Being smart is a must. I don't have much patience for dumb guys.
Smart is sexy, extra smart is extra sexy.
I agree with you!
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Intelligence is a major turn on!
I like them to be smart of course! But not cocky about it or thinking they are better than others because of it. He's got to have something going on upstairs and downstairs lol!
Yes. I like intelligent men, even geeky and a walking encyclopedia of absolutely random facts. It keeps me interested, and I like being intellectually challenged.
Intelligence in general I do like, but for some reason I find myself a little...turned on (for lack of a better term) by a man that can write really well.
I guess I just find it kind of sexy. x'D
I guess I just find it kind of sexy. x'D
I don't think smart and educated are the same. I don't care either way as long as they share similar values and political opinions, because I'm way too liberal to deal with a Republican!
I am very attracted to intelligence. When I was working at a gas station, I thought this one regular was very attractive. One day, he came in with this black box with a small tube at the end in his shirt pocket. My co-worker asked what it was. The guy took it out and said, "It's my e-cig." The co-worker mentioned he had never seen one like that. The guy just casually stated, "Oh, I made it myself, just fiddling around." And then I came. Not really, but my attraction to him grew even more.
Wait, why is this only for ladies? Other people like men, too.
But this is my opinion:
Education has nothing to do with intelligence.
But this is my opinion:

Education has nothing to do with intelligence.
Education has always been an important part for me and my family (My Dad, brothers and I have engineering degrees) I find it attractive when a guy has a college education and who can keep up with mine and my families smart ass comments.
Like em smart
I LOVE having a really intelligent guy--I usually need someone I can talk to.
Yes, smart please. I like to be able to have good talks and I like when they know they are good at it, no one like insecure people.
Brains are sexy, sexy, sexy.
not necessarily a formal education but I find knowledge very attractive
You have to be smart. Or one hell of a rich unbelievably good looking
smart but not egotistical
The smarter the better!
I prefer to be able to carry on an intelligent conversation with them.
Intelligence is a turn on for me. My boyfriend is smart when it comes to computers and robotics. Though common sense wise, I know 5 year olds with more common sense. I like how when I ask him something in his expertise he doesn't treat me like I'm stupid, he just explains it to his best ability. He also respects that I know more about science and english than him, though I have no college degree. Though he is no genius, the stupid things he does say make me burst out laughing which is more important than him being super smart.
they have to be educated and actually apply the knowledge they have. be up to date on current events and politics. be actively furthering their knowledge and skills. if a man or woman doesnt fit this, then forget it.
Originally posted by
Do you like your men educated? Not in a sexual way (well, maybe... lol!) but as far as general knowledge and education.
One of my "must haves" while I was dating was that my man had to have an education or be in the process of getting one. My own father is a college professor, and I'm an educated woman. I needed a man who had a love of learning and a good background to master whatever he wanted to be his life's work.
I got what I wanted. My Man has degrees in his chosen field and has a good well rounded education, as well. (Not as well rounded as my Liberal Arts education from a Jesuit University (they make sure you have learned virtually everything under the sun!) but he's well educated. My only wish is that he would read more.)
I got what I wanted. My Man has degrees in his chosen field and has a good well rounded education, as well. (Not as well rounded as my Liberal Arts education from a Jesuit University (they make sure you have learned virtually everything under the sun!) but he's well educated. My only wish is that he would read more.)
One of the most attractive features about my husband is his intelligence and ability to have an intelligent conversation on just about any subject. He isn't a snob about it though which is great.
In a relationship, I need someone who is at least as intelligent & educated as I am. But beyond that, I need someone who is bright, inquisitive and a quick thinker! Otherwise, I would begin to loose respect for him(her) and I need to respect my partner.
I like smart men, but not men who think they know everything.
I put other just because I like them somewhere in the middle. I want a guy who can carry on a conversation, but I don't want to have to keep notes to understand what he's talking about. I have dated extremely smart men (where the entire conversation was about him and his buddies trying to confirm time travel) and I've dated extremely dumb guys (when I have to explain things on the menu, it's not gonna be good). I would say I like my guys street smart rather than book smart, since I'm book smart, but not very street smart.
Smart is good, but common sense and street smarts are more important to me.
Originally posted by
Do you like your men educated? Not in a sexual way (well, maybe... lol!) but as far as general knowledge and education.
I don't really care for smarts, actually my husband had to have a lot of help in school really, but in his field of work and what not, he's one of the smarter ones, and that's saying something (considering the people he works with are idiots to the core). Common sense is always a good thing to have, and he's got it.
Thats what attracted me to my man, along with his sense of humor and good looks.