Male orgasm: shooting or oozing?

Contributor: froggiemoma froggiemoma
Contributor: newfoundlust newfoundlust
Originally posted by indiglo
My man and I were discussing this just today. We'd like to hear everyone's opinions, men and women.

When a man climaxes, do you prefer to see it shoot out or ooze out? Or does it even make a difference? Do you think if it comes ... more
Now that I am in my 50's I simply don't "shoot" like I did as a young man; rather, it kind of oozes out, or perhaps shoots an inch or two up. However, I can still get hard and go for 15-30 minutes, and with a little help after the first one I can do it twice if we have time. The orgasms feel just as good. Would I like to still be able to shoot up over my head, yes. Does it make me enjoy sex less, no.
Contributor: KennyMister KennyMister
idc honestly.
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
It doesnt matter to me, but when giving head i do like the shooting but any other time it really doesntmatter.
Contributor: SexyLilPixi SexyLilPixi
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
When I get to see it, I like a good long shot. It show just how good it was.
Hell to the yeah!
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
Personally I don't really care whether it is one or the other, it is entertaining when it shoots out but it doesn't mean I prefer it. It's nice occasionally.
Contributor: Becker0109 Becker0109
Originally posted by indiglo
My man and I were discussing this just today. We'd like to hear everyone's opinions, men and women.

When a man climaxes, do you prefer to see it shoot out or ooze out? Or does it even make a difference? Do you think if it comes ... more
It all depends on his the current "shooting" and the amount of time since the last one. Personally, I've shot a great amount and "warmed" my wife's insides many times and sometimes not as much. We've been married for almost 32 years too!!
Oh yeah, she's still "Hot!"
Contributor: salaciousrex salaciousrex
Originally posted by kutekatie
I like it either way, as long as he cums for me (; but I do get a thrill from a powerful "shoot"
My thoughts exactly
Contributor: ac0313 ac0313
I am a man and have no preference...not sure if my SO does...she'll have to answer for herself. However, I almost always shoot. Hell, I even have a pic of when I aimed for the belly and hit the eyes and hair!
Contributor: Collodion Collodion
I enjoy the visual aspect of shooting, but my SO (and, oddly enough, a few of my past ones) have been almost super-charged. *laughs*

There's nothing quite like that feeling of wanting to duck and run when he points it in your direction...*laughs*
Contributor: Pablo F Lleras Pablo F Lleras
never really put much thought into it lol but i voted either way cause it really doesnt matter to me
Contributor: Cedarlooman Cedarlooman
Mine is usually oozing, but I have shot on occasion. It is hard to tell when it is going to be one or the other for me. I tried to become a constant shooter for a while by doing the male version of the Kegel, but it didn't really change much. But visually, I do like to see that shot come flying out towards my lover.
Contributor: CAKES CAKES
Originally posted by indiglo
My man and I were discussing this just today. We'd like to hear everyone's opinions, men and women.

When a man climaxes, do you prefer to see it shoot out or ooze out? Or does it even make a difference? Do you think if it comes ... more
I love to watch it shoot out!
Contributor: kinksters kinksters
lol the places this forum goes lol
Contributor: Ajax Ajax
I enjoy seeing him shoot more, but both are good
Contributor: CSEA CSEA
Originally posted by indiglo
My man and I were discussing this just today. We'd like to hear everyone's opinions, men and women.

When a man climaxes, do you prefer to see it shoot out or ooze out? Or does it even make a difference? Do you think if it comes ... more
Shooting can be a little messy and its a bit uncontrollable because it gets to decide where to go. Lol its gone to my face, his, everywhere. Oozing is that slow anticipation as it drips down your hand when giving a hand job
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
I'm a female, and I feel that whether my fiance shoots or oozes, it doesn't matter. I do find it rather sexy when she shoots because I can tell it is a really intense orgasm, but oozing is less messy and fun to lick up since it keeps coming out slowly for a longer period of time.
Contributor: DTV88 DTV88
my gf likes it that i shoot. alot. if i oozed out it would take a half hour...
Contributor: Endocott Endocott
I prefer to shoot, but after one without a decent recovery, I usually don't have a choice.
Contributor: Screen Door Screen Door
I don't care, I hardly see it, my man usually oozes when I've seen it
Contributor: DexterStratton DexterStratton
Originally posted by Erotica Explorer
If I shoot, it doesn't mean that I'm any hotter for you than if I ooze. If I ooze, it doesn't mean that I don't find you hot.

This said, I do like the "nnrrgggghhhhhh!" feeling about shooting and feeling of ... more
Well, this is why I was kind of interested in the question in the first place. I kind of think these are popular misconceptions.
Contributor: averageguyextrodinarypleasure averageguyextrodinarypleasure
Think it depends on what's causing the orgasm but both have their place I think
Contributor: Envy Envy
I don't mind either way. At least with oozing I don't have to worry about it shooting off onto things I don't want it to land on lol.
Contributor: Lady Nina Lady Nina
Contributor: 0letitgrow 0letitgrow
Originally posted by indiglo
My man and I were discussing this just today. We'd like to hear everyone's opinions, men and women.

When a man climaxes, do you prefer to see it shoot out or ooze out? Or does it even make a difference? Do you think if it comes ... more
Oozzing is a sad word
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
As long as he's having a good time, I couldn't care less if he shoots or oozes.
Contributor: BlackxxxRose BlackxxxRose
As long as he has an orgasm I'm a happy camper.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by indiglo
My man and I were discussing this just today. We'd like to hear everyone's opinions, men and women.

When a man climaxes, do you prefer to see it shoot out or ooze out? Or does it even make a difference? Do you think if it comes ... more
My partner shoots and I love it.
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
Originally posted by indiglo
I honestly have no preference either way. I don't think shooting or oozing means anything, as long as he's getting off I'm happy.
This is how I feel exactly.
Contributor: onehotmomma onehotmomma
Funny, we were talking about this the other day! I don't care either way. I've noticed though, My man shoots when it's been a while since we've messed around (like 4 or 5 days) if we have sex or fool around 2 days in a row, the 2nd time he just oozes.