I know no one is perfect and we all have our flaws but what is the most annoying thing your partner does?
What is the most annoying thing your partner does?
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and she watch's way too much tv.
When he puts away dishes he never puts them in the right place (even though he knows where they go) and most things end up on the top shelf! There is a reason nothing is stored on the top shelf of our cabinets, I'm only 5'1! Haha also he leaves his socks everywhere :p
He can be forgetful sometimes, though I know it's not on purpose. It just gets a little aggravating when he forgets to tell me something important until late at night.
my Master can snore very loud especially after he's been drinking. There has been a few times we have had to sleep apart because of it.
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I know no one is perfect and we all have our flaws but what is the most annoying thing your partner does?
Oh yes. Seconded.
Originally posted by
married with children
and she watch's way too much tv.
My girl has a fair amount of intestinal distress - GasX is great - but it doesn't always solve the problem.
He wonders why I never watch tv with him. It's because he never keeps it on one station! I can't get into a show because he's gonna change it and forget that it was on! He is constantly changing the channels. One day, I'm gonna hide these remotes, lol.
Hubby is the same. Yuck!
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My girl has a fair amount of intestinal distress - GasX is great - but it doesn't always solve the problem.
He can only do one thing at a time and so he ignores me a lot under the pretense that he "can't hear me" except sometimes he will answer my question like 3 mintues later so I'm starting to think he usually hears me just decides not to answer. Hahahah, but seriously...annoying
Originally posted by
I know no one is perfect and we all have our flaws but what is the most annoying thing your partner does?
He is always exhausted from not getting enough sleep due to work that whenever we have alone time, he falls asleep right away even if he promises he's not tired. He does this in the car too, even on 5 minute car rides.
Snores and over thinks EVERYTHING
He is VERY logical so it becomes painful at times when he is over thinking things, or explaining things to me. I have to stop him and let him know that I got it on the first round of explanation. I love it though, I know a lot about a lot more things now lol.
He is VERY logical so it becomes painful at times when he is over thinking things, or explaining things to me. I have to stop him and let him know that I got it on the first round of explanation. I love it though, I know a lot about a lot more things now lol.
My wife smack here lips when sleeping. It sounds so creepy.

Don't currently have an SO, but I can tell you the most annoying thing about my previous boyfriend. We would often boywatch together, because looking at cute boys is fun, and we had very similar types. And as long as it was just looking, we had no problems with it. However when I saw a cute boy, I would say something like "He's cute" but he would almost always say "I'd fuck him" I realize he didn't have any actual intention of cheating on me, but hearing him say it like that, was discomforting. The relationship ended before this could bother me enough, to talk to him about it. But I plan on making a point of it, if looking at other guys come up in my next relationship.
Too many things to list - that's true love!
He has a real problem with passing gas that drives me crazy! But at least he has the courtesy to warn me a few seconds beforehand.
Can't believe I'm the first with steals covers! But really, thats the closest thing she does to annoying. It's pretty easy to deal with though so, guess I've got it pretty good.
I'm the cover thief in my relationship. Sometimes he takes them but usually it's me.
He snores kinda loud sometimes and grinds his teeth. But I drool, lol.
He snores kinda loud sometimes and grinds his teeth. But I drool, lol.
My exact sentiments!
Originally posted by
Too many things to list - that's true love!
He doesn't pick up after himself, but I love him.
Im not sure how to pick it out but i know he does or says things tht gets on my nerves at times
He tends to forget to clean up. It's never anything big, usually just a plate or something, but after working all day and cleaning constantly after kids, it gets to me sometimes.
I know he works hard but seriously the worst thing is picking up each piece of his clothing from work. He is a military guy so this is a lot of clothes. It starts with the boots on the porch and ends with dog tags on my sofa. Really annoying.
He sulks whenever I voice a vaguely negative feeling about anything. I've never tried to insult him or hurt his feelings (not even in an argument), but he still sulks like I'm a horrible person just because I'm not happy absolutely 100% of the time.
It really makes it difficult to communicate.
It really makes it difficult to communicate.
He never calls me when he is going to be late. Apparently I'm supposed to just magically know he is 2 hours late and not answering his phone because he is still working. I'd prefer if he would take 2 seconds and let me know he isn't lying in a ditch on the side of the road somewhere.
I cannot stand when they throw things on the floor NEXT to the laundry basket or garbage can!
Yeah that is one of my husbands wonderful habits. Scary part is after 7 years I have gotten so used too it. I am afraid one day I am not going to worry and something is going to happen to him. That would make me feel worse. I have no clue why a simple 2 second text to say the world late would be so hard.
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He never calls me when he is going to be late. Apparently I'm supposed to just magically know he is 2 hours late and not answering his phone because he is still working. I'd prefer if he would take 2 seconds and let me know he isn't
He never calls me when he is going to be late. Apparently I'm supposed to just magically know he is 2 hours late and not answering his phone because he is still working. I'd prefer if he would take 2 seconds and let me know he isn't lying in a ditch on the side of the road somewhere.
Originally posted by
He never calls me when he is going to be late. Apparently I'm supposed to just magically know he is 2 hours late and not answering his phone because he is still working. I'd prefer if he would take 2 seconds and let me know he isn't
He never calls me when he is going to be late. Apparently I'm supposed to just magically know he is 2 hours late and not answering his phone because he is still working. I'd prefer if he would take 2 seconds and let me know he isn't lying in a ditch on the side of the road somewhere.
Steals the covers and works too much. But he provides for us both so I try to be understanding.
I love her, but her room is always full of dirty dishes and garbage. I once found a gift I gave her under a pile of dirty laundry, I was heartbroken