What's better, giving or getting?

Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
I like both, though getting is always nice!
Contributor: Research Research
I was passable at massage till I took a massage therapy class at a local community college. Now I'm bombarded at work on my lunch breaks to work on my coworkers. There is a downside to being good at something!
Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
Originally posted by Fanny
Do you prefer giving your lover a massage, or getting one? Or BOTH?
I like both, I'd like to learn some more techniques though.
Contributor: mrs.mckrakn mrs.mckrakn
recieving!! cant get enough. hate giving
Contributor: wondertoes wondertoes
When it comes to massage, I love getting them and hate giving them. Unfortunately, I rarely get them!
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
Both, both, both. I love playing with my wife's body, and love it when she plays with mine.
Contributor: Sensual husband Sensual husband
I would say I like giving them more but who does not like a good massage
Contributor: butterflygirlxo butterflygirlxo
Originally posted by Fanny
Do you prefer giving your lover a massage, or getting one? Or BOTH?
I suck at giving massages! I'm already stressed too so I would rather get them! I know Im being greedy! lol...
Contributor: butterflygirlxo butterflygirlxo
Originally posted by Envy
I like to get but am not very good at giving them....
me neither
Contributor: Sera Sera
Originally posted by Fanny
Do you prefer giving your lover a massage, or getting one? Or BOTH?
I wish this wasn't a poll I could only check one box in!!!

Me-I love getting massages, and I love giving them. But both of us aren't very good at it, and if he was better I'd like it more. Also if I was better and I didn't have problems in my wrists, I'd enjoy it more.
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
My boyfriend loves giving massages to me, which is good, since I love getting them. Whenever he complains about feeling stiff or sore, I will rub him down too.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
I am a massage therapist so of course I like giving them. I like getting them too, I wish my bf liked giving them too. oh well.
Contributor: sbon sbon
I'm pretty selfish--I love getting them. If I was more confident about it, I might enjoy giving them more.
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
I don't like either! I hate getting them more, though..
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
I give them much more then receive them but I prefer it that way. When hubby does give me one he tends to be too strong around my neck and shoulders and it just hurts. He tries to be gentle. A lot of times he won't even start around my shoulders and neck hoping to get around my fussiness but it doesn't matter I'm just too tense a person I think. I don't know the meaning of relax lol
Contributor: mariah mariah
i wish i was better
Contributor: RemusHalifax RemusHalifax
I always try to give him massages, but I get distracted by the nakedness of his back... my boyfriend has a sexy back. He usually has to remind me to keep rubbing instead of groping and kissing.
Contributor: C4ss C4ss
I really love getting them. I don't mind giving but I definitely prefer getting.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by Fanny
Do you prefer giving your lover a massage, or getting one? Or BOTH?
Hehe I can't choose! I love to make my partner happy..so I'll go with giving.
Contributor: Nicky Nicky
I love both, but I think I like getting them a little more. Not because I don't like to give, but I don't think I'm that good at it. Of course, my husband argues with me on that.
Contributor: menotu menotu
Originally posted by Fanny
Do you prefer giving your lover a massage, or getting one? Or BOTH?
Give it to me baby ;-)
Contributor: The Awesome Penguin The Awesome Penguin
I love getting massages more than giving them... but I have to return all kinds of favors, massages being one of them!
Contributor: KatPawz2003 KatPawz2003
Originally posted by Fanny
Do you prefer giving your lover a massage, or getting one? Or BOTH?
I am bias since I am a professional and "had" to receive every day in school. You really need to be able to do both.
Contributor: Xavier7 Xavier7
Originally posted by Fanny
Do you prefer giving your lover a massage, or getting one? Or BOTH?
I love getting them!
Contributor: MrRainybowbow MrRainybowbow
I always ask for massages to the point he says i owe him for it! haha
Contributor: Chevylady37 Chevylady37
i like getting them
Contributor: A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
I love giving it so much that I compulsively give it to my friends all the time. And I love getting it because I get tired a lot.
Contributor: sweet seduction sweet seduction
I love giving my husband massages. It relaxes him deeply which makes me happy. Also he is great at giving them
Contributor: Moein Moein
Originally posted by Fanny
Do you prefer giving your lover a massage, or getting one? Or BOTH?
I love giving my wife a massage, it makes her ready and relax later. Also it prelong the time of play.
Contributor: vegan.guy vegan.guy
I like giving them and getting them.

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