really WANTS to do it. I'm glad I did--I got to experience different people sexually, and to do it at an age where I was mature enough to know what I was doing and make an informed decision. For everyone? No. Ok for the right people? I think so.
Although I am respectfully bowing out of eden, I thought this topic warranted my attention, since my husband and I are "swingers"
The swing lifestyle is one that is truly not for everyone. It is also widely misunderstood and criticized. It's really about pursuing fantasies in a safe environment, with no regret.
Your relationship must be fantastic, trust must be rampant, and you must share honesty at all times.
No secrets.
Anyone with any questions, please feel free to email me, I will be happy to help.
The swing lifestyle is one that is truly not for everyone. It is also widely misunderstood and criticized. It's really about pursuing fantasies in a safe environment, with no regret.
Your relationship must be fantastic, trust must be rampant, and you must share honesty at all times.
No secrets.
Anyone with any questions, please feel free to email me, I will be happy to help.
I second this reply! My husband is a swinger at heart, never has a problem with seeing sex as just that...sex! Me on the other hand, I don't like divorcing the emotion from sex. It took us almost twenty years to become comfortable enough to explore both swinging and polyamory.
Originally posted by
Dame Demi
My husband and I married at the ages of 19 and 21, respectively. He had a lot of sexual experience; I did not. For years he begged me to try out being with another man. I went through a phase where it was a big part of my life, but it can burn you
My husband and I married at the ages of 19 and 21, respectively. He had a lot of sexual experience; I did not. For years he begged me to try out being with another man. I went through a phase where it was a big part of my life, but it can burn you out quickly if you're not careful. I would also advise anyone not to do it unless he/she is completely stable in his/her relationship, and really, really WANTS to do it. I'm glad I did--I got to experience different people sexually, and to do it at an age where I was mature enough to know what I was doing and make an informed decision. For everyone? No. Ok for the right people? I think so.
My husband, Sigel looks at the relationship between Arch and myself with awe and both Arch and myself look at Sigel's ability to swing with awe. Arch is monogamous by choice though he has no problem with the concept of me swinging or being with Sigel.
Still this is not a relationship that is easy and "natural" (read lacking effort) no relationship is ever easy and polyamory and/or swinging can focus a spotlight on any problems you have, leaving you with no safe hiding spots. Yes I get jealous of Sigel being with other women, yes Sigel gets jealous of me sharing an intimate relationship with Arch (and he gets jealous of the sex), yes Arch, too, is not immune and would prefer to have me all to himself. It's what we do about the jealousy that sets us apart I think.
I know I wouldn't go back to the life we had before we opened our marriage but I don't cavalierly recommend this for everyone. There is nothing wrong with monogamy, if it fills you with peace and joy then celebrate that. If you feel like poly or swinging might add a dimension to your relationship and you respect the real changes your relationship will undergo then read some well written and recommended literature on the subject, talk to someone who is more experienced and then go SLOW!
As with most avant-guarde sexual practices there is nothing to be gained by rushing or forcing your way in.
I loved Swing Town too but we are definitely not into it. I can't stand the thought of sharing hubby with anyone else even though our relationship is as solid as they come. Swing Town just reminds me of my younger days!
My girlfriend and I are I guess technicly "swingers" although we normaly just say were in an "open relationship". I agree with what a couple people have said swinging definatly isnt for everyone, both partners need to see sex as sex and nothing more(except with eachother). I actualy recently saw a documentary on sex in Japan and in their culture there are two types of sex, sex for love and sex for money I guess if you can take that mind set swinging could probibly work for you just drop the money part and just see it as sex. From my experience the best way to make multiple sex partners work is make sure you and your emotional partner are involved in all sexual activities.
Just in case anybody has WeTV OnDemand: Secret Lives of Women has an episode on swinging available right now. It's extremely interesting, although I wish they had a much younger couple there (2 couples are 45+, another one is in their mid-thirties). High hopes, I know.
OOO goot go check that out. Thanks!
I have a friend that has parents who are into the whole swinging thing. From what i've seen from them, it would be something that i would never do. For instance, whenever my friends dad winds up without a date for the night or a girlfriend in general, he gets angry and starts getting jealous when his wife brings her boyfriend around. Plus he's in the Army, so that kind of adds more fuel to the whole swinging issue that they have.
Is Swingtown on anywhwere now?? I thought it was just a short series last summer. I would hate to think I was missing it!! Hubby just laughed at how obsessed I got about it! LOL
Ya see thats a good example of a couple that shouldnt be swingers. You cant be jealous and be a swinger, it just doesnt work.
Originally posted by
I have a friend that has parents who are into the whole swinging thing. From what i've seen from them, it would be something that i would never do. For instance, whenever my friends dad winds up without a date for the night or a girlfriend in
I have a friend that has parents who are into the whole swinging thing. From what i've seen from them, it would be something that i would never do. For instance, whenever my friends dad winds up without a date for the night or a girlfriend in general, he gets angry and starts getting jealous when his wife brings her boyfriend around. Plus he's in the Army, so that kind of adds more fuel to the whole swinging issue that they have.
If I could classify meself as anything it would be more poly, cause I am still 100% in love with the people I was with before hubby, and akwardly I am talking to all of them now -1 and they are all single. Though I am currently not having sex with them...the original emotional connections are still there. It kinda sucks, but I can't really change how I feel, just if I act on any of it or not.
I'm more familiar with polyamory as opposed to swinging, but I have had friends with benefits if that's any consolation. I would definitely refer you to the book "The Ethical Slut" by Dossie Easton.

I would consider myself a swinger as a single and a couple.I have not had the chace of seeing swingtown as it not on over here.yes the swinge scene seems to be more in the news and in other media.On speaking to friends we are wonder if the extra media and internet is in someways killing the scene. yes new people are joining but often we are finding a lot of couples are joining the scene because of other issues they can talk to each other about.ad these are issues that will break the marriage but they for some reason cant. often it seems to be the quality of the sex.So they go one the scene to get better sex. They meet up with another couple and have a evening of fun but this leave one person having a good evening and the other not so good.Often its the mans prefomance that not so good. but for some reason it seems to be tabbo to ever say a woman was not very good.
and some times this is often the case. so they join the scene to solve this problem instead of sitting down and talking about it.So out of 2 pairs you still only end up wiht 1 couple havin good sex and the other pair not so good they have not scured the problem just passed it on.
yes there is great sex to be had but it very hard to find
and some times this is often the case. so they join the scene to solve this problem instead of sitting down and talking about it.So out of 2 pairs you still only end up wiht 1 couple havin good sex and the other pair not so good they have not scured the problem just passed it on.
yes there is great sex to be had but it very hard to find
In another life maybe i would want to try it. But my relationship is too perfect (for us) that i would hate to possibly ruin anything.
Originally posted by
I've always been curious about it - haven't EVER thought about doing it myself.... yet. I wanted to know if anyone's had experiences with it? It seems like it's getting more notice out there, even on tv. Have you watched Swingtown?
It's an evolution everyone that's interested must undergo, take your time, talk A LOT and have a want to see your partner pleased.

No, I've never tried it
I'm not interested in it at all.
Originally posted by
I've always been curious about it - haven't EVER thought about doing it myself.... yet. I wanted to know if anyone's had experiences with it? It seems like it's getting more notice out there, even on tv. Have you watched Swingtown?
I'll have to look for it too!
Originally posted by
Cinnamon Chambers
OOO goot go check that out. Thanks!
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