And yet would never tell anyone about. For example, I love pegging my husband but it's not something I'd tell my friends about because they just wouldn't "get" it.
What sexual act do you perform...
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Perceptive forum discussions on Pegging:
Pegging in the Shower? Lube?
Alright. My boyfriend and I, as many of you are aware by now, thoroughly enjoy the art and pleasure of pegging. But something he'd like to experience.
Way to get stimulated while pegging?
I am wondering if there is a way for me to get stimulated while pegging my boyfriend. Using my hands isn't really an option because of the...
How did you bring Pegging up to your significant other? Or How did they bring it up to you?
I brought it up to my wife. For a more detailed explanation see my review Everyone Remembers Their First.
Do you like to incorporate gender play into your pegging?
I know that pegging can sometimes feel like it's an inherently submissive act, and that submission is sometimes associated with the female gender. So,
Ladies, What helps you climax while pegging?
My wife and I recently started experimenting with pegging. I would like it to be as enjoyable for her as it is for me. I am hoping you ladies can make
Pegging in the Shower? Lube?
Alright. My boyfriend and I, as many of you are aware by now, thoroughly enjoy the art and pleasure of pegging. But something he'd like to experience.
Way to get stimulated while pegging?
I am wondering if there is a way for me to get stimulated while pegging my boyfriend. Using my hands isn't really an option because of the...
How did you bring Pegging up to your significant other? Or How did they bring it up to you?
I brought it up to my wife. For a more detailed explanation see my review Everyone Remembers Their First.
Do you like to incorporate gender play into your pegging?
I know that pegging can sometimes feel like it's an inherently submissive act, and that submission is sometimes associated with the female gender. So,
Ladies, What helps you climax while pegging?
My wife and I recently started experimenting with pegging. I would like it to be as enjoyable for her as it is for me. I am hoping you ladies can make
Pegging also and anal.
My wife & I are into pegging & watersports (and a few other things) that our families & friends have no clue we are into. We don't share that part of our personal lives with them.
I don't go around telling anyone what I do with my man sexually. We feel that our sex life is something just between us. I don't go around talking about what we did last night or anything like that. We certainly aren't prudes by any stretch of the imagination, we just save that stuff just for us. If someone asked a specific question, I'd answer it, but I wouldn't just volunteer a bunch of graphic details about our sex life.
I don't share any part of my sex life with friends and family as a general rule. But there isn't any one act that I would hide if I were asked.
Yeah, there isn't much I would tell at all. I prefer to keep that private.
I use Eden to talk about my sex life with people other than My Man. I don't usually go into a lot of detail with my friends. It just doesn't seem to work with us. I have a very high sex drive (and I have a couple of close friends who simply aren't enjoying sex at this point in their lives) and they think I'm a nympho anyway, so I'm not going to give them more ammunition.
I would not tell anyone we are voyeur/exhibitionists! Or pretty much anything else we do.

i dont go around openly telling people what i do with my wife, but if someone directly asked me a question about doing whatever it was, id have to tell the a shitty liar
We don't share our sex life with our family, but we do have a few friends that we are comfortable enough to share some of our sex life with but definitely not every detail or thing that we've done.
I think with the right friends I would open up. We don't get that explicit with describing our sex lives though.
We have begun to experiment with BDSM but couldn't tell any of our friends about it, I doubt any would get it.
I don't share that with family of friends to weird in my opinion
We just don't share. We keep to ourselves... makes it more fun, doesn't it?
golden showers!!! piss is HOT!
I don't share that we peg.
WOW...great question. MOST of what we do in bed we would never tell others about, except the ten or so couples in our "Friday free for all (speaking that is)" dinner group. With them, ALL our "sex life" issues are on the table and vise versa. NO secrets from them, or them from us (that we know of).
Originally posted by
And yet would never tell anyone about. For example, I love pegging my husband but it's not something I'd tell my friends about because they just wouldn't "get" it.
Friends of ours had to clean out their parents old retirement apartment after their dad passed and then, about a year later, so did their mom. They were lamenting on how "conservative" their parents were, when they found some lingerie they couldn't believe their mom would EVER wear.
Originally posted by
My wife & I are into pegging & watersports (and a few other things) that our families & friends have no clue we are into. We don't share that part of our personal lives with them.
The did rescue some old VHS movies that they were sure had family movies on them. Upon finding a VHS player, VOILA, the truth came out....their parents were MAJOR....MAJOR "KINK" players.
They could not watch ALL the videos (they say they already will need therapy for life from this viewing), but hey, you NEVER know what "family" is or is not into. DON'T assume....
I don't go around telling anyone that we know about our sex life, most of the people we talk to are some how related and I think it would just make my man uncomfortable.
Originally posted by
And yet would never tell anyone about. For example, I love pegging my husband but it's not something I'd tell my friends about because they just wouldn't "get" it.
Me and my friends are all really open about sex and what we're into- but even so only one person knows I have an enema fetish. and he found that out by accident.
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