For this cuck it was lying. The only thing my second wife and I truly had was our loyalty to each other. After all, that's what cuckolding is; stripping a relationship down to it's rawest form. The rules my ex and I had were very simple: It's impossible for you to cheat on me, unless you lie to me. What about you? Is it impossible for your wife to cheat on you, or do you have ground rules?
Featured by EdenFantasys
When is it cheating for a cuckold?
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Cheating is robbing your partner of an experience or item that is desireable and doing it in a manner that seeks to conceal the happening. It could be sneaking off to eat a hamburger or having sex and lying about it to your partner. Obviously the degree of damage to the relationship is going to be determined by the degree of broken trust.
Originally posted by
For this cuck it was lying. The only thing my second wife and I truly had was our loyalty to each other. After all, that's what cuckolding is; stripping a relationship down to it's rawest form. The rules my ex and I had were very simple:
For this cuck it was lying. The only thing my second wife and I truly had was our loyalty to each other. After all, that's what cuckolding is; stripping a relationship down to it's rawest form. The rules my ex and I had were very simple: It's impossible for you to cheat on me, unless you lie to me. What about you? Is it impossible for your wife to cheat on you, or do you have ground rules?
In an open relationship trust is more easily broken, though completely unnecessary. It is absolutely possible for me to cheat on my husband even though we have a completely open relationship as part of his cuckolding fantasy is hearing about and seeing the aftermath of the experience! Now it wouldn't be an "ULTIMATE" betrayal because he has a bit of a betrayal fetish mixed into his sexual makeup but it would be damaging none-the-less. The only thing I could do to ruin our relationship beyond repair is to leave him....abandonment is NOT a kink for him, though oddly enough it is a bit of a kink for my life partner. It would be a massive betrayal of my life partner if I were to lie or sneak around as he is a very open and honest person. He wants me to be happy and loves celebrating with me whatever happens...should anything happen. I am such a disappointment to my cuck! I just don't have casual sex often enough for him. Sometimes he almost feel like this is a form of cheating but since he doesn't think it's entirely rational to feel 'cheated' by a wife who simply places more value on sex than he does he contents himself with the occassional grumble.
This is one area I know very little about. I'd love to see it come up as a topic for some sort of discussion.
In our relationship "cheating" is definitely termed as a betrayal of trust. For me, it would be cheating to have a sexual or emotional relationship other than with her. For her cheating would be lying about or keeping a relationship from me- or becoming more emotionally involved/committed to her partner than she is with me. She can have sex with whomever/whenever/wher ever she wants. But I need to know that I can fill her need for emotional companionship.
i wish i was as open minded as you...
Originally posted by
For this cuck it was lying. The only thing my second wife and I truly had was our loyalty to each other. After all, that's what cuckolding is; stripping a relationship down to it's rawest form. The rules my ex and I had were very simple:
For this cuck it was lying. The only thing my second wife and I truly had was our loyalty to each other. After all, that's what cuckolding is; stripping a relationship down to it's rawest form. The rules my ex and I had were very simple: It's impossible for you to cheat on me, unless you lie to me. What about you? Is it impossible for your wife to cheat on you, or do you have ground rules?
cheating to me is giving the attention that should be mine, to anyone but me..
Does cheaing = cuckolding?
What's the difference? Is there one?
What's the difference? Is there one?
That is a great question JR for many people cheating is a component of the cuckolding experience...indeed it was the word for cheating in most countries for the longest time.
Originally posted by
Does cheaing = cuckolding?
What's the difference? Is there one?
What's the difference? Is there one?
The word refers to having a child and claiming it to be the spouses a cuckoo laying an egg in another bird's nest but then so is the Biblical definition of adultery. The act of having a son and claiming the man you are married too is the father when he is not and without his permission is the definition of adultery...and also cuckoldry.
Historically an older man would marry a young woman and with or without his permission she would have numerous sexual affairs earning him the title of "Cuckold". If he was sporting he might wear antlers of deer or moose to proclaim how "horny" he was....if he was not then she could suffer horrible consequences! This was such a large "joke" in times past that am man merely had to walk into a room with antlers on his head to start the knowing chuckles or leers. The obvious ridicule of the pagan practice of dressing in deer antlers to commune with Herne (and other antlered Gods) aside, this was a pretty common joke during the middle ages.
In our modern times I think it really comes down to the couple and their lines in the sand, so to speak. Cockolding is a term meant to be synonymous with cheating but like any word can have several definitions as time progresses. I guess if you like the term and are comfortable with the practice then cuckold might be a sexy way of describing a man who is sexually monogamous with a woman who is not....AND could possibly be used to describe ANYONE who is sexually monogamous with a non-monogamous partner. Take away the negative connotations and you simply have a label.
I just learned so much here.
I didn't know the definition went so deep.
I didn't know the definition went so deep.
It'll be different for everyone, but since you had those rules in place with your partner and lying was cheating... that is how you defined it.
Wow... this is so interesting
Deceit is cheating, if your doing something you don't want or won't tell him or her about...there you have it. Arien has made some great points, and they apply to most relationships, we are not polly but swing. We really have more trust now than ever.
I'm polyamorous and I dumped a guy earlier this year for cheating on us. It's just when they start lying about it, when that happens it's just trashy and I don't want someone like that in my family. Poly relationships are ALL about trust and if you can't trust them to be loyal to their partners, how could you trust them with anything else? It's the same thing as a monogamous relationship. Whenever a new partner comes into the picture, I tell them straight up that I want communication. They can do anything with anyone as long as we talk about it first. I'll always ask them before I do things, too. It just seems like the polite way to do it.
^ this.
Originally posted by
i wish i was as open minded as you...
cheating to me is giving the attention that should be mine, to anyone but me..
cheating to me is giving the attention that should be mine, to anyone but me..

It blows my mind how any woman on the planet would be dumb enough to cheat on her cuckold. Why? He's vowed to be loyal to you, and also given you permission to have sex with as many men as you want. How hard is it to live by his rules?
My man and I have the rules that I can do whoever as long as I ask him first, he knows about it, and approves of them. This is my first experience with this. I tend to run on the shy side when talking to strangers so he even helps set up dates (for lack of a better term) for me. The big thing for us is we still feel loved and attached and the sex with other guys is just sex, no friendly chatting or connections or anything like that. I find the hardest part is there is a fine line between what is ok as far as messaging guys and what not and what will upset him. I'm not talking about the no lying or hiding anything rules, those 2 go without saying.
Originally posted by
For this cuck it was lying. The only thing my second wife and I truly had was our loyalty to each other. After all, that's what cuckolding is; stripping a relationship down to it's rawest form. The rules my ex and I had were very simple:
For this cuck it was lying. The only thing my second wife and I truly had was our loyalty to each other. After all, that's what cuckolding is; stripping a relationship down to it's rawest form. The rules my ex and I had were very simple: It's impossible for you to cheat on me, unless you lie to me. What about you? Is it impossible for your wife to cheat on you, or do you have ground rules?
I find too that because he lets me do this it is felt that I should never have a bad day or complain about anything, etc. Does anyone else have that experience?? Is it the trump card to end all disagreements for everything, the whole 'oh yeah well, I let you have sex with other guys so I can xyz and you don't have a right to?' thing.
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