We both like to watch and neither of us has a problem with the other watching.
Watching your partner masterbait
Sometimes when we want to enjoy a very quick night together before bed, we get off individually but together which is just so hot and really enjoyable for both of us. Once in a while, we'll race for fun.
We both love to watch but I watch him more then he watches me because I actually get a little nervous
I like to watch.
We both enjoy watching each other. Great way to get things heated up without laying a finger on the other person.
god id love to see her masturbate, i think shes too shy though. i havent brought it up
We definitely let each other watch, though usually when we are together, we'd rather have sex.
Definitely nice to watch, and she likes watching too
Watching is awesome! Nothing more to say about it for me.

My wife has seen me more times than I can count. I enjoy giving a little show but if she wants to cum, i usually just get her off with a vibe. She doesn't have to lift a finger.
We both love to watch, but I think he likes to watch me more than I like to watch him.
she loves to watch me but doesnt let me watch her not quite fair
Yes, to watching!
we both love it
My partner loves to watch me but I get too shy if I watch them. I do like listening to them masturbate on skype or the phone though, that gets me off pretty quickly.
We don't do it often but we both enjoy watching each other
We both love it.
It's always been a turn on for me to watch my guy do it over Skype (long distance relationships suck). It was awkard at first though. Maybe your girlfriend's just self-conscious. I know I was in the beginning but after awhile the self-consciousness goes away.
she will watch me but i cant watch her
Earlier in our relationship, he let me watch and I really liked it. At some point he became sneaky about it. And then he actually got good at being sneaky about it. I'm not even sure he masturbates anymore.
I do it while he's in the room and he teases me about the noise I'm making but doesn't really watch. He doesn't interrupt me like he used to either. Kinda a bummer.
I do it while he's in the room and he teases me about the noise I'm making but doesn't really watch. He doesn't interrupt me like he used to either. Kinda a bummer.
She likes watching me (husband) but is a little hesitant to put on a show herself. Sometimes she will loosen up and do it, but not very often. I love to watch her. Of course then I will be masturbating as well.
Originally posted by
My girlfriend watches me jack off, she likes it. But no matter what im not allowed to watch her. She will sneak away to the shower to play. How many of you watch or allow your partner to watch you play?
I love to watch him, he has only recently started to watch me. I think it can be a great learning expirence. Helps me know what he likes. Different strokes for different folks.
somethimes we watch each other
I love watching him! So sexy
We both love to watch each other! I feel a little more silly when he watches me, but I know it excites him!! He had no shame and knows how much it turns me on to watch, so it works out well!
I love to watch him, and he loves watching me (although we usually won't let each other finish without some help).
We love to watch each other
Maybe he's looking for the same in return?
Originally posted by
Sometimes my bf will start to jack off in the middle of the night. I get pissed cuz im like... Hello! Hot and wet right next to you! I kind of find it offensive if he would rather jack off than let me give him a blow job or have sex with me. I would
Sometimes my bf will start to jack off in the middle of the night. I get pissed cuz im like... Hello! Hot and wet right next to you! I kind of find it offensive if he would rather jack off than let me give him a blow job or have sex with me. I would let him watch me masterbate but i know it wouldnt be a solo time for long.
what about I love him to watch me...
I dont mind watching him but can think of funner things
I dont mind watching him but can think of funner things
Hah! Good one!
Originally posted by
Sundae Sparkles
what about I love him to watch me...
I dont mind watching him but can think of funner things
I dont mind watching him but can think of funner things