To Pee or Not to Pee?

Contributor: ImmatureLust ImmatureLust
I love being comfortable with my man in every way, it helps me realize he completely loves me!
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
The only time he did it was when the toilet was clogged and we didn't have a plunger yet. Believe me, I Lysol'ed the hell out of the tub. That's freaking nasty. I also hate it when he spits in the shower. WTF
Contributor: BlackxxxRose BlackxxxRose
We don't like using the bathroom in front of each other so we'll ask the other person to turn around. We would never do it in front of each other without warning first though.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by xgreatlovex
Okay so it seems pretty standard that people pee in the shower, but what if your not alone?
We both dont lol
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
I'm fine with it. It's happened, whatever. Can be funny, not a problem with me at all.
Contributor: damnbul12 damnbul12
Originally posted by xgreatlovex
Okay so it seems pretty standard that people pee in the shower, but what if your not alone?
I don't pee in the shower, but she does
Contributor: Tangerine Tangerine
Its natural...but it grosses me out, Pee before you shower please
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
I would do it alone but I think I would get out if I were with my SO. I think it's a little.. er.. maybe not disrespectful, but odd?
Contributor: (k)InkyIvy (k)InkyIvy
I was FAR too shy when my partner and I first started becoming intimate and showering together. He was the one who first peed in the shower, and now we both do it if the need arises... But we ALWAYS ask first, so the other one can step out of the way if they want to.
Contributor: LostBoy988 LostBoy988
Doesn't bother me at all.
Contributor: Stephanie Majors Stephanie Majors
Originally posted by xgreatlovex
Okay so it seems pretty standard that people pee in the shower, but what if your not alone?
I think as long as you're comfortable with each other then it shouldn't matter because it is natural and you should love the person anyway.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
It drains, it flows out to the same sewage pipe as your toilet, I don't see why not?
Contributor: TheWinglessOne TheWinglessOne
This is us -

"Are you looking?"


"Okay. I'm going."

"So am I."

"Okay, I'm done."

"Wait, I'm not done yet!... okay, I'm done."

Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
My boyfriend and I take EVERY shower together, unless schedules conflict (which usually means he takes one before work and I'm too lazy to wake up that early). As such, it was bound to happen and it didn't take long. I usually pee before I get in the shower but not always so sometimes I'll go in the shower but I make him turn around and I stand by the drain. He ALWAYS pees in the shower, whether I'm looking or not. He's even peed on me a couple times. It wasn't a sexual thing. He thought it was hilarious. I smacked him for it. Lol.
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
Once or twice, but usually no. It's a little icky for my tastes
Contributor: sexydelphia sexydelphia
my bf does in the shower
Contributor: philly philly
I always do, she never does
Contributor: philly philly
Originally posted by sexydelphia
my bf does in the shower
Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
its just pee.
Contributor: Curiouscat Curiouscat
I have not peed in the shower while anyone else was in there! But i will admit to doing it sometimes LOL well if you really have to go why not?!
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by xgreatlovex
Okay so it seems pretty standard that people pee in the shower, but what if your not alone?
Thats gross to do it when someone else is in there!
Contributor: Undead Undead
Originally posted by xgreatlovex
Okay so it seems pretty standard that people pee in the shower, but what if your not alone?
That's rude to do it with her in the shower with me
Contributor: quinceykay quinceykay
I've never peed in the shower by myself, and I'd feel weird if someone peed when I was in the shower with me, unless that was my kink. It's not a huge deal but it would still be a bit uncomfortable.
Contributor: Collogue Collogue
Originally posted by xgreatlovex
Okay so it seems pretty standard that people pee in the shower, but what if your not alone?
Other: I think it would be kind of funny, but I just don't think it has ever occurred to either of us/it might be a liiiittle embarrassing
Contributor: bsgs bsgs
Originally posted by Gallowraven
even though it seems like it is standard practice to pee in the shower, my hubby and i never do it when we are in the shower together. I suppose it is a bit of a respect thing, (for lack of a better word) you do it, they do it, you each know it ... more
i agree to an extent, we dont do it, as, more or less a common decency thing, however, it is kinda kinky, and if my wife wanted to pee on me in the shower i wouldnt really care
Contributor: dks210 dks210
Never together! Ew!
Contributor: kz916 kz916
either before or after the shower.
Contributor: idunshire idunshire
We got over it being uncomfortable...
Contributor: godweensatan godweensatan
forget peeing IN the shower.... get your woman on her knees and let her taste the yellow goodness
Contributor: Badass Badass
Originally posted by xgreatlovex
Okay so it seems pretty standard that people pee in the shower, but what if your not alone?
psh, my man is always around.. he even follows me to the bathroom when i pee, just to keep talking.