Which Disney Princess do you think would be the kinkiest?

Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
Contributor: Poohbear5 Poohbear5
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Pack of bumbling virgins (although I have my doubts about Jasmine). My bets are on Maleficent from 'Sleeping Beauty'. I know she's a Villain, but you also know she's got a sex dungeon ... that's what she was really planning to do ... more
HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!! This is the best thing I've seen all day!!!!!
Contributor: VioletMoonstone VioletMoonstone
I voted for Belle. =]
Contributor: Beck Beck
have to say belle shes in love with a beast
Contributor: Istanbull Istanbull
Although I voted Jasmine, Ariel just recently traded her tail for a brand new vag and ass so I'm willing to bet she would be up to trying anything with them. And just being happy to have them, probably love whatever you do with them.
Contributor: JRabbits JRabbits
Belle, because us bookworms have a big huge stash of erotica to filthy our minds and give us naughty ideas. It's the bookworms you've gotta watch out for.
Contributor: InNeedOfABuzzzz InNeedOfABuzzzz
Jasmine for sure....she's already dressed for the part and she's got the belly dancer appeal...she could definitely move that body the right way.
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
Probably Jasmine, she seems the most feisty.
Contributor: PuddlePuppy PuddlePuppy
Was tangled a Disney movie?
Totally the princess from Tangled.
Locked up for her whole adolescent life? She would just explode into the world of sex.
Contributor: aimtoplease aimtoplease
split between Belle and Jasmine
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
Wow, I have never thought about this before, but I now I'm thinking about what Disney Princesses look like under their gowns... There is something wrong about that....I'll never look at a DIsney movie the same.
Contributor: Ivy Wilde Ivy Wilde
Rapunzel. Just think of all the fun knots and bondage scenarios you could perform with all that hair.
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
Ariel....I mean, she's half fish, so she has to get pretty creative if she's going to be doing anything with humans.
Contributor: Nora Nora
I think they are all pretty kinky...though Cinderella should probably be put on some sort of meds...she does talk to the mice instead of chasing them out of the house after all!
Contributor: kadytheredpanda kadytheredpanda
I would vote for Ariel. She's so curious and rebellious she would probably be willing to do everything.
Contributor: mizzmilla mizzmilla
Jasmine. for sure.
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
This has got to be one of the funniest damn polls I ever read. I just spent a whole twenty minutes reading all of the blatant hilarity that this poll started. With the choices provided I would go with Jasmine just because of her level of sass but Ariel might be a closet kink with that toy arsenal she's got going on and her extreme lust for prince Eric.
Contributor: averageguyextrodinarypleasure averageguyextrodinarypleasure
Belle, she would've done it with an animal
Contributor: her angelness her angelness
Belle, for sure. almost all bookworms are closet freaks.
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by PonyPlay
So which Disney Princess do you think would be the wildest and kinkiest in bed?
deff Aurora
Contributor: LAndJ LAndJ
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Jasmine tries to seduce the Sultan
my thoughts exactly!
Contributor: TheCleansing TheCleansing
She's not technically a princess but C'mon. Mulan?
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
Jasmine definitely.
Contributor: Mihoshi4301 Mihoshi4301
I think it would be Belle or Snow White.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by PonyPlay
So which Disney Princess do you think would be the wildest and kinkiest in bed?
Jasmin has the Harem thing going, but Ariel was into exploring everything new. However, above all, watch Belle as she watches BEAST playing outside....no question she has a WILD side.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Blinker
And you forgot Mulan and Pocahontas. They count...I think.
OHHHH...MULAN would HURT YOU!!!! Confident power girl!!!!
Contributor: Squeaky Squeaky
When I did not even see the list yet and I immediately thought "Jasmine". My second pick would be Belle. I love Disney princesses!
Contributor: STM STM
I voted Ariel just because she looks like she is supper kinky but now that I think about it Snow White does live with 7 dwarfs lol.
Contributor: poetprincess poetprincess
Originally posted by PonyPlay
So which Disney Princess do you think would be the wildest and kinkiest in bed?
Jasmine, she has a giant tiger for a pet and those huge eyes..
Contributor: Dirminxia Dirminxia
Totally Ariel. What with her suddenly having legs, and all. What do you all do with new toys? I try them out