Do you do your partner's laundry? Do you and your partner share laundry responsibilities or do you do most of the laundry?
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No in all the relationships I've been in we've each always done our own laundry. I think I did it for him once when he was sick, but that's it.
We wash our own most of the time. But if I'm washing mine and I see a few items of his that need to be washed, I throw them in with mine. He does the same when he's washing his clothes, too.
I cook, my husband does the laundry. Pretty fair deal for both of us.
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Husband does the laundry, but I usually put it away. We consider it quite fair.
We share laundry duties. I make sure it gets done right, and he helps with the labor.
We're in an LDR so I maybe do his laundry every 3rd time I see him and I visit him maybe once or twice a month
When we were living closer, we'd occasionally do each others laundry
I take care of it. I'm a little OCD about how it's done and how it's folded and put away so it's just easier that way!
No i usually handle all the laundry because he tends to fade things and really doesnt know exactly what he's doing. Especially when it comes to certain items, so i handle it all.
Originally posted by
Do you do your partner's laundry? Do you and your partner share laundry responsibilities or do you do most of the laundry?
I tend to do most of the laundry, and he does most of the dishes. Works for me!
Actually my partner does all the laundry combined except for a few delicate or special items I have.
I used to do my own, but my partner does it more frequent and just does mine. I do the cooking, half the shopping and handy work though.
I do all the laundry as I am a stay at home mom. However, we go on vacation twice a year and my husband does the laundry then! We used to do it together when we both worked though.
I usually do it all. He did for awhile, but he works a lot more hours then I do now.
Originally posted by
Do you do your partner's laundry? Do you and your partner share laundry responsibilities or do you do most of the laundry?
We do our own.
I do mine, any house laundry (bedding, towels, etc, etc) and our Daughter's laundry. He does his Laundry and any dog laundry that needs to be done. He's picky about the way things are folded and with everything else I have to do I can't be bothered to fold his clothes his way and everything else he's on his own!
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