most of those, not all but most
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Having sex outside of the bedroom can be a huge turn-on. After all, how often do you have sex in bed compared to the other rooms of the house? Em and Lo have a ton of suggestions for rooms to explore and what to be concerned about.Have you tried it
Having sex outside of the bedroom can be a huge turn-on. After all, how often do you have sex in bed compared to the other rooms of the house? Em and Lo have a ton of suggestions for rooms to explore and what to be concerned about.Have you tried it in the kitchen? There's the counter-tops, the table, the chairs, or even the floor, but it may not be the most hygienic. What about the hallway? There's enough room in there for some hot standing sex. If you try it in the bath, why not keep the water-level low and add a waterproof vibrator to increase her pleasure? The shower can be a good choice too, but be careful of how slippery a shower is, and Em and Lo recommend putting down a no-slip mat before attempting it. There's always the living room too, and they recommend covering your future to avoid showing your houseguests some interesting stains. The dining room chairs will work well for getting leverage, while, if you beware of the bugs in the backyard, the lawn can be an exciting place too.[italic|Learn more sex facts like this in the Sex: How to do Everything book by Em and Lo..So have you tried having sex out of the bedroom? What rooms have you marked as your own territory? What worked or didn't work for you?