Do you think ball gags are degrading?

Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
I think it depends upon the gag as well and not just the scene. Most people think of ball gags but there are also dental gags, open ring gags, bit gags (pony-play), and odd novelty gags ( link ). I think some of those models are *intended* to be humiliating.

Personally, I like cleave gags the best. It's simple and easy to use a man's neck tie or lady's scarf and wrap it around your partners head as a quick make-shift gag. It fits in very nicely with kidnap fantasy scenes. Although I've never done it, I have seen some very aesthetically pleasing shibari cleave gags. For me, it is the sound you make in a gag that's the turn-on. So for me, it's not just visual, per se, but acoustic as well. Can't say if anyone else agrees though...
Contributor: pinkzombie pinkzombie
Originally posted by socceras
not something i would want to try but want to know what others think
i love being gagged every once in a while. Trust is the most important thing, and i love and trust my man, and I love to be teased. There is always a signal is I don't like something.
Contributor: clp clp
Any accessory like that can be used in a degrading way, but I don't think they are inherently so. How else can I keep him quiet?
Contributor: meganthomas meganthomas
Isn't that kind of the point? for that type of play, i mean
Contributor: Rayne Millaray Rayne Millaray
I find ball gags degrading. It's part of why I love them. Of course, M uses ours as more than just something to shut me up when he's playing with me. It quite often gets plopped in my mouth when he's tired of listening to me, as well.
Contributor: Kiwi Kiwi
I have no desire to be gagged, so for me it would be degrading. However, if someone was into it I don't think it is degrading for that individual.
Contributor: null null
I thought it was supposed to be somewhat degrading. Obviously the person wearing it would be into it so it wouldn't really be degrading, but being gagged and drooling all over yourself seems pretty degrading to most.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by socceras
not something i would want to try but want to know what others think
Yes, but in a GOOD way I feel a bit demeaned when I wear mine and I love it.
Contributor: A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
They are, as are all BDSM toys. Doesn't mean it's bad though.
Contributor: ID42 ID42
I think it depends on the situation. Sometimes it is meant to be degrading and sometimes it is not. Personally, I like a little bit of degradation in the bedroom. Sometimes. I LOVE my ball gag.
Contributor: dv8 dv8
Degrading? Submission doesn't have to be degrading.
Contributor: vanillaSpice vanillaSpice
I don't think they're necessarily are, and when they are, it's meant to be that way - but I've never used one.
Contributor: AU AU
It depends on the situation. I think they are supposed to be a little humiliating, though. I like the idea of gags, but I find what they do to a face a little un-pretty and that is where the humiliation is, I think. At least, that is where it would be for me. I'd prefer bit gags (Like for pony play) as we involve some pony/puppy play in our bedroom.
Contributor: BluePixi BluePixi
I do think using a gag would be degrading, but in a kinky fun kinda way for the right reasons
Contributor: M121212 M121212
They are degrading in a good way!
Contributor: KnK KnK
Originally posted by socceras
not something i would want to try but want to know what others think
I don't think there's anything demeaning about it if it's between consenting adults
Contributor: I Wear The Pants I Wear The Pants
It depends on the situation. It's only degrading if it's forced.
Contributor: That Guy That Guy
Originally posted by Trashley
It's only degrading if you want it to be
I think that's kinda the point, isn't it? I mean, it's inherently degrading, but that's why we like them. It's not like I'd ask my partner to wear one, but not be willing to wear one myself.
Contributor: Mr.RightNow Mr.RightNow
not my thing
Contributor: Linga Linga
Not at all, I love my gags.
I love only being able to make little whimpers and whines while wearing them.
Contributor: KatPawz2003 KatPawz2003
Originally posted by socceras
not something i would want to try but want to know what others think
In the past I would have said yes but with my current partner, it's a turn-on. I think it all depends on the situation and mentality of those involved.
Contributor: lucymalfoy lucymalfoy
Maybe a little, but that can be the fun part.
Contributor: PinkPedal PinkPedal
I love wearing them but my boyfriend thinks there degrading.
Contributor: Anjulie Anjulie
Whatever floats your boat is fine with me
Contributor: hiroshiro hiroshiro
I think they CAN BE if that's how they're being intended in that situation, but they don't HAVE to be. I don't really go for degradation, but I like ball gags.
Contributor: IrishLassie IrishLassie
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
It's not degrading unless it's meant to be degrading! Which some people find unbelieveably hawt. To be honest, in my situation, it would be something I asked for and was fully participating in. So not at all degrading to me.
that's exactly how I feel
Contributor: MrRainybowbow MrRainybowbow
Their just kinda akward to me never tried tho.
Contributor: tickle me pink tickle me pink
It definitely can be, but isn't that the point?
Contributor: CarmenGore262 CarmenGore262
Originally posted by socceras
not something i would want to try but want to know what others think
I have never had one but I dont think they are.
Contributor: Karen Affeldt Karen Affeldt
Well that's half the fun. It helps me feel controlled and submissive. Degraded maybe but not in a bad way.