Which do you subscribe to more: traditional or non-traditional relationships?

Contributor: petname petname 03/05/2012

This can apply to various types of things, including everything from sex or no sex before marriage to monogamy or polygamy. For this reason, adding comments would be helpful.

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Contributor: petname petname
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Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
I'm definitely a traditional girl when it comes to relationships
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
I'm traditional, I suppose. I am a "date only one person" kind of girl and right now, I'm in a straight relationship (though I am essentially a lesbian otherwise). I did have sex before marriage, though. But I lost my virginity to my (current) boyfriend and I don't ever plan on dating or having sex with anyone else. Well, except maybe the occasional girl in a three-way or just me and her.
Contributor: GirlOnGirl GirlOnGirl
Non-Traditional. I find myself queering as many things in my life as possible!
Contributor: Entropy Entropy
Contributor: DreamWolf DreamWolf
Well as far as I know D/s still isn't called traditional a bit... ^^
Contributor: curious kitten curious kitten
I love being in a relationship.
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
We're traditional and non-traditional in ways. Whatever works.
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
Generally traditional, but I'd be open to trying out polyamory.
Contributor: klyte klyte
I'd try out just about anytihng.
Contributor: Azule Azule
Non-traditional just because we're both generally non-traditional people and that's what I think brought us together.
Contributor: married with children married with children
Contributor: Schattenstern Schattenstern
Traditional is so weird for me, because I'm a pansexual FTM so it's just weird.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by petname
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Highly non-traditional! We were miserable when we tried to do what everyone else expected and thought was right
Contributor: tom fay tom fay
middle ground is better for me.. i men, it doesint really work for a gay couple anyway, it untraditional in my culture to start with
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by petname
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That's a little vague to me right now, but I guess I'm more what you'd consider traditional. That is, if you mean traditional as in monogamous and all. My partner and I ONLY involve each other in our relationship and sex lives (when it comes to intimacy and sex stuff, not that we eliminate people from our lives in general, just in those ways) we don't do what couples these days consider normal. He's respectful and happy to be. He's a "gentleman" and happy to be, monogamous and happy. Sex before marriage? Uh... well... OK we done everything else right so I think we can let that one slide. Lol.
Contributor: Positwist Positwist
Well, I'm gay, so my relationships are automatically "non-traditional."
Contributor: ellejay ellejay
I'm "traditional" in that I'm in a heterosexual monogamous relationship, but nontraditional in my bedroom behaviors.
Contributor: robertk2380 robertk2380
I would say I'm traditional in that I met someone, dated her through college before marrying (many years ago) and have remained faithful to her ever since. We probably do some untraditional things in the bedroom, but that's what keeps the relationship fun and alive all these years later.
Contributor: dragonn dragonn
I guess traditional but with a lot more honesty and openness. (We read through an open relationship book together and really took away good things from that experience.)
Contributor: cocomo cocomo
non i love to do what i want
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
A little bit of traditional and non traditional. I had sex before I was married, like some non traditional things in teh bedroom, but I'm committed to my partner.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
"Traditional" means different things to different people. My husband and I certainly had sex before we were married, at one point we had an Open Relationship (which was then Closed when we got engaged)

But, we live a somewhat D/s relationship, with him as Alpha. We have a "traditional home life" I was home with kids (although I worked outside the home on an off, and now that the kids are older, I'm working outside the home again) we make many decisions together, but often he has more sway over the finances. We're monogamous, but have talked about playing with other couples (I kind of feel it isn't the greatest idea for us. My husband is more jealous than he lets on to.)

So, I'm not going to label it.
Contributor: Ciao. Ciao.
On the surface my partner and I have a very traditional looking relationship. We're married and have been together for a decade (since high school). That said, I'm trans identified, she's bi, and we've both explored sexually with others (with each other's blessing).

So...we're probably more on the non-traditional side.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by K101
That's a little vague to me right now, but I guess I'm more what you'd consider traditional. That is, if you mean traditional as in monogamous and all. My partner and I ONLY involve each other in our relationship and sex lives (when it ... more
I have a bit of a probing question (and it's really only to make you think ) You said about pre-marital sex, Uh... well... OK we done everything else right so I think we can let that one slide. Lol. Does that mean you ] consider your sexual life before marriage "wrong?" Did the two of you enjoy it? Did it strengthen your love? Are you glad you got to know each other's sexual needs before you actually took the plunge to a lifelong commitment? If so, then HOW could your premarital sex have been "wrong?" (As you said you did "everything else right." What constitutes "right" ?

Think about it. The two of you are in love. Making love is not wrong, whether you have that piece of paper or not.

I think the choice to make love before marriage was more "right" than you think it was.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by K101
That's a little vague to me right now, but I guess I'm more what you'd consider traditional. That is, if you mean traditional as in monogamous and all. My partner and I ONLY involve each other in our relationship and sex lives (when it ... more
Sorry. Double post.
Contributor: marrythenight marrythenight
traditional, for sure. I just feel most comfortable with monogamy and I currently want to wait till marriage to have sex, but I wouldn't be surprised if that changes in a few years.

I would've considered pre-maritial sex to be more deviant as a teenager, but I don't think our culture, even christians (as I know very few who are still virgins at this point) view sex in 20's and up as necessarily deviant.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
Contributor: cottonxcandy cottonxcandy
Non traditional.
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
I'm traditional on monogamy and the heterosexuality, not the premarital sex. It's not that they're bad, there's just no appeal to me.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
What's the current interpretation of "traditional"?

How much you want to be the definition will change by the end of the week?

I probably am traditional - I tend to be fiercely monogamous and want exclusivity on his part as well. Although we don't have to be married for it. Perhaps wanting emotional intimacy is considered nontraditional now. *shrug*
Contributor: Bex1331 Bex1331
Personally I'm non-traditional, though I haven't experimented very much with poly or same-sex because I just happen to be in a relationship with a man who is very traditional.
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
Definitely non-traditional here.
Contributor: chantalgiardina chantalgiardina
Originally posted by petname
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non traditional- interracial- my parents dont approve. etc
Contributor: panthercat23 panthercat23
Originally posted by petname
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In some sense of the word my relationship is traditional. We've talked about kids in the future but I've stated I want to be married before kids. But we are also swingers. So, we are both traditional and non-traditional.
Contributor: Terri69 Terri69
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
I love everything
Contributor: SouthernBelle SouthernBelle
My partner and I tend to be very traditional. We didn't sleep together until we were in an monogamous relationship. We want a traditional life together...
Contributor: CadmiumKitty CadmiumKitty
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by petname
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A little of both.
Contributor: J5ive J5ive
Contributor: Zandrock Zandrock
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
I'm queer, trans*, kinky, and polyamorous, so I'm gonna go with non-traditional.
Contributor: Badass Badass
im a pretty traditional kind of gal
Contributor: PassionCpl PassionCpl
A little of both. We had sex before marriage and have an occasional (but certainly not regular) 3 or 4some
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
Traditional for the most part.
Contributor: CountryPrincess CountryPrincess
I consider myself pretty traditional and old fashioned... mind you obviously there are certain aspects of my relationship that arent exactly traditional, like that we're not married yet but that we have a very active sex life... but other than probably that I'm very traditional... the only reason we do live together and all is that I KNOW were getting married, just not quite yet
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
I'm pretty traditional except for the whole "no sex before marriage" thing. It's not that I don't approve of non-traditional relationships, its just not who I fell in love with.
Contributor: burtnuh burtnuh
I'm always open to new things, so I'd say non traditional.
Contributor: Sweet-n-Playful Sweet-n-Playful
Originally posted by petname
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Non traditional
Contributor: BlooJay BlooJay
Contributor: PDXlady PDXlady
Non-traditional, I'm in a poly relationship and I'm queer.
Contributor: hem hem
My relationships tend to be more traditionally structured (serially monogamous), but I date outside the "traditional" in terms of genders.
Contributor: Raymaker Raymaker
I subscribe to whatever works between both parties in my relationships. I mean, I often date people of the same sex, and of course and I'm into some kinky things, but generally speaking, I feel a lot of the everyday aspects of dealing with relationships for even the most non-vanilla people tends to be "traditional" in the sense of being the same throughout the ages.
Contributor: novanilla novanilla
I'm queer, but my partner is a straight male, an alpha male gone liberal would be the best I could explain him, so we've queered our relationship in a way that makes it a bit different from typical straight ones. We seem really hetero and traditional but we discuss things like what we can do with other people in really flexible and open ways. I also am not sure I want to get married. I am really interested in something like a triad, as well. However, there are many ways that I'm traditional. I'm a feminine woman and I typically am attracted to butch, soft butch, gender queer, or trans* people with female parts and I prefer to be treated a certain way (brought flowers occasionally, etc) and that has translated into the relationship I'm in now also.
Contributor: Kyle Hunter Kyle Hunter
traditional and old fashion
Contributor: SamanthaMoon SamanthaMoon
Originally posted by petname
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Traditional in marriage. Coming up on our TwentyFifth!
Contributor: srexom srexom
completely Traditional
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
Used to be traditional, but now am not quite sure.
Contributor: Rory Rory
I prefer traditional but I don't object to non. At least 50% of my friends are non traditional.
Contributor: nova2014 nova2014
I feel like I am definitely a traditional person, I want a wedding, I want it to be in a church, I want a white dress, I want to feel protected and I want him to be a confident in charge guy
Contributor: karenm karenm
Definitely traditional. We want to get married, maintain a monogamous relationship and have kids. Most of my friends are non-traditional.
Contributor: bratcat bratcat
i happen to practice monogamy, and the majority of my relationships can be perceived as being hetronormative.
Contributor: Munko Munko
Traditional I suppose. Atleast in the sense that we're straight (well, he is) and monogamous. But we moved in together after a very short amount of time, still 8 years later engaged but not married, had a (planned) baby last year...so in that sense I guess we're not as we did everything "backwards" to what's traditional.
Contributor: Katie Katie
On the surface we look very traditional. I'm a stay at home mom living in a nice neighborhood. I'm married, which is the traditional thing to do.. but I date and play with others (both men and women) outside of my primary relationship and am into some serious kink.
Contributor: Ohiofun Ohiofun
Originally posted by petname
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Traditional for me
Contributor: Perspicace mais érotique Perspicace mais érotique
I'm more traditional I guess--in that I'm hetero and monogamous. But as far as premarital sex, non-traditional. I gave my virginity away at 16 to a guy I was in a serious relationship with (yes, at 16. We dated for 4 years and had planned to get married). I feel like that was a good choice for me though. I would not want to get married to someone, not ever having sex before (with that person or anyone else). I feel like it's better to experience it and get to know yourself--your preferences and dislikes, issues, etc before you commit to something as important as marriage. But that's my opinion!!