I agree with this. I don't think it's okay to lie, really, but when you're in a relationship, and let's say, things are going well, you're really into the other person, and then they say something like, "I hate porn, and it's a total deal breaker for me," you'd probably think, "well, I can't tell her about looking at porn, now. She'll leave, and I love her!" So that's where the lie starts. But perhaps he didn't want her to have so much control over his life that he'd stop watching porn altogether, because that's a personal decision for him to make.
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Often setting unreasonable demands is setting one up to be lied to.
But I'd be more upset about the lie than watching porn, because I watch porn, 99% of men and a large portion of women too watch porn, and I'd love to watch it with him! The lie is the issue, as is the expectation that he isn't allowed to look at it because of her personal preferences and views on pornography. It could very well be a sign of incompatibility. For me, a deal breaker would be the expectation that I not look at porn, because of how my partner feels about it. This is why it's important to be open about yourself with your partner in the beginning and disclose any kind of sexual taste, preference, kink, need, expectation, etc. before these little lies start and then get out of control. Some people don't want their partners viewing porn. Some don't care. But everyone wants their partner to be honest and truthful.