What sense is the most important for your arousal?

Contributor: Timaree Timaree
Between the 5 senses, which has the biggest impact on your arousal?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Airen Wolf , El-Jaro , Sir , petite-n-sweet , Mari Fanger , Persephone's Addiction , clp , Rckt56 , sophie2229 , PlayfulPisces87 , M121212 , pixieluv , sarki , Ms. Spice , Stinkytofu10 , MistressDandelion , Missmarc , sexfairy
18  (10%)
happeegrl03 , Coralbell , Sanjay , Naughty Student , Jimbo Jones , EndlessFrost , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , Kim! , qqqqqqqqqqqq , VenusianThunder , Vaccinium , Di's Guy , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , Valentinka , Linga , CoffeeCup , Graniteal , The scientist , WhoopieDoo
19  (10%)
Envy , Sidewinder , Blow Baby , PassionQT , 2BudZ , Lonewolf , guy4guyz420 , VanillaFreeSex , Tuesday , Lummox , Yoda , Rainbow Boy , socceras , Jin , js250 , Apirka , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , sexystuffeve , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , Teacookie , sexy19364
21  (11%)
1  (1%)
removedacnt , Lady Venus , ~Miss Jess~ , Not here , ToyTimeTim , MuffysPinguLove , Splendwhore , Carrie Ann , OhMy! , Waterfall , Midway through , 66875904636 , sexysweetieshan , buzzvibe , Gunsmoke , fatesrelease , Pleasure Piratess , Jenna.J.Ross , Sammi , SydVicious , B8trDude , SexyySarah , Dusk , deltalima , Rossie , Alegria , Jenniae09 , Kindred , Lime , RadRach , jacki , Shellz31 , Liz2 , Sera , Selective Sensualist , Hot'n'Bothered , lovehurts , alistair , Darling Jen , SexyTabby , Kinkyquing , leatherlover , Redboxbaby , Tart , Lucidity , fghjkl , C4ss , DeliciousSurprise , gothikstars , Destri , UnknownGirl , KnK , Lady Neshamah , Emma (Girl With Fire) , rdytogo , darthkitt3n , Lindz86 , CanMan , RemusHalifax , Jobthingy , mrs.mckrakn , summer13 , Epicurean , Diabolical Kitty , northstar , sbon , 19WolfMan51 , The Awesome Penguin , moonch1ld , 5 , Angel deSanguine , BadassFatass , Xavier7 , Cream in the Cupcake , LavenderSkies , daman , SexyStuff , ShadowKitten , ZenaidaMacroura , tigerkate , Adam02viper , wetone123 , Joie de Cherresse , lemony , big b , K101 , angel142stx , zracer , lovemuscle n cookie , potstickers , The Curious Couple , null , jeangel246 , mizzmilla , Pink Jewel , Gone (LD29) , LoveDove , samanthalynn , Ilovelingerie , countryfan1290 , KyotoAngel , unfulfilled , averageguyextrodinarypleasure , mm098 , Badass , Swish , leanright69 , fabidefabi , ViVix , godweensatan , MakeMePurr , virgomama616 , Harpina is gone , FruityCloud , MissBre , jmex83 , CuteDee , dhig , Marcianpro , AndoverB , Azule , gloomybear , dks210 , coconut1 , A.Mari , Voilet
126  (68%)
Total votes: 185
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Envy Envy
Hm... I would say none of them. It's all mental for me. Smells don't get me revved up, neither hearing or taste. I guess sight if I was reading something smutty, and touch, well, I have no erogenous zones. I guess i have to do it all mentally in my head to even get lost in the feeling. All fantasy thoughts. Before I know it, I'm done.

But if there NEEDS to be a sense.... I'll go with sight because reading gets the most out of me.
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
I'm a touchly feely girl
Contributor: happeegrl03 happeegrl03
i voted for hearing, but I should have chose hearing and smell. It turns me on to no end to hear a woman orgams. Also, if i smell certain things such as Drakkar, i'm instantly wet!
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
I chose touch but, for me, it's a combo of touch and voice. Not moans and groans but talking, laughing, whispering, dirty talk, words that get in my head and mentally turn me on, too.
Contributor: happeegrl03 happeegrl03
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
I chose touch but, for me, it's a combo of touch and voice. Not moans and groans but talking, laughing, whispering, dirty talk, words that get in my head and mentally turn me on, too.
absolutely, if you whisper in my ear I am butter!
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
I went with hearing, but it's more words for me. The biggest turn on for me is dirty talk, but it doesn't have to actually be spoken. My guy is a bit shy about it so I get more dirty texting than I do dirty talk, but it has the same effect. I also love hearing all the other sounds that go along with sex. Even my own moans turn me on.
Contributor: Waterfall Waterfall
Touch is really important to me! No matter where
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
As weird to me as it is I have realized that smell is my biggest turn on. I never realized this cause Sigel is the only man to every effect me in such a way that I HAD to have him, until I hugged Arch and got a really good noseful. I was all claws and teeth after that, I wanted him with some major passion. Rocked my world 'cause I had always said that no other man effected me that way, only Sigel. Both guys STILL effect me that way, one good scent trail and I develop round heels!
Contributor: Midway through Midway through
I wanna say a combination of touch and smell. I'm big on smell.
Contributor: buzzvibe buzzvibe
Smell is a close 2nd.
Contributor: Sanjay Sanjay
Originally posted by Timaree
Between the 5 senses, which has the biggest impact on your arousal?
This is a tough one for me to answer. Clearly touch is an obvious componet to physical arousal, but for me the auditory experience is VERY important. For example, pornographic photos really do nothing to arouse me (I see them more like art than anything else), video can be sort of interesting but never enough to really get me turned on, but if I can LISTEN... that's what really does it for me. Now, when actually participating in such activities, I do find that music helps me "get in the mood" but it isn't necessary at all. I suppose my partner is enough regardless in that sense!
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
I would have to say touch but also sight and smell. So much is in the head.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Timaree
Between the 5 senses, which has the biggest impact on your arousal?
I voted for touch - but I believe it's 98% mental not tactile.
Contributor: fatesrelease fatesrelease
Touch! I need to be touched the right way to be turned on.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I love hearing him breathe or pant. I love to feel and hear his breath when we are very close to each other. Smell would have to be my second option.
Contributor: Jenna.J.Ross Jenna.J.Ross
Im totally a touch person. But I also like removing certain senses like blindfolding that heightens my arousal for sure.
Contributor: Sir Sir
My girl's scent, because it's unique to her.
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
For me, a combination of touch, sight, and sound.
Contributor: B8trDude B8trDude
Too bad we can't vote for more than one.
Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
Definitely touch! But also sight
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
I think touch because it takes a lot for me to get aroused.
Contributor: Evoluchun Evoluchun
i said taste basically because no one else did but taste and touch are hand in hand with me because taste of certain aphrodisiacs get me in the mood then the touch of my husband seals the deal
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
I picked sight, but touch comes in a close second.
Contributor: Mari Fanger Mari Fanger
Smell and touch, because I won't let you touch me if you smell bad!
Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
Originally posted by Timaree
Between the 5 senses, which has the biggest impact on your arousal?
Hearing is big, then again sight and touch are huge!
Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
Originally posted by Timaree
Between the 5 senses, which has the biggest impact on your arousal?
Damn.. meant to post on another topic, accidentally posted on this one again!

Sorry for double post/
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Thats a tough one but have to go with touch.
Contributor: Kim! Kim!
It's hard to pick just one but I think for the quickest results growling something like "cunt" in my ear is the best.
Otherwise I think what is more important overall for my arousal is far more mental than physical.
Contributor: Sera Sera
Originally posted by Timaree
Between the 5 senses, which has the biggest impact on your arousal?
I prefer a lot of touch, and then I like the sense of sight as well.