I'm a child of the internet, shy, geeky, clever--and prone to long distance relationships. After all, what better way to meet people than in a place where you can say anything you want without fear of (too much) judgement and where you have access to almost literally the ENTIRE world. The internet gives a whole new meaning to "plenty of fish in the sea."
It got me wondering... How many of you have been in an LDR? Did it work out for you? How did you meet? :)
Featured by EdenFantasys
The Great Big Super Giant "LDR" Poll!
Invited: All users.
Discussion Topics
Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?
(43 posts)
I have been in an LDR and we met...
(18 posts)
I have been in an LDR and we were together for...
(12 posts)
I have been in an LDR and we (broke up/are still together)...
(20 posts)
Most basic question! The rest of the questions are mostly for people who HAVE been in an LDR.
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I'm currently in a 7 year LDR with the greatest guy!! Also this is not 7 years off and on. It's a 7 year closed relationship and we have never broken up.
Yes, I have been in a long distance relationship.
Originally posted by
Most basic question! The rest of the questions are mostly for people who HAVE been in an LDR.
Yes, I have been in a long distance relationship.
Originally posted by
Most basic question! The rest of the questions are mostly for people who HAVE been in an LDR.
Yes, I have been in a long distance relationship..
Originally posted by
Most basic question! The rest of the questions are mostly for people who HAVE been in an LDR.
My sister was in one for five years....across country. She has been married now to that same guy for twenty five years. I guess their relationship worked!
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Most basic question! The rest of the questions are mostly for people who HAVE been in an LDR.
My fiance and I met online, not in a game, and we're still together after 6.5 years.
Yes, I have been in a long distance relationship.
Originally posted by
Most basic question! The rest of the questions are mostly for people who HAVE been in an LDR.
I'm in one now, but it was and should be short distance again within a year
Never have been, don't know that emotionally I could do it. That being said those that can do it and make it work...KUDOS to you
im in one now
Originally posted by
Most basic question! The rest of the questions are mostly for people who HAVE been in an LDR.
It doesn't work well...
I have been in one.
Years ago.
Never been in a long distance relationship
I've never been in an LDR and don't know that I could if I hadn't already been with the person for a very long time prior to it becoming an LDR.
I did a LDR for two years, and I was young and he was young and it was absolutely terrible! I am too touchy and lovey to deal with that little attention! I was good and sweet and honest through the entire thing, but he cheated...I don't think this means all LDRs are bad, they are just hard!
I couldn't figure out what LDR meant, for about two minutes. Haha, I was like, "is she referring to JR Tolkien novels (LOTR)?"
But yes, I have been in a long distance relationship that ended due to the distance.
But yes, I have been in a long distance relationship that ended due to the distance.
I dated a chick in England once didn't last long
I am in one currently though by April next year we should be closer in terms of distance. I was in another very successful one as well with my husband.
Originally posted by
Most basic question! The rest of the questions are mostly for people who HAVE been in an LDR.
no I have never been in a long distance relationship and never will
Did it for 2 years of my current relationship
When I first met my current partner, it was long distance, he lived hundreds of miles away. He moved in almost 4 years ago, we're still together
The only long distance relationship I've been in was when my hubby was away for weeks at a time.
Originally posted by
Most basic question! The rest of the questions are mostly for people who HAVE been in an LDR.
I have been with my current girlfriend since high school. I have never had a long distance relationship.
Yes, I have been in a long distance relationship.
I've never been in a LDR.
I have. We met in college and had to be apart for both summers and a year after graduation. It sucked but we are together now!
yes, it did not work out
ive been in a long distance relationship
Across two states briefly, but that didn't last very long. They never do
Congrats that's rare to see work out so well
Originally posted by
I'm currently in a 7 year LDR with the greatest guy!! Also this is not 7 years off and on. It's a 7 year closed relationship and we have never broken up.
I've been in one and it lasted almost until marriage. It can work!
I've only been with two people in my lifetime-- my best guy friend in high school (up until I "came out") and my current girlfriend. He went to my high school, she goes to the same college as me... I don't seem to venture that far, eh? XD
But a few of my friends were in LDRs during high school. Needless to say, these crashed and burned since they were novice daters in every sense of the term! LDRs and high schoolers don't seem to mix all that well...
But a few of my friends were in LDRs during high school. Needless to say, these crashed and burned since they were novice daters in every sense of the term! LDRs and high schoolers don't seem to mix all that well...
I have been
I've been in one before and I'd be open to doing it again if I really liked the person.
In one right now (2 years, so far), and it's hard sometimes, but it's so rewarding, I think it's silly when people say they can't work out.
I'm currently in one. Although it's only 76ish miles. Its still tough. I couldn't imagine it being a greater distance.
It's pretty terrible... the one I was in was about 1200 miles, so really limited when we could see each other.
Originally posted by
Lilith Bealove
I'm currently in one. Although it's only 76ish miles. Its still tough. I couldn't imagine it being a greater distance.
Sadly, I OH, was in one. One of the worse times of my life. Sheer agony. Needless to say we broke it off. Then few months later met a gal that is now OW.
Some things were just not met to be.
Some things were just not met to be.

I am currently in a ldr. I met him in highschool. We've been together for 10 yrs and married 7 yrs.
It depends on the people. I was in one for about 3 years. While I remained faithful, that wasn't so true of my partner. For some people it works, but the issue is needing a set time table to meet again. If it is just a mystery, then it probably wont work out too well.
Total posts: 43
Unique posters: 42
Tell us how you met! Multiple choice so that you can account for multiple LDRs.
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Oh my god! Who else met someone in an online game?!?! That's where me and my guy met.
My only LDR was with a guy I had already dated for almost a year. We Metin high school, and theni got accepted to a live-in high school on the other side of the state. So I spent pretty much the entirety of two school years living in a dorm four hours away, so we saw each other roughly once a month when I came home for a weekend, on holiday vacations, and in the summer.
I wasn't going to post, but since you asked...
Originally posted by
Oh my god! Who else met someone in an online game?!?! That's where me and my guy met.
MidnightStorm and I met what feels like forever ago on a game. After much flirting and other nefarious behavior, she eventually ended up coming out to my house for 2 short weeks. It's been long distance ever since with the occasional 2-3 month long stays at her house.
We're moving in with eachother at the end of the year, though
( Haha, the Eden emotes are so dorky-cute sometimes! )
Originally posted by
I wasn't going to post, but since you asked...
MidnightStorm and I met what feels like forever ago on a game. After much flirting and other nefarious behavior, she eventually ended up coming out to my house for 2 short weeks. It's been ... more
MidnightStorm and I met what feels like forever ago on a game. After much flirting and other nefarious behavior, she eventually ended up coming out to my house for 2 short weeks. It's been ... more
I wasn't going to post, but since you asked...
MidnightStorm and I met what feels like forever ago on a game. After much flirting and other nefarious behavior, she eventually ended up coming out to my house for 2 short weeks. It's been long distance ever since with the occasional 2-3 month long stays at her house.
We're moving in with eachother at the end of the year, though less
MidnightStorm and I met what feels like forever ago on a game. After much flirting and other nefarious behavior, she eventually ended up coming out to my house for 2 short weeks. It's been long distance ever since with the occasional 2-3 month long stays at her house.
We're moving in with eachother at the end of the year, though less
Now that I think about it, I should've added a last question asking if you had had the chance to move in with one another. Sad! Maybe I'll save it for another day, I suppose.
We met in-person (but the relationship became LDR)
Originally posted by
Tell us how you met! Multiple choice so that you can account for multiple LDRs.
We met in-person (but the relationship became LDR).
Originally posted by
Tell us how you met! Multiple choice so that you can account for multiple LDRs.
Met my partner on IRC, as dated and cliche that may be!
met acouple exs offline
Originally posted by
Tell us how you met! Multiple choice so that you can account for multiple LDRs.
We met in person and it became a long distance thing.
XD at the last answer
we met on tumblr. haha.
Originally posted by
Tell us how you met! Multiple choice so that you can account for multiple LDRs.
We met in real life first.
I met my husband in high school french class and my boyfriend in an online game called Lineage.
Originally posted by
Tell us how you met! Multiple choice so that you can account for multiple LDRs.
Met him on Facebook, but he lived in the same city Then he moved and it turned into an LDR.
I met him on a fetish forums site just over 6 months ago, we fell for each other almost instantly, I flew out to meet him on the other side of the country and stayed with him for a month over the summer, and we've loved each other ever since.
We met in college in person, and had to be apart due to life-stuff.
Meet the person online, in a pretty basic chat room and then we just added each other on yahoo as friends and then became more later on.
Total posts: 18
Unique posters: 17
How long were you together? If you are still in the relationship, just enter the current amount of time you've been together. Again, if you've been in multiple LDRs, you can answer multiple times!
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I voted for 1-2 and 2-5. We were long distance for two years, and together a year before the long distance bit and two years after. Five years total.
We were together for 1-2 years.
Originally posted by
How long were you together? If you are still in the relationship, just enter the current amount of time you've been together. Again, if you've been in multiple LDRs, you can answer multiple times!
We were together for 1-2 years.
Originally posted by
How long were you together? If you are still in the relationship, just enter the current amount of time you've been together. Again, if you've been in multiple LDRs, you can answer multiple times!
im still in one we r getteing marries soon
Originally posted by
How long were you together? If you are still in the relationship, just enter the current amount of time you've been together. Again, if you've been in multiple LDRs, you can answer multiple times!
Goin strong!
I'm surprised these kinds of relationships can last so long
about 6-7 months.
Originally posted by
How long were you together? If you are still in the relationship, just enter the current amount of time you've been together. Again, if you've been in multiple LDRs, you can answer multiple times!
13 years and still going! Yep, the hubby and I met online when I was in high school and we're super happy together
The longest I've had an online relationship was under 6 months, for me not being about to hold, kiss, touch the person was a big issue and eventually it just took on a big emotional toll for me.
a little over 2 years together now, and still workin it out c:
things are hard frequently, but we communicate well and figure out what we need and make it work like A NORMAL RELATIONSHIP.
things are hard frequently, but we communicate well and figure out what we need and make it work like A NORMAL RELATIONSHIP.
I was in a LDR with my ex-gf for a little over a year as I moved a couple states away for work and she stayed in my condo where we met as she was still in school there and had a good full time job that she had just started. It was difficult, and she eventually broke up with me after realizing how happy I was with the new job and that she didn't want to leave the place where she is living currently. She wanted to set me free to find happiness where I had to move for work. We're still close friends, but it's always kind of a regret that we didn't make it work as I would have moved back once I could find a job there. Mind you I am happy here and in a good relationship with a new girlfriend.
Total posts: 12
Unique posters: 12
Did you relationship last? How did it end?
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Tech I ally we broke up a few times, once while we were still long distance because of the distance, once afterwards for various reasons, which should have really been the last time because at that point we split mainly because I was bored with the relationship and didn't feel like he was right for me anymore, but we got back together. We broke up for good almost three years ago. Today would have been our 8 year anniversary, actually. I'm glad it isn't. He just wasn't right for me. It ended on pretty bad terms, though. We were living together and it was just messy. He didn't want me to leave and got really bitchy and mean until I could finally move out because I wouldn't take him back.
We broke up on bad terms.
Originally posted by
Did you relationship last? How did it end?
We broke up on bad terms.
Originally posted by
Did you relationship last? How did it end?
I have had two LDRs -- My first, we broke up after about 2.5 years on somewhat good terms. I still talk to him regularly and we're good friends. We just fell out of love in the romantic sense, I guess. Him before me.
My second, we're still together after about a year.
My second, we're still together after about a year.
I have been (and am currently in) an ongoing LDR that's lasted a bit less than 3 years thus far.
We met on IMVU but soon started texting and chatting on MSN.
We have yet to meet in person, unfortunately, because he lives on the opposite end of the east coast and has a nightmarish schedule at work.
Which means if we wanted to meet, I'd have to go down there and right now that's not a possibility for me.
But aside from the typical frustration with not being able to do normal things like cuddle, spend time together, or have sex, I'm pretty happy with the way it's going.
I just hope within the next year or two we get to finally meet.
We met on IMVU but soon started texting and chatting on MSN.
We have yet to meet in person, unfortunately, because he lives on the opposite end of the east coast and has a nightmarish schedule at work.
Which means if we wanted to meet, I'd have to go down there and right now that's not a possibility for me.
But aside from the typical frustration with not being able to do normal things like cuddle, spend time together, or have sex, I'm pretty happy with the way it's going.
I just hope within the next year or two we get to finally meet.
I'm surprised someone managed to breakup on good terms
I'm currently in a long distance relationship with someone I met online, we've been together almost 8 months. We've met in person twice, once before we were a couple and once 3 months after. We skype a bunch to make up for the lack of seeing each other. It's been hard sometimes... he broke up with me once, which really hurt, but he's apologized saying it was the dumbest thing he's ever done and a bunch of other more personal things. I didn't hesitate at all to take him back.
1st and 2nd options...i always wonder what would happen if we picked up where we left off.
Originally posted by
Did you relationship last? How did it end?
I have been in 2 LDRs. The first was a disaster but my second is currently going very strong.
I've been in 3 and am currently in one, however the distance isn't too bad. Hop on a train, I'm there. She and I met in person at a convention, but we unfortunately live in different states (NJ/NY) so that makes us have some distance between us. BOO. Thank goodness for trains though. We don't see each other as often as we'd like, however.
Two of my LDRs ended okay, we're still friends. My most recent breakup didn't go as I wanted it to. We talk, but it's very...awkward now.
Two of my LDRs ended okay, we're still friends. My most recent breakup didn't go as I wanted it to. We talk, but it's very...awkward now.
Both of my long distance romances are alive and well.
Originally posted by
Did you relationship last? How did it end?
we have been together for going on 10 yrs and still are going strong
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Did you relationship last? How did it end?
We are still together.
Broke up for things out of our control. But we're on amazing terms and would date again if our paths bring us together
Originally posted by
Did you relationship last? How did it end?
We are still together! eventually he moved to my town, which was one of the best days of my life. the LDR sucked and I think the only way I made it through was the promise we would eventually be together!
We met on IMVU by a friend who was trying to set me up. It was awkward at first. The first night he called me I thought I was going to have a heart attack. We left the internet and mostly talked by phone and text. We were together on and off for about a year and a couple months. I broke up with him over the distance and when I regretted my mistake, he had already moved on. We stayed friends for a few years although the fact that we never really ended things right keeps distance between us. We both want to get back together but life doesn't seem to want to work that way for us. We never got to meet in person for he entered the military and has been shipped all over the place. I keep thinking if I hadn't messed things up that we would be together over 5 years now, but you live and learn I guess.
I met my boyfriend through an online game. We'd ran across each other a few times in-game, mainly not getting any further then hi/bye/what's your goal/how's it going. Then he eventually joined the guild I was in, and we got the chance to talk a lot more.
Looking back now, I think the main attraction was we were both lonely and feeling trapped in our separate lives. We found each other both intelligent, funny, sweet but yet sarcastic. We didn't have a lot in common interest wise.
It wasn't the first attraction but the main attraction sexually. At least in speech, interests/desires we were perfectly aligned. So it eventually became phone sex/sexy ims. We got the chance, he came to meet me. We were on the same page if nothing happened, nothing happened so be it.
We hit it off very well sexually as we were both technically virgins at the time. He stayed with me around two weeks before Thanksgiving. We both wanted love in our lives so bad we thought we were in love. He next visited me at my parents house, stayed a week, our relationship seemed even deeper.
We ended up continuing our long distance relationship for several months. We even discussed living together after I graduated college, and me coming out there to find a job where he lived. About a month before I graduated, he broke up with me, stating he no longer loved me, how it was just we were so lonely and the sexual attraction ect. I mainly got the, oh let's just be friends. I was too hurt for a while to talk to him, tried talking to him, we just couldn't talk anymore, it was too awkward and painful.
I think had I lived closer to him, we could do friends with benefits, but long-term relationship/marriage, no. I do realize we are too different overall. I've tried reaching out to him a few times, he won't talk to me. It still hurts, I didn't love him the way he needed me to I assume, and neither did he, me. But I still wish we were on speaking terms-it would be nice to have a male friend in my life.
Looking back now, I think the main attraction was we were both lonely and feeling trapped in our separate lives. We found each other both intelligent, funny, sweet but yet sarcastic. We didn't have a lot in common interest wise.
It wasn't the first attraction but the main attraction sexually. At least in speech, interests/desires we were perfectly aligned. So it eventually became phone sex/sexy ims. We got the chance, he came to meet me. We were on the same page if nothing happened, nothing happened so be it.
We hit it off very well sexually as we were both technically virgins at the time. He stayed with me around two weeks before Thanksgiving. We both wanted love in our lives so bad we thought we were in love. He next visited me at my parents house, stayed a week, our relationship seemed even deeper.
We ended up continuing our long distance relationship for several months. We even discussed living together after I graduated college, and me coming out there to find a job where he lived. About a month before I graduated, he broke up with me, stating he no longer loved me, how it was just we were so lonely and the sexual attraction ect. I mainly got the, oh let's just be friends. I was too hurt for a while to talk to him, tried talking to him, we just couldn't talk anymore, it was too awkward and painful.
I think had I lived closer to him, we could do friends with benefits, but long-term relationship/marriage, no. I do realize we are too different overall. I've tried reaching out to him a few times, he won't talk to me. It still hurts, I didn't love him the way he needed me to I assume, and neither did he, me. But I still wish we were on speaking terms-it would be nice to have a male friend in my life.
I would say we broke up because of things that weren't in our control due to our situation but these things also lead us to have a lot of fights so it ended on a bad note.
Both relationships ended in infidelity. Absence may make the heart grow fonder but proximity definitely makes having sex easier.
Total posts: 20
Unique posters: 20