It is rather discouraging when it seems all the literature about poly relationships is the 'How my life fell apart' saga. The thing is most people who are happy living the poly lifestyle don't write about it because the truth is rather mundane and boring to most people. Then you have the most common response which is to pick apart every statement looking for the "problems" people are SURE exist in such a 'wrong-minded' lifestyle.
We fight, we pick at and on each other, we even wonder if it's all worth it. The thing is we wondered that when it was just Sigel and me. The only difference is we now have a third person to wonder about! Arch is younger than we are and we wait for him to "catch on" and grow up. He waits for us to abandon our 'adulthood' and join him where he is. We compromise and meet in the middle, most of the time.
We are contemplating a time where we will all be under one roof and we know the problems we will face, this isn't our first bite at the apple, so to speak. We will fight about childcare (I have children with both men), finances, time allotment, hell we'll even fight about what's for dinner or what we will watch on tv. In short, we will be a normal functioning household.
We don't all sleep in the same bed though I would love too and neither guy has much objection. Problem is both are significantly taller than I am and the covers are usually over my head and I feel like I'm in a sweatbox! Neither guy likes sleeping alone but they do share well so I think it'll be fine.
I don't think our relationship is doomed to fail, we can't just "divorce" and walk away since for all three of us our children are our major focus. None of us wants to be the parent the kids "visit". I love them both, they both love me. They tolerate and on rare occasions actually like each other in truth they both care deeply for each other and are as committed to making this work as I am. None of us wants to simply walk away, though it would be easier at times. The benefits FAR outweigh the minor inconveniences.
It is something special to know that you have a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, someone to share the laughter, and several people your kids can go to when they need someone. All that and the sex is amazing!