Clothing Items

Contributor: Madeira Madeira
What items of clothing turn you on most?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Madeira , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Sir , Kayla , leatherlover , LicentiouslyYours , Persephone's Addiction , Lady Venus , HouseWench , AussieSarah , deletedacct , Angel deSanguine , Kim! , VenusianThunder , ~inner~Rhonda~ , Joie de Cherresse , TheSinDoll , toxie m , jankit , DeliciousSurprise , M121212 , Lady Marmelade , Volund , MaryExy , Ms. Spice , Katelyn , Beck , Lacey Fennec , SiNn , cryinglightning86 , evie.amor , Robespierrethecat , Nezzie13 , ScorpioCurves , requiem dreams , SecretKinksters
UnknownGirl , Dusk , Madeira , firekitten , Selective Sensualist , Kindred , darthkitt3n , ToyTimeTim , Airekah , Yoda , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Lummox , lamira , Passionate Pastor , Jobthingy , Kayla , leatherlover , Moein , Tart , LicentiouslyYours , sbon , Lady Venus , null , HouseWench , ZenaidaMacroura , AussieSarah , thegoldilocksincident , BadassFatass , qqqqqqqqqqqq , Angel deSanguine , RomeroB , Kim! , Beaners , VenusianThunder , Joie de Cherresse , TheSinDoll , toxie m , jankit , DeliciousSurprise , zeebot , M121212 , RubberDuckie , Lady Marmelade , Eorwyn , SexyStuff , DJBounder , MaryExy , potstickers , mistressg , Ms. Spice , Katelyn , sexystuffeve , averageguyextrodinarypleasure , Lacey Fennec , Do-Re-Mi , Breas , SiNn , pokefan15 , cryinglightning86 , SassySam , vanillaSpice , Robespierrethecat , Badass , padmeamidala , Gluesnffr , Pierced Blaqk Skies , requiem dreams , SecretKinksters , Septimus , Lildrummrgurl7
Waterfall , UnknownGirl , Dusk , Madeira , firekitten , Kindred , darthkitt3n , Teaser , ToyTimeTim , Darling Jen , Airekah , Lummox , lamira , Passionate Pastor , married with children , Jobthingy , OhMy! , C4ss , leatherlover , Moein , Taylor , ejrbrndps , Tart , Jenniae09 , moonch1ld , sbon , Lady Venus , ZenaidaMacroura , AussieSarah , 19WolfMan51 , The Awesome Penguin , qqqqqqqqqqqq , rdytogo , Kim! , Beaners , ~inner~Rhonda~ , Joie de Cherresse , TheSinDoll , jankit , DeliciousSurprise , newlady , LavenderSkies , vegan.guy , Valentinka , Sunrise , Adam02viper , sexyintexas , Eorwyn , daman , MaryExy , Howells , angel142stx , potstickers , jeangel246 , dks210 , mistressg , Ms. Spice , Katelyn , Ilovelingerie , sexystuffeve , Lacey Fennec , Do-Re-Mi , ninja250 , richsam , Apirka , peterpufer , CindyH , vanilla&chocolate , cryinglightning86 , vanillaSpice , evie.amor , BornInApril , Robespierrethecat , Badass , Gr8pumpkin , alliegator , llellsee , padmeamidala , Gluesnffr , PassionCpl , ScorpioCurves , SecretKinksters , Lavendar
Waterfall , Dusk , Selective Sensualist , staceejaxxx , Darling Jen , Chilipepper , Hot'n'Bothered , Tart , LicentiouslyYours , Shellz31 , Lady Venus , HouseWench , ZenaidaMacroura , deletedacct , Angel deSanguine , celibacysucks , Beaners , VenusianThunder , toxie m , jankit , DeliciousSurprise , al16 , Hadespark , Valentinka , girl next door , Eden C. , Lithaewyn , MaryExy , mistressg , Ms. Spice , Katelyn , sexystuffeve , Do-Re-Mi , Apirka , cryinglightning86 , vanillaSpice , Robespierrethecat , Badass , Leather & Lace , alliegator , KrissyNovacaine , surreptitious , travelnurse , Pierced Blaqk Skies , Pumpk1nPatch , nimr , Cosmonaut
Waterfall , Madeira , Kindred , Airekah , Canabal , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Lummox , Passionate Pastor , Kayla , leatherlover , Jenniae09 , Lady Venus , Hockeytown9 , AussieSarah , Owl Identified , 5 , Angel deSanguine , ~inner~Rhonda~ , newlady , BuckeyeMan , Adam02viper , Eorwyn , SexyStuff , Volund , MaryExy , potstickers , Ms. Spice , ViVix , Beck , Lacey Fennec , Breas , CindyH , cryinglightning86 , Badass , PassionCpl , SecretKinksters , Lavendar , nimr
Madeira , TitsMcScandal , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Jessica Elizabeth , ana123 , Angel deSanguine , jankit , Adam02viper , Lady Marmelade , Eorwyn , GravyCakes , MaryExy , Katelyn , Beck , eroticmutt , cryinglightning86 , Badass , ScorpioCurves , SecretKinksters
Dusk , ToyTimeTim , Lummox , HouseWench , Lady Marmelade , Ms. Spice , Leather & Lace , SecretKinksters
Madeira , TitsMcScandal , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Sir , Jenniae09 , Lady Venus , Harpina is gone , surreptitious
gas masks or safety gear
ToyTimeTim , Persephone's Addiction , M121212 , Ms. Spice , SaucyxGirl
Waterfall , Madeira , Selective Sensualist , Darling Jen , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Taylor , LicentiouslyYours , *HisMrs* , Lady Venus , ZenaidaMacroura , AussieSarah , liilii080 , VenusianThunder , Joie de Cherresse , TheSinDoll , Hadespark , Valentinka , girl next door , sexyintexas , Eorwyn , daman , Lithaewyn , MaryExy , dks210 , mistressg , Ms. Spice , Katelyn , ViVix , Beck , Do-Re-Mi , eroticmutt , samanthalynn , Badass , SaucyxGirl , alliegator , Pumpk1nPatch
Madeira , Joie de Cherresse , Valentinka , SiNn , SecretKinksters
UnknownGirl , Madeira , Selective Sensualist , ToyTimeTim , Yoda , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Lummox , Sir , Passionate Pastor , Moein , Tart , Jenniae09 , LicentiouslyYours , sbon , null , HouseWench , AussieSarah , Owl Identified , deletedacct , Kissaki , Kim! , ~inner~Rhonda~ , Joie de Cherresse , jankit , newlady , LavenderSkies , markeagleone , M121212 , Lady Marmelade , Eorwyn , SexyStuff , Checkmate , Volund , MaryExy , potstickers , Katelyn , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , Beck , Lacey Fennec , Breas , Apirka , cryinglightning86 , vanillaSpice , evie.amor , Robespierrethecat , mpfm , Badass , padmeamidala , surreptitious , Gluesnffr , ScorpioCurves , requiem dreams , SecretKinksters , fly1212
formal gowns
Madeira , Selective Sensualist , ToyTimeTim , OhMy! , leatherlover , DeliciousSurprise , Valentinka , daman , MaryExy , Ms. Spice , Beck , pokefan15 , Badass , Nezzie13
Total votes: 423 (156 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Waterfall Waterfall
Going along with suits, is button up shirts. I love watching my partner unbutton them
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
I feel my sexist when I'm in a corset with thigh highs. Hubby loves pretty much anything, though. He's big of uniforms (girl scout, school girl, etc.), but also likes aprons and business attire (sexy secretary, teacher, etc.).
Contributor: Madeira Madeira
I like a lot of things, I realy love a woman in heels, and a hat and nothing or little else is just very playfully sexy, I like uniforms, and period attire as well... and corsetry god i love corsetry
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
If I could get my wife in to a safety harness (like steel erectors wear) I would be here willing slave. (not that i am not already) I also love Scrubs.
Contributor: Teaser Teaser
I voted lingerie, but I think a lot of things can be a turn on, well except maybe for the HAZ/MAT suit!

I remember I once bought my wife a pair of "footie" PJs as a joke. She is always cold. They were a stretchy terry material so they fit kinda close, with a zip front and even a "drop seat". We did the after Christmas fashion show, and she put them on. Well, ya know what? To my surprise, I really kinda liked them. She went back and bought a second pair in red!
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
I should have selected hats as well. Almost everything in your list turns me on, but some more than others. I selected the ones I have am more likely to be turned on by. With all of the options, it depends entirely on the article itself and the person wearing it. I also love hoods, hooded sweatshirts especially, and the combination of a hooded sweatshirt under a jacket *drool*

Totally attracted to grunge.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
A man in a suit ... Good God ... *drool*

Guys don't wear suits in Florida, so it's a rare treat for me to see one. Needless to say I was aroused during my trips to Boston.

Oh, and ties. Ties are so sexy. Playing with the knot of his tie ... and him taking it off ... and the potential uses of a tie in sex ... !
Contributor: lamira lamira
I like lingerie and corsets the best.
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
I'm a huge fan of gorgeous corsets and elbow to opera length gloves. Especially latex gloves....mmmmm. I also can't deny a man in a sexy suit.
Contributor: TitsMcScandal TitsMcScandal
Jeans on girls are so fucking sexy to me. Mmmm.

One of the guys I know feels the same way. He once asked a stripper to put her jeans back on for his lapdance. When he told me about it later (he knows I like ladies in jeans too) we both had a good chuckle, who asks strippers to put their clothes back ON?
Contributor: Hot'n'Bothered Hot'n'Bothered
Dress suits!....

Hubby has a job interview next week and has to wear his. I'm excited for both the interview AND suit factor
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
I picked 2. For me I feel most sexy and turned on when I wear lingerie. For guys I picked uniforms. I used to date a pilot and I was definitely turned on by his uniform
Contributor: LicentiouslyYours LicentiouslyYours
I love a dark suit on a man, especially a man who doesn't normally wear them.

Plus wearing corsets and stockings and killer shoes... oh yes!
Contributor: The Awesome Penguin The Awesome Penguin
I love when a girl is wearing very sexual lingerie. However, I also have been very turned on by her wearing high-heals during sex
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Contributor: Persephone's Addiction Persephone's Addiction
first off - gas masks is a brilliant inclusion in this poll.
I dated a guy that had a collection of them. hot.
Also, when I selected "shoes" - I mean boots. big, angry boots. like New Rocks. also hot.
Contributor: sbon sbon
Definitely corsets and stockings.
Contributor: *HisMrs* *HisMrs*
Definitely uniforms.. Police officers, firefighters, BDUs
Contributor: Hockeytown9 Hockeytown9
My man loves a short skirt, and me? A suit I guess...or a short skirt.
Contributor: ana123 ana123
my boyfriend looks the best right after a shower when his hair is all wet and he is wrapped in a towel. So if towels count as a piece of clothing than I choose that.
Contributor: deletedacct deletedacct
I love legs & feet, so i love peering at stockings or sexy shoes. Also, the thought of undressing a man in a suit is quite a turn on- which is probably why i was hooked on the Mad Men tv show. ana123 had a good one, a guy/girl in a towel after a shower is pretty hot also.
Contributor: BadassFatass BadassFatass
I'll take a girl in a corset any day.
Contributor: rdytogo rdytogo
Any type of lingerie item, which corsets fit into for me. Husband love a short skirt. Love the gas mask option on this poll.
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
I'm a sucker for a uniform.
Contributor: RomeroB RomeroB
I love lingerie I feel sexy when I have on a corset. I love to see my boyfriend in black dress pants and a white button up shirt.
Contributor: Beaners Beaners
A guy in a black button down shirt. *shivers* The boy was wearing a black polo the other day...he got home and RAWR! *pounce*
Contributor: VenusianThunder VenusianThunder
I am not sure I could pick just one... I really, really love a good pair of black leather boots. Corsets are gorgeous. A man in a nice suit is always a turn on. And I have always had a thing for uniforms too, especially police officer or military.
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
I picked a bunch for myself and what my husband likes to see me wear. I just had to add though that I love when he gets all sexy and puts a hat on and dances for me too... my man can dance and he's so hott when he has that tight ass hat on his head... mm mm mmm... I also love seeing him in his military uniforms... but the hat is my top choice!
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
I forgot to check 'suits'!

I really like cuff links, especially, and panties... but not together.