Would you rather be considered sexy for your looks or your intelligence?

Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
To me, intelligence is extremely hot. It's good to have a complete package, but a man's brain is more important to me. And I would hope men find me attractive for my brain, too. What do you think is more important?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Beautiful-Disaster , js250 , Sera26 , blondie , BrittaniMaree , quackbuster , Stagger13 , SourAppleMartini , jackie.jfky , Bubba29 , Fluke , Ace <3 , Katelyn , Amber1319 , JADE76
15  (15%)
bayosgirl , eri86 , mpfm , Chilipepper , Kitka , padmeamidala , kdlt , llellsee , bog , Ryanne , sweisb4100 , solitudinarian , Pumpk1nPatch , thesnowman , bratcat , snowminx , WhoopieDoo , TJax , Feisty , LovesAPoet , FieryRed , MissyKitty , gsfanatic , Cosmonaut , SydneyScreams , Jaimes , WestTexasBarbie , Wicked Wahine , namelesschaos , DolphinGirl , XxFallenAngelxX , Isola , mjtheprincess , GONE! , pixiedustVixen , apple4me , Eyesonfire , SelectZen , joiedejouets , spiced , sweetiejo , surreptitious , wicked48 , Heartthrob , A&M , Pastafariette , Soulsekrou , Rockoloid , CutiePatootie , angel42539 , nimr , sXeVegan90 , pokefan15 , dawnkye , alliegator , TheirPet , quinceykay , chicmichiw , geekchic , Clock Chime , RonLee , sarah81 , karenm , thegogofiasco , xilliannax , curious kitten , Gay Scout , matry , Hoshigetsu , Bignuf
70  (69%)
SecretKinksters , Carrie Ann , MizzMistress , married with children , ChubbyNerd , beans19 , Rawr4483 , goodeatz , evie.amor , Kitten has left the site , anonymous1298304 , wwwww , Pandwhora , indiechick , mdnght , mr115393
16  (16%)
Total votes: 101
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Contributor: eri86 eri86
Brains. Totally for my brains.

Cause when the inside is sexy, the outside is sexy. But that doesn't work the other way around.
Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by bayosgirl
To me, intelligence is extremely hot. It's good to have a complete package, but a man's brain is more important to me. And I would hope men find me attractive for my brain, too. What do you think is more important?
This is hard! I've talked about this with my partner before & I definitely love my brain & don't want to be only noticed because of what's on the outside, but if I'm going to be honest, well, when it comes to my partner, I really want him to find me super, super attractive. It means a crap load to me. I know, I know. An important part is my insides (my intelligence & my personality and kind heart) so knowing that these things attract him to me very much is great. I know if it came down to him not finding these things awesome about me too or not being able to connect with me on an emotional or other level would suck & it wouldn't feel good if he ONLY loved my outer appearance most of all.

It's hard to choose just one because he notices both my outer appearance, my intelligence and my kind innards! Lol.I'm going to have to say both outer appearance and inner is equally important here. And he compliments me on all of those things quite regularly, so I pretty much love that in his eyes, I have all the things I want. I love that he doesn't look past my smarts, but I guess I probably do feel that how he views my outer appearance is at least equally important, to me. It does mean something to me that he finds me good lookin'. You can increase your intelligence, but you can only do so much about how you look. As far as everyone else is concerned, I don't mind how they view me so much as I do my SO.
Contributor: js250 js250
I am going to go with looks...my brain will hopefully always be there!!
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
I find smart to be very sexy and dumb to be a complete turn off no matter how pretty the package...
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
I know I'm not physically attractive by anyone's definition, so I'm staying with appealing to other sapiosexuals. At least I know no one would be after me for the package.
Contributor: talon4196 talon4196
Intelligence. I'm socially awkward and not the best looking. My girlfriend loves my smarts.
Contributor: Sera26 Sera26
I want someone to find me sexy for my looks and interesting for my brain. Usually people don't realize that I'm intelligent until after they've known me a bit because I'm usually quiet until I'm comfortable around new people. Then they look surprised.

In terms of men that I'm attracted to I'm initially attracted to their looks, then their sense of humor, then their intelligence.
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
Originally posted by eri86
Brains. Totally for my brains.

Cause when the inside is sexy, the outside is sexy. But that doesn't work the other way around.
This, most definitely!
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Hard decision....I guess I'd go for looks.
Contributor: Jenny Swallows Jenny Swallows
a bit of both?
Contributor: llellsee llellsee
Intelligence/personali ty. Attraction based on just appearance isn't something I'm too flattered by.
Contributor: bog bog
Originally posted by bayosgirl
To me, intelligence is extremely hot. It's good to have a complete package, but a man's brain is more important to me. And I would hope men find me attractive for my brain, too. What do you think is more important?
I love it when people are intimidated by my intelligence. I think it has a much bigger impact than if people were intimidated by my breasts.
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
Contributor: sweisb4100 sweisb4100
Both would be great but I'd take intelligence
Contributor: snowminx snowminx
My mind, intelligence is such a turn on
Looks are such a superficial thing and can change at any time, I'd rather someone find me attractive in other ways
Contributor: BrittaniMaree BrittaniMaree
looks but would love both of them but who wouldn't
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
Originally posted by bayosgirl
To me, intelligence is extremely hot. It's good to have a complete package, but a man's brain is more important to me. And I would hope men find me attractive for my brain, too. What do you think is more important?
"I would hope men find me attractive for my brain, too."

...I think it's sexy that you know to put a comma before "too."
Contributor: TJax TJax
Lucky me, I am a talented engineer and I look like Paul Rudd.
Contributor: Feisty Feisty
Intelligence all the way. It is such a turn off when I see a hot girl or guy and they say the stupidest things that don't make sense.
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by WhoopieDoo
"I would hope men find me attractive for my brain, too."

...I think it's sexy that you know to put a comma before "too."
Haha, agreed!!

I LOVE that my partner regularly tells me (and shows me) how hot she thinks it is that I'm smart and nerdy. It's nice when she compliments my looks, but since a large part of one's appearance depends on genetics, which we can't do anything about, I MUCH prefer compliments related to my personality and/or brains. (Even though some of that is beyond our control, as well, given our genes and early childhood experiences!)

As for what attracts me, looks and personality are sort of a combined dynamic. Personality affects what a person wears, what facial expressions s/he makes, how s/he carries her/himself, how s/he styles her/his hair, etc. I look for a good sense of humor, a positive outlook on life, some creativity, some confidence... "Book smarts" are not an absolute must for me, and actually my partner and I complement each other well, in part, because I have more "book smarts" while she has more "life smarts."
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by bayosgirl
To me, intelligence is extremely hot. It's good to have a complete package, but a man's brain is more important to me. And I would hope men find me attractive for my brain, too. What do you think is more important?
I was always hoping for both...
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
Definitely intelligence, prefer getting both though
Contributor: Cosmonaut Cosmonaut
Intelligence. Being too good looking gets so much unwanted attention...cannot go anywhere without being bothered.
Contributor: SourAppleMartini SourAppleMartini
I would rather have looks. I am yet to see a person attracted to my intelligence.
Contributor: SydneyScreams SydneyScreams
Originally posted by bayosgirl
To me, intelligence is extremely hot. It's good to have a complete package, but a man's brain is more important to me. And I would hope men find me attractive for my brain, too. What do you think is more important?
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
Intelligence. I find my brain sexy, and I find my husband's brain sexier than any other part of him. The best part about intelligence is that it can lead to a wicked sense of humor. Funny is OH SO SEXY!
Contributor: WestTexasBarbie WestTexasBarbie
To me, intelligence, in a man OR a woman, can overcome many physical flaws. Intelligence is the ultimate turn-on in my book. As a straight female, I have had my share of pretty, but dumb guys. At the end of the day, I want a man who can make my brain do flips, not just my coochie.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by WhoopieDoo
"I would hope men find me attractive for my brain, too."

...I think it's sexy that you know to put a comma before "too."
See, this is why I look forward to XYCopperheadSly's comments!

Looks, at best, are fleeting, so based on that alone, I would pick being considered sexy for my intelligence over my looks! But that's not the only reason. Have you ever noticed that the longer you know someone & connect with them, the more attractive they become to you? And the uglier a supposed pretty person is after they open their mouth & spew poison or stupidity? I guess I would be happy just to be considered sexy, whatever the reason, but I place more value on intelligence!