Between you and your partner, who's the more outgoing one, or do you both like to mingle with people?
Who's more outgoing, you or your partner?
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I'm social but he'd rather be a hermit so we're hermits. I wish we were able to go out and make friends before my kids came along.
He's absolutely more social IRL. I'm more social online. I answered IRL, though.
It really depends on the situation---he's more outgoing with complete strangers but I'm more outgoing in the company of people I've known for quite a long time and we're both about the same when it comes to our families. He's quiet around mine and I'm more reserved around his.
Neither of us are very outgoing. Howerver, my husband is better at "exchanging niceties", but I am much more interesting to talk to.
Its normally me. The only time hes more outgoing is when it comes to our business
I'd say my boyfriend is a bit more outgoing than I am. I am usually outgoing, and I normally love meeting new people, going to parties etc. but there are certain situations where I'm shy. When I really want to make a good impression I will get nervous and shy, like job interviews or when I met my boyfriend's family.
Love your post Elnoa. I am pretty out going and my husband is too. I can talk to anyone my husband takes a little longer to warm up to people.
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Neither of us are very outgoing. Howerver, my husband is better at "exchanging niceties", but I am much more interesting to talk to.
I love, love, love this response! I bet you are fasinating!
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Neither of us are very outgoing. Howerver, my husband is better at "exchanging niceties", but I am much more interesting to talk to.
I'm single right now, but most of my former partners are usually more outgoing than me. I like being friendly (initially) to strangers, but they usually keep the conversation going. The same happens when we talk with friends.
I always have been more outgoing than any of my partners.
My partner is waaaay more outgoing than me. It's a source of many of our problems.
Both Jewels and I are introverts... me more-so then her. Part of it, for me, is that I have a number of traits of Autism, including issues with social cues and difficulty communicating.
I am, my boyfriend has social anxiety disorder so...
I am in every way. And i make more the half the decisions. It kind of sucks It would be nice to have someone decide just once for me..
Originally posted by
Between you and your partner, who's the more outgoing one, or do you both like to mingle with people?
I'm far more outgoing. He's a bit of a hermit, and I'm usually out and about. It works out somehow, though.
He is alot more outgoing than I am for sure.
Originally posted by
Between you and your partner, who's the more outgoing one, or do you both like to mingle with people?
Past relationships have all been one way or the other, but my boyfriend and I are pretty evenly matched, and I have to say it's lovely
We don't really socialize but am more outgoing.
Most of the time I think I am. but he has his moments
Ditto. Around his friends, he is obviously. But otherwise, it's all me.
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Most of the time I think I am. but he has his moments
I'm more outgoing by a long shot. If it's wasn't for me, we probably would have never met.
About the same. We're shut ins. My man has social anxiety pretty badly, and I just don't like people.
It depends on the situation. We both have our moments. He can be much more outgoing than me with new people, but then there are times when he refuses to leave his apartment and just doesn't want to be around anyone.
I don't normally socialize. Hubby and I mostly stay to ourselves but when we are out and about he is much better at mingling. I don't overly like strangers and find it hard to join into converstaions.
We're equal in how outgoing we are.
I'm more outgoing than my fiance is. She usually waits for people to talk first.
Originally posted by
Between you and your partner, who's the more outgoing one, or do you both like to mingle with people?
We are outgoing in different ways, I am very shy and awkward in groups, but have many friends who I hang out with one on one, and he is good in groups but doesn't just hang out with people so much. It balances out
My husband is probably becoming more out going than me at this point because we moved and I do not know anyone. I get tired of dirty looks so than I act like a bitch! Back home I felt comfortable know matter where I was I knew everyone! But Not here this sucks!
It's awful to be treated that way, but why do they give you dirty looks?
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My husband is probably becoming more out going than me at this point because we moved and I do not know anyone. I get tired of dirty looks so than I act like a bitch! Back home I felt comfortable know matter where I was I knew everyone! But Not here
My husband is probably becoming more out going than me at this point because we moved and I do not know anyone. I get tired of dirty looks so than I act like a bitch! Back home I felt comfortable know matter where I was I knew everyone! But Not here this sucks!
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