Would you be upset if your partner lied to you about watching porn?

Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
Originally posted by RonLee
Often setting unreasonable demands is setting one up to be lied to.
I agree with this. I don't think it's okay to lie, really, but when you're in a relationship, and let's say, things are going well, you're really into the other person, and then they say something like, "I hate porn, and it's a total deal breaker for me," you'd probably think, "well, I can't tell her about looking at porn, now. She'll leave, and I love her!" So that's where the lie starts. But perhaps he didn't want her to have so much control over his life that he'd stop watching porn altogether, because that's a personal decision for him to make.

But I'd be more upset about the lie than watching porn, because I watch porn, 99% of men and a large portion of women too watch porn, and I'd love to watch it with him! The lie is the issue, as is the expectation that he isn't allowed to look at it because of her personal preferences and views on pornography. It could very well be a sign of incompatibility. For me, a deal breaker would be the expectation that I not look at porn, because of how my partner feels about it. This is why it's important to be open about yourself with your partner in the beginning and disclose any kind of sexual taste, preference, kink, need, expectation, etc. before these little lies start and then get out of control. Some people don't want their partners viewing porn. Some don't care. But everyone wants their partner to be honest and truthful.
Contributor: no longer here no longer here
For whatever reason, he lied. If he lied to tell her "what she wanted to hear", what else will he lie about? Lying is never acceptable in a relationship. Relationships are about trust, if you can not be trusted then there will be an issue.

As to the lie being about porn, everyone is entitled to their own opinions as to what is and is not acceptable in a relationship. If one partner does not feel porn is acceptable that does not make it OK for the other person to lie about it. If one partner feels that sex for the sake of "getting off" with no emotional involvement is OK, that doesn't give them the right to lie to the partner who feels that relationships are monogamous (meaning you and I and no one else - no matter what).

We are very honest with each other and porn is an area where we have very strict boundaries. Lying about not adhering to them is not acceptable. We would both be very upset.

Hurting the person you love is never acceptable. Breaking trust, for whatever reason is always hurtful and destructive in a relationship.

Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
It wouldn't bother me that he was watching porn but that he lied. My partner is very open with their porn and it doesn't bother me in the least.
Contributor: angel42539 angel42539
Originally posted by bottled-diva
I would mostly want to reassure him that it's ok. He was probably lying because he didn't want to get in trouble. I feel that getting upset would only emphasize that and make him less likely to open up in future. Sexual expression can be a ... more
absolutely agree with you on that
Contributor: travelnurse travelnurse
We like porn so it would be a non issue!
Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
Originally posted by Velocity
My sisters boyfriend lied to her about liking porn a few months ago, and now he's saying he's been watching it for a long time.

Would you be upset?

I personally would be, because he lied about something so little.
I wouldnt be mad but I would think it was ridiculous to lie about, nothing wrong with watching porn. But if your sister made it seem like it was a bad disgusting thing I could see why he lied
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
Yes, lying is not a good thing!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Velocity
My sisters boyfriend lied to her about liking porn a few months ago, and now he's saying he's been watching it for a long time.

Would you be upset?

I personally would be, because he lied about something so little.
Like you I would really be flabbagastered that he would lie over something so inconsequential BUT young men often allow popular tv shows inform their behavior when dealing with women. He may have thought that he needed to say he didn't like porn of risk her leaving him...that is the popular opinion out there touted by silly women. he also might have lost a girlfriend or a potential girlfriend by letting it be known he likes watching porn. Perhaps your sister let him know she hates porn and won't be with a man who does? Young women often say things that they may not mean the same way young men do.
Either way my husband cheated on me many times and he NEVER lied about liking porn, so if it's a small issue with her I would recommend that she let it slide and chalk it up to the whole "getting to know you" process. We often tell small lies when we are trying to get someone to like us but in the end it's not a big deal nor does it point to a possible problem necessarily.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by K101
..."or she gave him some reason to lie somehow." This I have to kindly disagree about. I feel a lie (no matter what it is over) is never justifiable, and never ever someone else's fault. Showing you're opposed to something is not a ... more
Yes there is an "excuse" for lying....more people get hurt over telling the truth than are or ever will be hurt by porn. C'mon get real. I got the worst beating of my life for telling the truth and never got hit for lying so you can take the whole there's no reason to lie argument for what it is...a lie. Maybe there's no reason to lie to YOU but you can't speak for everyone in the world. Some people will react way beyond violent to hearing something they do not want to hear and will accept a lie as truth because they want to.
Contributor: LAndJ LAndJ
If he did a lot, then maybe. My boyfriend used to say he never did, but I knew that wasn't true. He did every once and a while, and most of the time he'd tell me about it weeks later.
Contributor: Bullfroggy and Rose Bullfroggy and Rose
yes , but only about the lying part
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I would be but it be about the lying. I would not care if they watch it but tell me about it.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
Originally posted by K101
..."or she gave him some reason to lie somehow." This I have to kindly disagree about. I feel a lie (no matter what it is over) is never justifiable, and never ever someone else's fault. Showing you're opposed to something is not a ... more
Is too!
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Yes there is an "excuse" for lying....more people get hurt over telling the truth than are or ever will be hurt by porn. C'mon get real. I got the worst beating of my life for telling the truth and never got hit for lying so you can ... more
I absolutely agree. Sadly the intolerant come in many guises. So, many of us simply have to do what we have to do, to survive.
Contributor: Velocity Velocity
Originally posted by RonLee
Very nearly ALL men look at porn except for Kendra's partner perhaps. I would suspect that Velocity's sister's BF was simply telling his GF exactly what she wanted to hear. And how did she find out that he'd been "lying" ... more
Nope, no snooping.
Porn became the topic of conversation and he contradicted what he said in the past.

Also, the porn bit doesn't exactly upset her. It was mostly just the lying about something so small.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
Originally posted by Velocity
Nope, no snooping.
Porn became the topic of conversation and he contradicted what he said in the past.

Also, the porn bit doesn't exactly upset her. It was mostly just the lying about something so small.
In all likelihood the young man was embarrassed about it. There are innumerable reasons. A rather plausible one would be that by admitting to looking at porn he was also outing himself that he masturbates. As odd as it may sound many men are simply very uncomfortable admitting to that particular pleasure. I see absolutely no reason for your sister to be upset about something so very trivial. Unless her being upset is for her a convenient reason to dump the guy.
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
Been there before. Not that I ever cared if he did, and made a point to say it many times early on; didn't matter though, he still did it and lied about it often. It made me uncomfortable how it was going on and ultimately played a huge part in me having to leave him.
Contributor: tami tami
Originally posted by Velocity
My sisters boyfriend lied to her about liking porn a few months ago, and now he's saying he's been watching it for a long time.

Would you be upset?

I personally would be, because he lied about something so little.
He was probably embarrassed to tell her he was watching it or maybe he did not want her to get mad...depends on why he lied about it.
Contributor: Nirelan Nirelan
I'd be upset about the lying, not so much the porn watching....
Contributor: shielaray shielaray
Originally posted by Velocity
My sisters boyfriend lied to her about liking porn a few months ago, and now he's saying he's been watching it for a long time.

Would you be upset?

I personally would be, because he lied about something so little.
I don't know why he would have to lie. I guess if he did, I would want to know why he felt that way.
Contributor: Passion plum Passion plum
The lying would upset me in general but I think a lot of guys would lie about it if asked when starting a new relationship.
Contributor: Luca77 Luca77
Depends on the phase of our relationship. Like if it's really casual and we haven't even gotten into romantic things then it's not her or my business yet. So I don't approve of lying but I think it's weird if it's asked too soon in a relationship. If things are getting serious I feel both should be honest and active listeners.
Contributor: mastersonv mastersonv
I would be upset but I wouldn't really be mad about it. I would wonder why he felt the need to keep it from me.
Contributor: nova2014 nova2014
I'd be furious, I feel like as long as he talked to me about it before hand I'd try to be understanding but if he lies, shits gonna hit the fan
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
Yes, it would bother me.
Contributor: gloomybear gloomybear
i would be upset because he lied but i have nothing against porn
Contributor: xxSuzakuxx xxSuzakuxx
Yes because we could be enjoying it together
Contributor: apple4me apple4me
I'd honestly would be a bit more hurt then upset. If my SO lied about something like that, I'd feel like he couldn't trust me. Then again my relationships are usually very open, so I guess I'm just use to share things like that.
Contributor: RedKyuubi RedKyuubi
a bit. its the lying not the porn though
Contributor: mjtheprincess mjtheprincess
Originally posted by Velocity
My sisters boyfriend lied to her about liking porn a few months ago, and now he's saying he's been watching it for a long time.

Would you be upset?

I personally would be, because he lied about something so little.
I would be upset about the lie. Not about the porn! Lying is baddd