How do you prefer to fall asleep with your partner?

Contributor: callsignhusker callsignhusker
Same bed and close but not on top of eachother lol
Contributor: Love&War Love&War
We go to bed together every night
Contributor: Curves Curves
all cuddled up please.
Contributor: callsignhusker callsignhusker
Originally posted by jaimijacklin
cuddling in the winter & shoving eachother away in the summer lol
hahahahha so true
Contributor: hjtee hjtee
Love to share bed, except when it's really hot, or when he gets too wiggly.
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
We sleep in the same bed, go to bed at the same time but most of the time he falls asleep before me.
Contributor: newfoundlust newfoundlust
Originally posted by callsignhusker
Personally, I can't fall asleep WITHOUT my partner. Do you prefer to sleep with your partner or without?
We have been married 23 years. We both have trouble sleeping if the other one is not there. I personally love falling asleep with just a slight touch of some part of our bodies...a hand touching...feet touching...etc.
Contributor: Fuck it. Fuck it.
We spoon. All night long. Sometimes we'll move away on a hot night, but for the most part we stay on one side of a two person bed.
Contributor: Collodion Collodion
When I'm not sleeping with my SO, I have to have my plush penguin...but when I have my choice I like to sleep touching my guy. In the winter I wrap him around me like a big blanket, but in the summer it's more of a "you're so sticky...I'll just touch your shin with my foot" deal. *laughs*
Contributor: Pablo F Lleras Pablo F Lleras
well until i move in with m girl i wont know but i have a feeling ill want to be real close
Contributor: daniel and frances daniel and frances
Originally posted by callsignhusker
Personally, I can't fall asleep WITHOUT my partner. Do you prefer to sleep with your partner or without?
I love falling asleep all cuddled up. eventually i get hot in the night though...
Contributor: Cedarlooman Cedarlooman
I sleep in the same bed as my wife (and often end up with one or two children by morning). She tends to move and kick during sleep, and getting kicked or elbowed usually wakes me up pretty quickly so we don't actually touch much when we are sleeping.
Contributor: Mommy2 Mommy2
In the same bed of course
Contributor: SexyLilPixi SexyLilPixi
Originally posted by Ajax
There are some nights when I just can not fall asleep until he gets in the bed. He thinks it's ridiculous, and maybe it is, but it's just so much easier to fall asleep if he's there with me.
I used to never be able to sleep without my SO next to me. I also whimper like a puppy until I'm fully spooned when in bed with someone.
Contributor: K101 K101
I like sleeping with him, but during the night we haven't been sleeping together because my shifts are crazy. I work late and often don't finish working or doing school work until 12 Pm lately meaning I'm up until 12 pm the next day and finally sleep until 4 or 5. He gets up at 7 am so it doesn't quite work out. I love taking naps with him. Also at night he has a tendency to wake up freaked out and hit! I don't know why the hell he does that, but if he gets startled he'll fling his arm and he's hit me in the leg by accident and once jumped straight up like he was going to kill me. Lol Of course he'd never hurt me or even think about it, but he just gets too freaked out and I have gotten to where I don't even like waking him up. Lol So lately, we only take naps together if we even do that. We don't live together either. We aren't married.
Contributor: kinksters kinksters
Originally posted by jaimijacklin
cuddling in the winter & shoving eachother away in the summer lol
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I fell asleep on his chest last night after we made love. Even after more than 20 years, it's such a sweet way to fall asleep. Then he snored really loud, I woke, and I had to move over to my side of the bed.
Contributor: DTV88 DTV88
naked and exhausted. thats how i like to fall asleep with my wife.
Contributor: callsignhusker callsignhusker
very interesting responses!
Contributor: tffnyandrs tffnyandrs
I sleep with my butt snuggled into his side! it's so funny!
Contributor: sexygoddess sexygoddess
Same bed. I love waking up next to him
Contributor: Choolz Choolz
Originally posted by callsignhusker
Personally, I can't fall asleep WITHOUT my partner. Do you prefer to sleep with your partner or without?
I'm married so he's always there next to me. Since he's in the military he's gone sometimes and I don't have trouble falling asleep I just don't like the feeling of being in a big old bed alone.
I don't like to be held when I sleep, even after sex, no cuddling for me. I like my space to get comfortable in whatever position I want to without having someone pulling and grabbing at me.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
we love to cuddle
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
I love falling asleep with my fiancee at night!
Contributor: jessterinthebed jessterinthebed
my husband works midnight and i have gotten used to not sharing
Contributor: ThoughtsAblaze ThoughtsAblaze
My boy and I just recently started sleeping together. While I love being in bed together--cuddling, feeling the warm beside him--we've only made it through perhaps two full nights in bed together. I am a super light sleeper and wake up each time he so much as sniffles or moves his head on his pillow; I also often get little muscle spasms as my body is entering rest state, so I accidentally jump and wake him. Plus, after sex, he snores (a sign he was really satisfied?). I'm sure we'll eventually get to the state where we can make it through the night, but we still have a ways to go.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I have a hard time sleeping without him. Been sleeping together for almost five years.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
I can't sleep without him. We used to be in a long distance relationship, so now that were're actually together every day, I can't imagine sleeping without him.
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
I love sharing beds! Unfortunately, since I'm in college right now I have a very narrow one. We can usually squeeze two people on it comfortably, but when all three people in our triad are around we have to sleep split up a little or move multiple mattresses onto the floor and cuddle puddle it up.
Contributor: indiechick indiechick
Originally posted by callsignhusker
Personally, I can't fall asleep WITHOUT my partner. Do you prefer to sleep with your partner or without?
I really struggle sleeping alone and I recently moved very far away from my loved one and haven't really slept since i left him. Its really starting to kill me