The Cuddle Poll

Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
Are you a cuddler, or do you start suffocating when people near your side of the bed?

Cmon, fess up.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I like to cuddle all the time.
Linga , Lithaewyn , RibenaPenguin , pinkcupcakes , NaturalWoman , tigerkate , Jobthingy , Lily Night , Xiel , hornypoet69 , LadyEarlGrey , Darling Jen , Coralbell , Andromeda , toxie m , Sweet-Justice , zeebot , PiratePrincess , Annemarie , cobiffle , Alys , C4ss , alliegator , Alan & Michele , Joie de Cherresse , beautiful , joja , bluekaren , *Huxley* , pinkzombie , IrishLassie , ahammer , Stujen , Stephanie Marie , LittleBird , OhMy! , SamsDelight , w-o-name , darthkitt3n , SexyTabby , Lolla Munz , MaryExy , blah :) , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , Enchantedkitty , kutekatie , bunny love , Curves , purplekidney , ckunit121 , sassyNsensual , sexygoddess , M121212 , Seharra , ellejay , neon , Valentinka , Mommy2 , grace , horngry , sixfootsex , Smitty , G.L. Morrison , tickle me pink , sekmetrn , tkdchick90 , charcat , Adriana Ravenlust , Persephone Nightmare , Diabolical Kitty , deveener , *HisMrs* , amandaco2011 , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , sbon , ac0313 , artbabe33445 , secretside , NarcissisticLust , BabyL0ve , ToyGurl , Devz , ironmouse , LostBoy988 , Lady Venus , padmeamidala , ColorMeCute , GravyCakes , Gigi128 , reysgirl83 , Ajax , dbm6907 , anonomous , thebest , haley730 , catgirl9 , Miss Anonymous , ThoughtsAblaze , CD37 , Beck , averageguyextrodinarypleasure , Howells , eggiweg , dopy , Sinfully , Musings , jg19 , shySEXXaddict , Breas , systematicweasel , HollyB , rockym690 , N&M , JessCee , TheSlyFox , emiliaa , Liz x420x , aliceinthehole , Booktease , Nick1965 , DexterStratton , Paradoxica , mcl272 , Lucky21 , AndroAngel , Paladin Fantasys , FaerieLove , The Curious Couple , wrecklesswords , Jon S , ParisLove , TheHardOne , -BillD , dhig , LilLostLenore , potstickers , Princess-Kayla ♥ , jessi2 , TheBadHobbit , socceras , anewdawn , samopayn , CamelliaGirl , Peggi , LavenderSkies , ejrbrndps , ashxxx , LAndJ , Jammin14580 , (k)InkyIvy , MR Chickhabit , Blooddragon , The Mother of a SiNner , Cougar in Training , shcoo , Dvine Decadence , duff , SexyStuff , Tripod95 , PropertyOfPotter , pixxie87 , geliebt , Jacobbbsmommy , Daemonin , allinonekid , klyte , queenofsiam , SaMiKaY , cburger , Claire de Cerises , chibi1091 , bunnygrl , Eliyahu , MissCandyland , prttynink , Swish , sexydelphia , noelleish , Undead , Stinkytofu10 , richsam , sweet&lush , Kabachu , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , BiJess , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , freda , leelee , LaSchwartz , oneeyedoctopus , Incendiaire , Ilovelingerie , CanadianChick , PeachieClean , smashthepatriarchy , C-Rae , samanthalynn , Fuck it. , SexyRayne , All His , Secret Pleasure , hatman , Curiouscat , at193 , purple579 , les sauvages , Schattenstern , spencerdiamond , inlustwetrust31 , shanoelizabeth , curious kitten , MistressDandelion , ghalik , gloomybear , delta117 , Ly-Ra , Kitten has left the site , meezerosity , Mistress Sassy , Dodger79 , ciderspider , VelvetDragon , Thomas90 , vanilla&chocolate , Honeybee , sunkissedJess , Life's Little Secrets , JirieV , WD40watcher , ohhhlala! , Terri69 , BG529 , teddybear328 , MamaDivine , SadoMas , BeepBop , Bittenflame , sexxxkitten , Undecided , Chami , beautifulbombshellVI , subtyrant , mjtheprincess , JennSenn , woodsdragon , amazon , sexykiss , giftdgecko , Cora Jane , marshmallow , hotcherry , dancer120 , pinkpottergirl , Missmarc , BoobCopter , *Camoprincess* , Frun , AlianneCimorene , ablynn , Why Not? , Pussy Destroyer , Zandrock , Femme Mystique , MissLoren , sexfairy , mistressg , ILikeShinyThings , Passionate Mandi , grif , novanilla , Oxalias , rachael.ben , Trysexual , Geography , Eyesonfire , AK Bunny , SkylarrStarr , snarknemesis , pirata , indiechick , kims89 , BlackCrescent , rockblenny , Supervixen , gorgeous , pfp , damnbul12 , ajansen , misty82 , maxwe , hem , Bbcakes85 , Eve12 , TigerLily9 , TheirPet , MidnightStorm , FHeemz , naturegirl , MrsHouseWife , pokefan15 , Kittybit , Naopisque , Rory , libra777 , Cheluh10 , Martiniman , Mrs.Intensity , Sam The Bam , Alyona , bgfilly , Winifred , RyRy326 , Robespierrethecat , Eugler , lainebug , amenti , StayceeO , falalena , Toy Fiend , ththpup , indiebutt , Fluffy Snuggles , marriedlady123 , Do emu , Kirill1171 , purpledesert , Septimus , nikki0668 , shorejen9 , karenm , pcv , Genderfree , bratcat , SassySam , ShinySuicide , Llewey , sjclayton2912 , AllKink4U , wanderer5964 , shhhhXhrh , table38792 , twelve13 , Silverwinds , OH&W, Lovebears , MattBryant , BlackCherry , ChubbyNerd , rosythorn , rubyjuls , AFes , Pretties , jackie.jfky , mr115393 , C&K0143 , HannahPanda , Klynn4splat13
I don't like to cuddle ever.
haley730 , Noelle , Cat E. , AmethystQueen
I like to cuddle before sex.
A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , Lithaewyn , tigerkate , ~LaUr3n~ , Lily Night , hornypoet69 , Coralbell , Kindred , lovebugg , zeebot , PiratePrincess , Annemarie , Alys , Rossie , Solar Ray , Joie de Cherresse , joja , SexyTabby , Adam02viper , null , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , M121212 , neon , slynch , tickle me pink , extrafun , indiglo , tkdchick90 , froggiemoma , charcat , Persephone Nightmare , Diabolical Kitty , sbon , ac0313 , CoffeeCup , ToyGurl , ironmouse , ColorMeCute , dbm6907 , thebest , Beck , jessterinthebed , Lummox , Sinfully , rockym690 , TheSlyFox , emiliaa , PuddlePuppy , DexterStratton , Lucky21 , AndroAngel , Nora , unfulfilled , wrecklesswords , ParisLove , TheHardOne , -BillD , potstickers , Ash1141 , CamelliaGirl , Peggi , ashxxx , (k)InkyIvy , Katelyn , The Mother of a SiNner , NavyDoll87 , Tripod95 , geliebt , ConnerJay , allinonekid , SaMiKaY , cburger , Claire de Cerises , dks210 , prttynink , Stinkytofu10 , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , PDXlady , LaSchwartz , Incendiaire , Ilovelingerie , CanadianChick , C-Rae , All His , EastCoast36 , ghalik , gloomybear , Nirelan , Kitten has left the site , Mistress Sassy , Girly Juice , sunkissedJess , ohhhlala! , BG529 , sparksrebbecca , BeepBop , blondie , Bittenflame , sexxxkitten , mjtheprincess , amazon , Missmarc , BoobCopter , MissBre , Why Not? , Femme Mystique , sexfairy , ILikeShinyThings , Passionate Mandi , novanilla , Geography , AK Bunny , snarknemesis , Shadowed , gorgeous , Jace , MidnightStorm , FHeemz , Kittybit , Mrs.Intensity , Caisee Dahl , Robespierrethecat , butts , lainebug , spiced , Flan-Flan Shazam , Jenyana , Do emu , Septimus , nikki0668 , shorejen9 , Genderfree , lilyflower , sarahinthecity , twelve13 , Silverwinds , MattBryant , rosythorn
I like to cuddle after sex.
Lithaewyn , pinkcupcakes , Bunnycups , ~LaUr3n~ , Lily Night , hornypoet69 , LadyEarlGrey , Coralbell , lovebugg , zeebot , PiratePrincess , Annemarie , Alys , Solar Ray , Joie de Cherresse , joja , Stephanie Marie , w-o-name , SexyTabby , Lolla Munz , MaryExy , Adam02viper , null , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , M121212 , neon , slynch , extrafun , indiglo , tkdchick90 , froggiemoma , charcat , Persephone Nightmare , Diabolical Kitty , sbon , Virgulino , ac0313 , big b , ToyGurl , ironmouse , ColorMeCute , melissa1973 , sarki , Gigi128 , dbm6907 , thebest , EJ , CD37 , Beck , NuclearTeapot , Lummox , Sinfully , mammas place , rockym690 , Wildchild , TheSlyFox , emiliaa , aliceinthehole , PuddlePuppy , DexterStratton , mcl272 , Lucky21 , AndroAngel , Nora , Eva Schwaltz , Sharpsgirl1 , wrecklesswords , ParisLove , TheHardOne , -BillD , LilLostLenore , potstickers , Ash1141 , rdytogo , CamelliaGirl , Peggi , laceypanties , ashxxx , LAndJ , (k)InkyIvy , Katelyn , The Mother of a SiNner , Tripod95 , geliebt , allinonekid , Claire de Cerises , dks210 , prttynink , Swish , Stinkytofu10 , MakeMePurr , candykiss34 , Kabachu , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Harpina is gone , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , PDXlady , LaSchwartz , Incendiaire , Ilovelingerie , CanadianChick , C-Rae , Lizzy , All His , FruityCloud , EastCoast36 , ghalik , gloomybear , Kitten has left the site , Mistress Sassy , Girly Juice , pasdechat , Honeybee , sunkissedJess , ohhhlala! , nynekats , BG529 , sparksrebbecca , BeepBop , blondie , KrissyNovacaine , Bittenflame , sexxxkitten , mjtheprincess , amazon , sexykiss , wdanas , Double Analysis , Missmarc , BoobCopter , sXeVegan90 , MissBre , Femme Mystique , sexfairy , heather-mooney , ILikeShinyThings , Passionate Mandi , laroc nite (Tina) , novanilla , Oxalias , Geography , AK Bunny , snarknemesis , BlackCrescent , Shadowed , gorgeous , Jace , TigerLily9 , MidnightStorm , FHeemz , Kittybit , Mrs.Intensity , Robespierrethecat , Eugler , butts , lainebug , spiced , Flan-Flan Shazam , Jenyana , Do emu , 1001 Pleasures , Septimus , nikki0668 , shorejen9 , karenm , ambowers85 , Genderfree , Llewey , lilyflower , sarahinthecity , twelve13 , Silverwinds , Hazeleyes2012 , MattBryant , rosythorn , jackie.jfky , C&K0143
I like to cuddle during sex.
Lithaewyn , Lily Night , hornypoet69 , zeebot , Annemarie , Alys , Joie de Cherresse , joja , M121212 , neon , tickle me pink , indiglo , froggiemoma , charcat , Diabolical Kitty , sbon , ac0313 , ColorMeCute , Beck , NuclearTeapot , rockym690 , TheSlyFox , emiliaa , PuddlePuppy , mcl272 , Lucky21 , AndroAngel , Nora , -BillD , CamelliaGirl , ashxxx , LAndJ , Tripod95 , allinonekid , Claire de Cerises , dks210 , Stinkytofu10 , MakeMePurr , PDXlady , Incendiaire , Ilovelingerie , All His , Bullfroggy and Rose , ghalik , gloomybear , Kitten has left the site , Mistress Sassy , Girly Juice , BG529 , BeepBop , Bittenflame , beautifulbombshellVI , mjtheprincess , Missmarc , BoobCopter , Why Not? , Femme Mystique , sexfairy , ILikeShinyThings , novanilla , AK Bunny , snarknemesis , gorgeous , Jace , MidnightStorm , FHeemz , Mrs.Intensity , Robespierrethecat , lainebug , Jenyana , Do emu , Septimus , shorejen9 , Genderfree , Llewey , twelve13 , Silverwinds , MattBryant , rosythorn
I like to cuddle when sex isn't involved.
DeliciousSurprise , pinkcupcakes , tigerkate , Bunnycups , ~LaUr3n~ , Lily Night , hornypoet69 , LadyEarlGrey , Darling Jen , Coralbell , lovebugg , zeebot , PiratePrincess , Annemarie , Alys , Solar Ray , Joie de Cherresse , joja , BBW Talks Toys , Stephanie Marie , darthkitt3n , SexyTabby , MaryExy , Adam02viper , null , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , M121212 , neon , slynch , tickle me pink , extrafun , indiglo , cujo467 , froggiemoma , charcat , Persephone Nightmare , Diabolical Kitty , sbon , ac0313 , ToyGurl , ColorMeCute , Sir , ChickRocking , dbm6907 , thebest , serenadinginsanity , EJ , Bignuf , CD37 , Beck , Eucaly , Sunshineamine , Lorien239 , jessterinthebed , NuclearTeapot , Lummox , Sinfully , rockym690 , TheSlyFox , emiliaa , aliceinthehole , PuddlePuppy , jay28 , DexterStratton , mcl272 , Lucky21 , AndroAngel , Nora , FaerieLove , wrecklesswords , ParisLove , -BillD , potstickers , TheBadHobbit , Ash1141 , rdytogo , CamelliaGirl , Peggi , LAndJ , (k)InkyIvy , Sohotdinosaur , Katelyn , The Mother of a SiNner , Tripod95 , GirlyGirlRed , acessorie , geliebt , ConnerJay , allinonekid , SaMiKaY , Claire de Cerises , ninja250 , MissCandyland , dks210 , prttynink , Swish , time4lust , MakeMePurr , candykiss34 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , PDXlady , LaSchwartz , Incendiaire , Ilovelingerie , CanadianChick , Hallmar82 , All His , EastCoast36 , BeeSquared , Bullfroggy and Rose , AbbyLover , ghalik , gloomybear , skeeterlynn , Mistress Sassy , Girly Juice , pasdechat , VelvetDragon , Honeybee , kawigrl , ohhhlala! , CadmiumKitty , nynekats , BG529 , BeepBop , blondie , KrissyNovacaine , Mr. Tickle and Giggle , sexxxkitten , beautifulbombshellVI , mjtheprincess , amazon , wdanas , Double Analysis , joolie , Missmarc , BoobCopter , sXeVegan90 , MissBre , AlianneCimorene , Why Not? , Femme Mystique , sexfairy , heather-mooney , ILikeShinyThings , Passionate Mandi , novanilla , Geography , AK Bunny , snarknemesis , Mhay64 , Shadowed , gorgeous , Jace , Bbcakes85 , TigerLily9 , TheirPet , MidnightStorm , FHeemz , ginnyluvspotter , Kittybit , mdnght , Mrs.Intensity , RyRy326 , Sexy Desire , Caisee Dahl , ASpiritedSlut , jr2012 , Robespierrethecat , butts , lainebug , spiced , amenti , Flan-Flan Shazam , Jenyana , ggiyfd , Do emu , Septimus , nikki0668 , shorejen9 , karenm , Genderfree , bratcat , ShinySuicide , Llewey , twelve13 , Silverwinds , MattBryant , sunflower , rosythorn , C&K0143
I don't like to cuddle when sex is involved.
MrRainybowbow , Holly Hox , amenti
I like to cuddle at this other time that has nothing to do with any of your poll options.
tigerkate , Bunnycups , zeebot , PiratePrincess , Annemarie , Alys , joja , null , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , tickle me pink , indiglo , daniel and frances , charcat , Persephone Nightmare , Diabolical Kitty , sbon , ac0313 , ToyGurl , ColorMeCute , Tart , Stagger13 , pixieluv , onehotmomma , Beck , kjkitty , Eucaly , HotCouple , Wildchild , TheSlyFox , emiliaa , aliceinthehole , Pink Jewel , PuddlePuppy , AndroAngel , Keegski , FaerieLove , goofballmaster , Eva Schwaltz , K101 , wrecklesswords , TheHardOne , -BillD , potstickers , Ash1141 , Seventeen , CamelliaGirl , karay123 , Peggi , ashxxx , Sohotdinosaur , Katelyn , The Mother of a SiNner , NavyDoll87 , Tripod95 , Apirka , Daemonin , ConnerJay , allinonekid , SaMiKaY , Claire de Cerises , Swish , Stinkytofu10 , rawsonbr , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Ilovelingerie , CanadianChick , HugsAndBites , All His , hatman , ghalik , gloomybear , Kiwi Green , nynekats , BG529 , BeepBop , beautifulbombshellVI , mjtheprincess , Squeaky , Missmarc , BoobCopter , sXeVegan90 , Danneh , AlianneCimorene , Femme Mystique , Geography , gorgeous , FHeemz , Kittybit , Mrs.Intensity , jr2012 , amenti , Do emu , purpledesert , Septimus , shorejen9 , Genderfree , bratcat , sarahinthecity , twelve13 , MattBryant , kurtster79 , C&K0143
Other/None of the above/I like pie
DeliciousSurprise , tigerkate , Andromeda , Annemarie , Alys , Lucidity , joja , Shellz31 , IrishLassie , BBW Talks Toys , Stephanie Marie , null , bunny love , iLashe , cujo467 , Persephone Nightmare , Diabolical Kitty , CarmenGore262 , TX , Sir , Lily Bee , Wildchild , Nora , sexyintexas , domsub1993 , LilLostLenore , Peggi , Mellifer , Tripod95 , mpfm , Entropy , reknit , SaMiKaY , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Chris Corrigan , PDXlady , hatman , Nirelan , BeepBop , legna , greenbee227 , BoobCopter , sXeVegan90 , konicaguy , wes , FHeemz , mdnght , Britt93 , SecretKinksters , Intrepid Niddering , SassySam , Ayogirl230 , gustavadolphus , lala22
Total votes: 1106 (506 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Linga Linga
I voted all the time but that's not exactly correct. I don't have any specific times that I like to cuddle. A cuddle is good before, during or after sex and even when there is no sex at all but I like to be cool when I sleep so on warmer nights being wrapped up in someones arms isn't so much fun.
Contributor: Lithaewyn Lithaewyn
Originally posted by Linga
I voted all the time but that's not exactly correct. I don't have any specific times that I like to cuddle. A cuddle is good before, during or after sex and even when there is no sex at all but I like to be cool when I sleep so on warmer ... more
Agreed. Pretty much the only time I don't like cuddling is if I'm unusually warm (I'm always cold) or if I'm mad haha.
Contributor: RibenaPenguin RibenaPenguin
I also clicked 'all the time' but the only exception to this is in the morning if I want to go back to sleep. If I am awake then fine, but if I wanted to get back to sleep then NO lol
Contributor: tigerkate tigerkate
I had a thought and then I read "I LOVE PIE" and that distracted me.

...I like to cuddle before bed, we usually cue up a movie online and then spoon and watch before falling asleep. Or having sex.

After sex, I'm very light on the cuddling. A kiss and a hand on the chest is fine by me. Lately, he's always really hot in bed and doesn't want to cuddle. Which is weird because I'm freezing my butt off. He's my personal space heater sometimes.
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
Originally posted by tigerkate
I had a thought and then I read "I LOVE PIE" and that distracted me.

...I like to cuddle before bed, we usually cue up a movie online and then spoon and watch before falling asleep. Or having sex.

After sex, I'm very ... more
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
I am such a cuddler it is kind of gross. I freaking LOVE it.. way more than pie
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
I like to cuddle when it's hoodie weather. I also like pie.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
I don't like to cuddle when I'm trying to sleep. Somehow I have trouble sleeping if I'm being touched.
Contributor: Andromeda Andromeda
I love cuddling all the time. I also like pie.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
Originally posted by Linga
I voted all the time but that's not exactly correct. I don't have any specific times that I like to cuddle. A cuddle is good before, during or after sex and even when there is no sex at all but I like to be cool when I sleep so on warmer ... more
This is me, too. Another time I don't like to cuddle is when I'm in "getting shit done" mode. I'm busy doing important things, don't touch me. Otherwise, cuddling is great
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
I would cuddle with a complete stranger if I weren't afraid of being thrown in jail.
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
Originally posted by Sweet-Justice
I would cuddle with a complete stranger if I weren't afraid of being thrown in jail.
Go to raves

I like cuddles alllll the time!
Contributor: PiratePrincess PiratePrincess
I only don't want to cuddle if I'm in an "I need space" mood or when I'm trying to be productive. Otherwise, I love to cuddle whenever.
Contributor: Annemarie Annemarie
It's not so much cuddling but any form of intimacy that I really enjoy. If it's snuggling, or just a resting of one's hand on one's thigh, I like it all.

Of course, there are the "don't touch me" periods of the month that happen.
Contributor: cobiffle cobiffle
Spooning n cuddling is fun, specialy since going nice and slow makes it last awhile
Contributor: Alys Alys
Being single, cuddling is probably the thing I miss most. I'm big on cuddling and just being near the other person.

Now I'm thinking about pie. I think I've got a pie crust in the fridge, might make one this weekend....
Contributor: Lucidity Lucidity
I love pie.

But I used to really not deal with cuddling. Like, on the couch during movies, that would be fine. Post-coital, or falling asleep, I had to have my space. My current partner converted me, but it's only with him. I still don't think I could cuddle with anyone else.
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
Yea, I'm a cuddler....
Contributor: joja joja
Cuddling is essential
Contributor: bluekaren bluekaren
I love to cuddle! I am always trying to snuggle but especially when falling asleep. Mostly my man tolerates me but not when falling asleep, he is a light sleeper
Contributor: *Huxley* *Huxley*
There is nothing better then getting in bed at night for a cuddle before we fall asleep. Every night, this is our thing. I <3 it!
Contributor: pinkzombie pinkzombie
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
Are you a cuddler, or do you start suffocating when people near your side of the bed?

Cmon, fess up.
Im a major cuddler!
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I'm not real big on cuddling. When I do, I like it on my terms. Give me my space the rest of the time.
I think my relationship days are over unless I meet someone like
Contributor: IrishLassie IrishLassie
I like to cuddle and so does the hubs. I like it especially when getting ready for bed. and I had to choose other for the hell of it, and dont forget pie, especially if its apple pie...mmm
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
I like to snuggle on the couch for a movie. I like to snuggle in bed for about 10 minutes and talk before I am ready to roll over and go to sleep. It's not a never, but I very rarely like to cuddle after sex. It's an almost never. If I did it right, I'm hot and out of breath and I don't need another body pressed up on me.

That said, about an hour afterward, I'll totally cuddle, as long as I'm not trying to sleep. Don't cuddle with me when I need to sleep. It's why we have a king size bed. There's actually more than a foot of space between us when we sleep.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
I forgot to mention! PIE! My friend had a bunch of us over for an early Turkey Day dinner and she made the *BEST* coconut cream pie with this imported vanilla from Mexico. Yum!
Contributor: SamsDelight SamsDelight
My husband is gone all the time so when I get to cuddle it is a good day. It is like a honeymoon all the time.
Contributor: null null
I like cuddling...but I like pie more
Contributor: kutekatie kutekatie
Im a really clingy person, so I love 5to cuddle. Almost as much as buns (;