The Six 6's of Female Attraction

Contributor: DiamondKoala DiamondKoala
I was just reading an article, written by a female, describing the six 6's women look for in a man: at least 6 inches below the belt, 6 figure salary, 600 horsepower car, at least 6 feet tall, has a 6 pack, and has been out of a relationship for at least 6 months. I'm just wondering if this is an accurate representation of most women.

How many of these 6's would you consider a necessity for dating a man? Feel free to comment which ones as well.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
None of these is a dealbreaker.
81  (77%)
15  (14%)
8  (8%)
1  (1%)
Must have all 6
Total votes: 105
Poll is closed
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Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
Interesting article! I don't think any of these would be a definite deal breaker for me. The only thing I may consider is how long he has been out of a relationship for.
Contributor: Chirple Chirple
Maybe Six 6's for a shallow twatwaffle.

A terrible secret is that most women are actually like most guys. They're happy if they get a dude at all and he's nice and stuff and doesn't smell like rotten raccoon anuses. And terrible secret again ? Most women can't afford to be that picky - that's like a guy saying he wants 105lb blondes with g-cup boobs and this is "necessary" for most guys. It's crap.

Penis size is something many women, from what I've heard them say personally, don't really care about THAT much. As long as they can feel it and it doesn't hurt - okay. Dicks can be TOO BIG - no one wants their cervix smashed every time you try to bump uglies.

Most people aren't empire building and aren't really going to split hairs over salary as long as you can support yourself and the relationship if it gets serious. Teachers and trash collectors get laid and have wives and stuff, too.

I have no idea about horsepower. Who has time to split that many hairs about something that doesn't matter ?

Who cares that much about height ? F'reel all women aren't trying to selectively breed dudes to make tall babies.

Not everyone wants a dude with a 6-pack. I hate the look, personally.

Relationship status might rightfully be considered, but if you find someone you want to spend time with, I doubt you're going to pull out a calendar.

That wasn't a rant so much as I was just kind of bored. >.>
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
For personally, for me, I'd really like for my fantasy man to be over six foot. It's not a deal breaker, it's just something I'd like. Everything else listed is just silly to me.
Contributor: PeppermintFuntimes PeppermintFuntimes
O_o The only thing that matters is that he has at least an average sized penis, everything else seems shallow. I hate cars, don't care about money, (other than living comfortably) I greatly dislike muscular men, I don't care about height and the relationship thing is silly.

I prefer my men to be nerds, not boring jock or 'average' guy types anyway.
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
Ideally, I like taller men, but if a good, shorter one comes along, I'll take him (and did)!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I think most of this is silly.

However, if I were to ever get into a relationship again, I would require a man who makes a good salary. I like a man who not only takes pride in his work, and is near the top of his field, but a man with a good education is important to me so he can support a family, own a home etc. As well as the fact that I spent a lot of time at home with small children, a partner who makes a good income is necessary for that. When I was dating, way back when I wouldn't date guys who weren't either getting a good education or who didn't already have one (I had an eye opening experience with a Dust Head High School drop out. Never again.) Also, in the days before our current economical problems, a good education was pretty much an insurance of a good income.
Contributor: Ciao. Ciao.
My question would be how many men actually meet all 6 of these criteria.

Of the 6's that can be easily statistically tracked...

Only 30-40% of men have a penis that is 6"+ (average is generally regarded as 5.1-5.9")

Only 25% of [i]households[/i] report income of more than $85,000.

The cheapest 600+ hp car I could find was listed around $90,000.

Average male height is 5'10" in the US so 6' is not that hard to come by, but excludes a good 50% of the population.

Relationships and 6-packs are a little harder to track.

In any case seems pretty shallow and unattainable to me.
Contributor: Nora Nora
I don't know that any are "deal breakers"...but my guy is 6'6 and well over the other measurement as well. As for the 6 figure salary, we do well enough without having that...we own 2 cars and our house so I'm happy.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Chirple
Maybe Six 6's for a shallow twatwaffle.

A terrible secret is that most women are actually like most guys. They're happy if they get a dude at all and he's nice and stuff and doesn't smell like rotten raccoon anuses. And ... more
Heh, that's about what I was going to rant about as well lol.

We have literally one of these, my husband is 6'. Somehow we still turned out to be happy.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
None of those matter to me.

My husband HAD great abs when we first stated dating due to being involved in martial arts, but not so much now that we're getting older and he isn't actively performing tae kwan do.
Contributor: DiamondKoala DiamondKoala
Thanks for the responses. I was wondering about this because it was posted on a male oriented website as an advice piece by a writer for Cosmopolitan. Most men were a bit perturbed to say the least, so I was wondering how the other perspective might look.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
The list is meant to be provocative - and for the most part the replies here prove that it has stimulated 'rebuttals' for the thoughtful real-world women on the Forum.

I'm not surprised but it is heartening to hear how vapid the 6's are.
Contributor: In Between Soliloquies In Between Soliloquies
I like taller men, and I'm not too short myself, so 6 feet is actually quite accurate for my height preference in a mate. But if he's all-around awesome and isn't that tall, I'm not gonna kick him to the curb, either!

I also do prefer decent penis size, and am happy to say that I've ended up pretty lucky with most of my partners. But while I do have size preferences, it would be dumb of me to overlook all the other important qualities in a person just because his junk isn't so big.

The rest of the list is so shallow, and I agree with Gunsmoke that it's meant to be satirical or provocative. But the danger in promoting this sort of thinking is that we trap oursenves in this stereotypical thinking about women and men being from two different planets and coming with some sort of generic user's manual. It's kinda sad.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Chirple
Maybe Six 6's for a shallow twatwaffle.

A terrible secret is that most women are actually like most guys. They're happy if they get a dude at all and he's nice and stuff and doesn't smell like rotten raccoon anuses. And ... more
TWATWAFFLE OMG I can't stop laughing, what a great word.

This is ridiculous and obviously not true.
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
Originally posted by Beck
TWATWAFFLE OMG I can't stop laughing, what a great word.

This is ridiculous and obviously not true.
ROFL IT IS truly great.

My guy doesn't have any of these things, and I love the hell out of him.
Contributor: switzerland switzerland
lol safe to say my man has none of those six
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
Out of this list, the only thing I require are six pack abs. I'm into very muscular men, so that kind of goes without saying.

I DO want a man that is educated and has a good salary, but by no means am I asking for 6 figures a year. It's possible for someone to live off forty thousand a year, if they're not excessive with spending.

I don't need a man with a six inch penis- if he's not packing, it's okay because I don't need to rely on a dick to get off. A man is not defined by his penis size.

Cars are absolutely irrelevant to me; I want to make sure that he has a form of transportation to get around if we don't live in a transit city, but the horsepower or whatever means nothing to me. I couldn't tell you the difference between a Honda or Ferrari if they didn't have their logos listed on them.

I don't care how long he hasn't been in a relationship- if he wants a fulfilling relationship with me, that's all I ask. I'm not going to worry about some time limit.

Since I'm so damned short, all I ask is that he's taller than me. Even if he's only 5' 3" or something. I'm not too discriminate when it comes to height.
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by Ciao.
My question would be how many men actually meet all 6 of these criteria.

Of the 6's that can be easily statistically tracked...

Only 30-40% of men have a penis that is 6"+ (average is generally regarded as ... more
I thought the angle of the article was clever, and that is all it has to be to get people to read it and talk about. I do find your stats very interesting though, and way more realistic.
Contributor: NarcissisticLust NarcissisticLust
Originally posted by DiamondKoala
I was just reading an article, written by a female, describing the six 6's women look for in a man: at least 6 inches below the belt, 6 figure salary, 600 horsepower car, at least 6 feet tall, has a 6 pack, and has been out of a relationship for ... more
I prefer dating tall men, but if a guy was shorter than me I wouldn't ditch him.
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
I've never had fewer than 6" in a male partner. I mean, if I were in love, it's not like I'd dismiss a dude on that basis. But, realistically? 5-6" is generally a minimum for me. I've come to really, really love G-spot stimulation and stimulation of whatever that deeper, yummy spot is called (A? U? XYZ?) All in all, I doubt if I'd ever end up with someone smaller than 6" simply because I've always been able to find wonderful mates that were well endowed. Nothing personal, that's just what does it for me. So let me just be honest on that front.

I won't stick it out long term with someone that doesn't have or isn't working toward a stable career. Six figures is hardly necessary, but you need to have health insurance and a way to consistently pay rent and all of that. Everything else is whatever.
Contributor: FemmeFlo FemmeFlo
The wording on option one is a little strange... I would just have to say that not one of those is necessary for me to date someone. A few of them would be undesirable even, such as the 600 horsepower car. Ugh. I'd rather date a guy who rides a bike. Sexy legs
Contributor: rocker-guy rocker-guy
She was purposely taking a dig.Ironically,if SHE came across a flipped version of this SHE would be the first one whining,moaning and b#tching about what pigs men are,how the society is full of misogyny and the whole nine...go figure.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
Personally, I think most of that is ridiculously silly, shallow, and doesn't amount to much. I definitely do NOT buy into the 6 sixes.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
I have literally never in my entire life cared about a single one of those "requirements".
Contributor: GS500 GS500
what a useless comparison, 600hp car? Even turbo Porsches do not have 600hp. You're more likely to end up with a redneck hillbilly who supercharged his Mustang.
Contributor: Curiouscat Curiouscat
None of these is a 'must'. I just look at the person not all of that.
Contributor: DiamondKoala DiamondKoala
Originally posted by FemmeFlo
The wording on option one is a little strange... I would just have to say that not one of those is necessary for me to date someone. A few of them would be undesirable even, such as the 600 horsepower car. Ugh. I'd rather date a guy who rides a ... more
I did get a little colloquial with the first option, but yes I meant it to suggest that not one of these is a required factor for your dating consideration.
Contributor: Lano4ka Lano4ka
That's not what really matters even though some aspects might play a part